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Attendance. What is the definition of “Attendance” Attendance is the act or of attending (being present at) work. Also, attendance is used to define the.

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Presentation on theme: "Attendance. What is the definition of “Attendance” Attendance is the act or of attending (being present at) work. Also, attendance is used to define the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attendance

2 What is the definition of “Attendance” Attendance is the act or of attending (being present at) work. Also, attendance is used to define the number of persons present on a particular day at work. An attendance policy provides the guidelines and expectations for employee attendance at work as defined, written, disseminated, and implemented by an organization.

3 What do you consider to be “Good” or “Acceptable” Attendance? How many days a year do you think you should be allowed to miss work? How often do you think is acceptable to be late or tardy to work? How do you think a supervisor feels about an associate with poor attendance? How do you think poor attendance affects promotions, transfers, teamwork?

4 Managers thoughts on Good Attendance One of the best traits an employee could have in any company is their dependability and the main factor in being dependable is good attendance. It's as simple as the question, "How can a company depend on someone who isn't at work?“ A lot of managers would probably say that they'd rather have someone who is performing average and who is always present at work than someone who really excels at what he/she does but is absent every week. Another important thing to remember about attendance is the importance of learning. There could be lots of updates that are going on especially if your line of business is fast-paced. If an employee isn't constantly at work, he/she may not be able to catch up with updates and it could very well affect the quality of his/her work.


6 What is the purpose of an attendance policy? The goal of this attendance policy is to reward good attendance and eliminate the employment of people with poor attendance.

7 Perdue’s Attendance Policy Regular work attendance is expected Regular attendance related to work performance Poor attendance hurts Perdue and your team or department Perdue’s Policy is “No-Fault” attendance policy as with most other companies. –Objective & non-discriminatory –Based on unexcused absences & tardiness –Gives “credit” for perfect attendance

8 Attendance Points System –All “unexcused” absences get a point –Perdue’s Point system allows up to 5 unexcused absences—(Termination on 6 th point) –One point is removed every 28 calendar days of “perfect attendance” –Disciplinary actions begin at 3 points –Six Months of Perfect attendance earns a “Credit Reserve” point –Up to 2 Credit Reserve Points may be earned

9 Excused Absences (No Points) –Documented Family & Medical Leaves –Death in the immediate family –Jury duty –Military Leave –Approved Leave of Absences –Worker’s Compensation Disability Leave –Admission to Hospital as in-patient –Scheduled days off

10 Unexcused Absences –Any absence which does not fall under “excused absences”

11 How to Have Good Work Attendance Having a good work attendance record is actually quite easy. Make sure that you arrive on time for your scheduled workday. Have a strong work ethic that includes dedication and punctuality. It is best that you show up about fifteen to twenty minutes early, before your shift, so that you can get other things out of the way. Things like checking your email or phone messages, speaking to co- workers, or even going to the restroom. To make sure that you are on time, be sure to go to bed at a certain hour and wake up at a certain time. It's usually a good idea to wake up an hour or more before you are due to arrive at work. Arriving to work early also allows you to get other non work related business out of the way during those early moments.

12 Thoughts on Teamwork “Together Everyone Achieves More” “Many Hands Make Light Work” “Poor Attendance is not working with the Team but Against the Team” “There is no ‘I’ in Teamwork” “Working Together WORKS” “A Chain is only as Strong as its Weakest Link”

13 Do you want to be part of the 80% that can be counted on and rewarded for your hardwork, or do you want to be on the 20% that is hanging on to their job by a thread and is not considered to be part of the TEAM?

14 TEAM- “Together Everyone Achieves More”


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