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American Democratic Culture. Romanticism in America Industry and ambition were dominant themes in American society in the 1830-1850s Industry and ambition.

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Presentation on theme: "American Democratic Culture. Romanticism in America Industry and ambition were dominant themes in American society in the 1830-1850s Industry and ambition."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Democratic Culture

2 Romanticism in America Industry and ambition were dominant themes in American society in the 1830-1850s Industry and ambition were dominant themes in American society in the 1830-1850s People were looking for something different People were looking for something different –Interest in nature –Interest in Native Americans –Drew on instinct & feelings rather than intelligence –Jacksonian democracy played into this Self-confidence Self-confidence Glorification of the ordinary “Cool to be Common” Glorification of the ordinary “Cool to be Common”

3 America Needed a Cultural Identity After the War of 1812, America gained confidence as a nation politically, economically, & militarily After the War of 1812, America gained confidence as a nation politically, economically, & militarily –However, American cultural expression was in the process of developing America had a distinct culture, sort of a wilderness feel, romantic America had a distinct culture, sort of a wilderness feel, romantic

4 Transcendentalists To live a spiritual life you must transcend the five senses and live by emotion and intuition…feelings rather than facts. To live a spiritual life you must transcend the five senses and live by emotion and intuition…feelings rather than facts. –Emerson Industrial society bothered him.. made people focus only on work and did not allow them to live their lives. Industrial society bothered him.. made people focus only on work and did not allow them to live their lives. Walk in the woods is the only religion one needs Walk in the woods is the only religion one needs People should be self-reliant.. so the less government we have the better. Very democratic People should be self-reliant.. so the less government we have the better. Very democratic –Thoreau Wrote Walden Pond – withdrew from society for two years, wrote about experience Wrote Walden Pond – withdrew from society for two years, wrote about experience Resistance to Civil Government – don’t obey unjust laws Resistance to Civil Government – don’t obey unjust laws Everyone should have a voice, but democracy is dangerous if everyone thinks the same way… concerned that robotic lifestyles would do this to people. Everyone should have a voice, but democracy is dangerous if everyone thinks the same way… concerned that robotic lifestyles would do this to people. –Painters: Cole, Durand

5 Traditionalists Believed America was becoming disconnected from its past. No antiquity to America like there was in Europe. We need to remember our roots. Believed America was becoming disconnected from its past. No antiquity to America like there was in Europe. We need to remember our roots. Washington Irving – Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip van Winkle Washington Irving – Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip van Winkle –Wrote about the Dutch in New York James F Cooper – finance & banking had no heart, Wrote Last of the Mohicans, The Deerslayer James F Cooper – finance & banking had no heart, Wrote Last of the Mohicans, The Deerslayer –writes about heroic America –romanticized life in the wilderness

6 The Democrats – Art for the common man Walt Whitman – poet Walt Whitman – poet –A common man –wrote about down to earth topics –He could use common language poetically –Made him very popular George Bingham – painted the common man George Bingham – painted the common man

7 The Skeptics These guys lived tough lives and it came out in their writings. These guys lived tough lives and it came out in their writings. –Poe Orphaned at three Orphaned at three Haunted by melancholy and hallucinations Haunted by melancholy and hallucinations One of the earliest detective & science fiction novelists One of the earliest detective & science fiction novelists –Hawthorne Had Puritan sensibilities and believed one must work for salvation Had Puritan sensibilities and believed one must work for salvation wrote Scarlet Letter - 1850 wrote Scarlet Letter - 1850 –Melville Moby Dick Moby Dick America is Ahab, pursuing ambition and it’s breaking the country apart. America is Ahab, pursuing ambition and it’s breaking the country apart.

8 Portrait Artists


10 Charles Wilson Peale Portrait of Thomas Jefferson Portrait of Thomas Jefferson Helped establish the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Helped establish the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts


12 Gilbert Stuart Portrait of George Washington Portrait of George Washington Most technically accomplished early American painter Most technically accomplished early American painter Has a Roman feel – the Republic Has a Roman feel – the Republic

13 Hudson River School Romantic landscapes


15 Thomas Cole Romantic landscapes Romantic landscapes


17 Asher B. Durand Painted landscapes Painted landscapes Hudson River School Hudson River School

18 Impressionists Early Impressionists did not follow standard approaches to painting like portrait artists Early Impressionists did not follow standard approaches to painting like portrait artists –They used free brushed strokes rather than detailed lines –They tended to paint outside their studios and on location –Used colors


20 Mary Cassatt Portrait painting Portrait painting impressionist impressionist


22 Frederic Remington Western genre Western genre When you think of Remington - Think horses When you think of Remington - Think horses


24 Winslow Homer Water colors Water colors Impressionism Impressionism Painted water scenes Painted water scenes


26 James Whistler American Realism American Realism


28 Matt Brady Photography Photography Civil War realist Civil War realist Portraits as well Portraits as well

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