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Open House Room 135 August 16, 2010 Molding Our Students to be Accepting, Insightful, and Compassionate.

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Presentation on theme: "Open House Room 135 August 16, 2010 Molding Our Students to be Accepting, Insightful, and Compassionate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House Room 135 August 16, 2010 Molding Our Students to be Accepting, Insightful, and Compassionate

2 Agenda Welcome—Mrs.Cardone Introductions—Mrs. Cardone PowerPoint—Mrs.Cardone & Mrs. Crossland Intake—Mrs. Anderson, Mrs.Cardone, Mrs. Crossland, Mrs. Thursby Building Tour—Self-guided

3 The Schnee Administrative Staff Welcomes You... Mrs. Cardone Executive Director Mrs. Crossland Student Services Specialist

4 Schnee Teachers Welcome You! Mr. Sims Mr. Staley Mrs. Hedges Miss Langer Mr. Smith Ms. Krisch Mrs. DiSalvo Mr. Pichichero

5 Mr. Redmond Mrs. Dougherty Mrs. Bednar Mrs. Thursby Ms. Alderson Mrs. Cariño Mrs. Anderson Mr. ScottMr. Becker Schnee Support Staff Welcomes You... Mrs. Stevenson

6 We Care We Dare We Share “Environment where students are willing and supported to take risks...”

7 What is a public conversion community school? When a school district converts a building and or a program to community (charter) status. This releases the school from many of the state mandates and allows for the educational plan to be better tailored to the students' needs. Schnee Learning Center is an open- enrollment school Tier 1 school that is sponsored by the Cuyahoga Falls School District.

8 What are some benefits of Schnee Learning Center? Students work at their own level pace when working Plato Labs and during a shorter school day. The shorter day allows students to adjust their schedules for work purposes. There is no homework. Students may qualify to participate in extra curricular activities within the Cuyahoga Falls City School District. Students who graduate from Schnee Learning Center receive a high school diploma.



11 STUDENT HANDBOOK Introduction/Mission Statement Admission Information Student/Parent Responsibilities Academics School Facilities Safety Policy & Procedure for Parents Work Permit Signature Page—must be signed by end of first week!!!!

12 Enrollment Procedure Complete an Intake Form after presentation –If already completed, go to Mrs.Crossland’s table Pick up Enrollment Packet tonight Return completed Enrollment Packet (including fees) between August 18, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Withdraw from current school. Orientation on August 24, 2010, from 9 to 12:30. Call Mrs. Crossland at 330.922.1966, Ext. 502848 or email at if you have

13 Required before first day

14 DO Tonight

15 Parent/Guardian Commitment/Support Attend at least one parent conference during the school year. Attend at least one Parent Connection (parent support) meeting during the school year. Support the Schnee staff in their decision- making insofar as academic and/or behavioral issues. Work with Schnee staff as a team to assure academic, personal, and professional growth of my child. Encourage my child to be accountable to abide by the Schnee Handbook policies. Enforce good attendance habits by adhering to the attendance policy as stated in the handbook. Be aware and supportive of any Intervention Action Plan created for your child. Give at least a 24-hour notice of cancellation of any meeting you are required to attend. To fulfill my responsibility as a parent/guardian for the success of my child entering Schnee Learning Center, I will agree to the following: Student Handbook

16 Student Responsibilities

17 Attendance, p. 7 Be on time!!

18 Dress Code Neat & clean Good taste Bare Shoulders or midriff No: Hats, headbands, studded jewelry, droops, short shorts or skirts, pj’s, no references to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illegal substances, or anti-social behaviors Navels, clevage, undergarments

19 Academics Grading Additional Learning 5.125 hours per week Conferences 11/02/10 02/10/11 Graduation Requirements: English 4 Social Studies 3 Math 3 Science 3 Health ½ Physical Ed. ½ Electives 7 Total 21 Progress Reports Additional Learning 5.125 hours per week Additional Learning 5.125 hours per week TABE Testing


21 School Facilities No!!! = Field Trip Privileges Parking Pass before/after school or breaks in Room 137 orListen to radio or TV Yes!!!


23 Schnee Learning Center Class of 2007

24 Thank you for attending... Questions??? 2010- 2011

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