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Ministerio de Educación Instituto América Depto. de Inglés Royer Pérez 11º I Marta Rebolledo 2011.

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1 Ministerio de Educación Instituto América Depto. de Inglés Royer Pérez 11º I Marta Rebolledo 2011

2 For hundreds of thousands of years, the only means of transportation of mankind was his legs. Our brains grew, we developed a language and technology to reach the air-conditioned car, audio equipment and GPS. When early humans migrated from Africa, made ​​ out of necessity. Today when we went for a drive, do it for pleasure.


4 Rowing is a blade that is inserted into the water and acts as a lever with a fulcrum on the rail. Applying a force on one end is used the resistance of water to produce the slip of the ship. The paddle boats have been used primarily as a means of transport in ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and ancient Egypt. This canoe is made from an empty tree trunk. In the more advanced there is a special way to the bow to make it more manageable and fast.

5 In the late Middle Ages, the use of oars for propulsion began to give way to the exclusive use of candles, especially in vessels built in the north of Europe to sail the Atlantic Ocean. The Mediterranean nations, especially Italy, continued to build galleys and even in 1571 the Christian fleet defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto was composed especially for this type of craft.

6 Of course as time went on, the boats have evolved so much in their models, designs, construction methods and technology course, and today we say that there are many classifications we can give the ships considering the fact the number of types that exist today. These classifications are made from size where there are two different types: the smaller vessels that have a long up and larger vessels that are characterized by a much greater length above.


8 Animal traction has been used for transport, to cultivate land and produce crops for centuries. Thus the animal energy has contributed to economic and cultural development of man from before the invention of the wheel. Currently, in many regions of the world, despite the development of agricultural mechanization in the last century, the animals continue to supply a large proportion of the energy used in agriculture.

9 The attempt to obtain a driving force to replace the horses back to the seventeenth century. The history of the automobile through the three phases of the great motive power of steam, electricity and gasoline. In 1896 he ran through Detroit's first car with a gasoline engine driven by its builder, Henry Ford. He was convinced that America would need, with its huge distances and rapidly growing wealth, unlimited amounts of cars.

10 The commuter rail: The rail rapid transit technology (subway or underground) passenger trains uses ranging from rails (rails) and run at high speeds in tunnels, elevated structures, or exclusive use lanes that are separated to avoid interference with traffic. It uses high-performance trains reaching speeds of 120 to 130 km / h and can carry up to 40,000 passengers an hour in one direction, the Madrid Metro carries one million passengers a day, or put another way, the turnstiles recorded a million steps a day.

11 Today we can find models of cars of all shapes and sizes and many specifications such as electric, gas and gasoline.


13 From the first balloon flight in 1783 manned hot air balloons have been used mostly for pleasure, but were used in various military operations during the First World War. The balloons are in the skies of summer, when the visibility is high and the smooth flight.

14 The Berliner helicopter was probably the first machine that made ​​ a controlled flight using motor rotors. The distance was only about 90 m and a height of 4.6 m, but the helicopter pilot moved at will, Henry Berliner. The invention of the rotor blade flapping, articulated for autogyro, the Spanish Juan de la Cierva, made ​​ possible the development of useful helicopters.

15 The plane is one of the largest air transport as it can be used to carry both people and goods. Of course that is still used more complex as the jets and also other daily use helicopters as current searches or just for fun tourist

16 All these changes in the air, sea and land have shown the acculturation of the human race as we evolved in a surprising way and so will these changes. Well, now, note that we still use some transports of ancient cultures and that to keep civilization opting out, but does not mean they do not evolve in the matter, but adapted to the demands of today's world.


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