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You need a pencil.  Progress Reports go out tomorrow.  You have today only to make up any work before it will show up as a 0 on your progress report.

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Presentation on theme: "You need a pencil.  Progress Reports go out tomorrow.  You have today only to make up any work before it will show up as a 0 on your progress report."— Presentation transcript:

1 You need a pencil

2  Progress Reports go out tomorrow.  You have today only to make up any work before it will show up as a 0 on your progress report.  Quiz tomorrow  Test Thursday

3  George Washington  Thomas Jefferson  John Adams  James Madison  Andrew Jackson  James K Polk Embargo Act 1807 War of 1812 Mexican American War Whiskey Rebellion Alien and Sedition Act Tariff of Abomination

4  Match up the picture to the name  Then match up the saying to the name


6  This woman was a forerunner to future movements that would eventually bring about women’s suffrage. She tried to push her husband, a president, to get more rights for women.


8  This man’s invention helped increase the need for slave’s in the South.


10  This man’s creation of the Dictionary helped create a distinctly “American” language.


12  Was one of the leaders of the Transcendentalist movement who believed individuals should follow their own path and was critical of conformity.


14  Was one of the leaders of the Transcendentalist movement who was known for his book Walden which reflects on simple living and being one with nature.


16  Was the first US author to win international praise and would influence future writers with stories like Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.


18  Invented the Horror Genre


20  In his book, The Scarlet Letter, he depicted life in Puritan New England.


22  was a women born into slavery and illiterate, she became well-known and respected for her eloquent and charismatic speaking.


24  was a key figure in the women’s rights movement who gave passionate speeches for why women should have the right to vote.

25 Video

26  were members of a prominent slaveholding family in South Carolina who became abolitionists and won national acclaim for their passionate anti- slavery speeches.


28  was a famous black abolitionist who write, Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World.


30  was a leader of the Second Great Awakening.


32  was an advocate for both prison reform and the rights of the mentally disabled.


34  was an influential American educator who advocated the education of both men and women through public schools.


36  Helped organize the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls and demanded that woman be given the right to vote.


38  Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton she helped organize the first women’s rights convention and is considered the first “feminist” in America.

39  Video Video

40  This author depicted life on the American frontier and tackle the issue of white settlement on Native American lands.


42  Praised the young nation’s political system and called the United States a land of opportunity.


44  His invention of the steel plow allowed farmers to plow and grow crops in areas out west that would have otherwise been considered unfit for farming.


46  Invented the telegraph which allowed Americans to communicate across the country via a special code.


48  His invention of the reaper made it easier and faster to harvest wheat.


50  Invented the steam powered boat.


52  was a white abolitionist who founded an influential, anti-slavery newspaper called The Liberator.


54  educated himself and became the most prominent African-American speaker for the abolition of slavery.

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