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Moderator : Lily Chang 2007 10/8. Africa Case study-Darfur Outline: 1. Background 2. Conflict introduction 3. Bloc position 4. Current situation 5. Question.

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1 Moderator : Lily Chang 2007 10/8

2 Africa

3 Case study-Darfur Outline: 1. Background 2. Conflict introduction 3. Bloc position 4. Current situation 5. Question

4 Background Sudan ★ Biggest country in Africa ★ Oil resources ★ Religion ★ British Colony (1956) ★ Political turbulence ---South independent movement North 伊斯蘭教的阿拉伯人 South 基督教及傳統信仰的黑人 process : civil war (form 1962 to 1972) autonomous 1983 Jaafar Nimeiri enacted Sharia( 伊斯蘭律法 ) the war broke up again SPLA( 蘇丹人民解放軍 )

5 Background Darfur ★ History : once an independent kingdom ★ Separatism or self government ★ Religion: Muslim ★ Conflict origins: 務農為主的黑人 V.S. 靠遊牧為生的阿拉伯人 fight for political rights and economic resources

6 Conflict introduction ★ Marginalization and discrimination ★ SLM---Sudanese Liberation Army JEM---Justice and Equality Movement ★ 武裝騎兵隊 Janjaweed ★ 400,000 people killed 2 million displaced ★ Refugee fled to Chad ★ Genocide? ---UN action : oil sanction and no-fly zone

7 Bloc Position ★ UN(SC) ★ AU ★ USA and UK ★ China/Russia ★ Sudan

8 Current Situation ★ Tripoli ( 的黎波里 ) Talks Oct 27 2007 ★ Khalil Ibrahim (JEM) ★ unite SLM splinter fractions ★ Three sides without UN and AU ◆ previous peace talks in May 2006 SLM leader Minni Minawi --- Darfur peace agreement Abdul Wahid Elnur---civil following

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