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OpenSG Closing Plenary Knoxville February, 2012. UCAIug IPR Policy UCAIug Public or Private Documents may or may not contain the information included.

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Presentation on theme: "OpenSG Closing Plenary Knoxville February, 2012. UCAIug IPR Policy UCAIug Public or Private Documents may or may not contain the information included."— Presentation transcript:

1 OpenSG Closing Plenary Knoxville February, 2012

2 UCAIug IPR Policy UCAIug Public or Private Documents may or may not contain the information included in the IPR Disclosure Form. Any Sharing of any Contribution during any UCAIug Activity shall be deemed to have occurred on a non-confidential basis. No valid copyright, trade secret or patent right shall be deemed to have been waived by such Sharing Any Contributor who knows that IPR is or may be included in his Contribution to UCAIug Document must disclose such IPR UCAIug was not formed for and is unable to verify the validity of any IPR and that all such information is being provided “AS IS”.

3 Opening Comments 83 attendees Perfect attendance, no no-shows I will need to collect people’s badges as they arrive at lunch for the drawing. Please let me know when in the presentation you want me to be ready with the box of names, and who will be doing the drawing of the name badge. 83 attendees Perfect attendance, no no-shows I will need to collect people’s badges as they arrive at lunch for the drawing. Please let me know when in the presentation you want me to be ready with the box of names, and who will be doing the drawing of the name badge. Some presentations have been uploaded, Others will be uploaded as we get them from the chairs. 83 attendees Perfect attendance, no no-shows Great participation! Thanks to ALL!! Make sure Belinda has your badges, if you did not give them to her already. They will be used for the IPad 3 Drawing. 83 attendees Perfect attendance, no no-shows I will need to collect people’s badges as they arrive at lunch for the drawing. Please let me know when in the presentation you want me to be ready with the box of names, and who will be doing the drawing of the name badge.

4 Agenda Opening SG Communications SG Conformity SG Simulations SG Security SG Systems Feedback Next Meeting Total Registration for this meeting = ???

5 SG Communications Key accomplishments – SG-Network meetings System requirements specification working sessions Joint meeting with PAP 2 (Wireless standards for Smart Grid) – OpenFAN meeting Scoping and work product discussions Next steps – SG-Network has weekly calls on Mondays 4-5pm eastern

6 SG Conformity Key accomplishments – Agreement (in principle) for UCAIug support of creation of ITCA program ready for GreeenButton testing June 2012 – Discussions of using external Conformance Body with ITCA – Discussion of adaptations of IPRMv2 for OSG needs – AMI conformance testing to coordinate with OpenMUG Next steps – Assist OpenADE with requirements document to UCA – Work with UCAIug testing subcommittee to develop ITCA – Begin discussion thread on AMI testing program

7 SG Simulations Key accomplishments – Made progress on structure of Simulation Platform Architecture and Requirements (PAR) document – Increased participation and commitment (to author doc sections) – Very productive joint session with SG Network on co-simulation Vendor (EDX) presentation on PHY layer modeling Good discussion of real-world utility requirements Agreement to collaborate on comms section of PAR document Next steps – Keep driving Sims PAR doc structure and content – Launch and sustain a new co-simulation work effort – Increase frequency of WG calls to fortnightly (from 1x/month)

8 SG Security – Key Accomplishments Examination of technical approaches – State machine analysis – CERT Resilience Management Model – Vulnerability handling and disclosure Review of progress on key documents – Secure Device Profile Section assignments and volunteer needs – Distribution Automation Security Profile Review of comments received during ratification vote – Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, & Control (Synchrophasor) Security Profile Completion of review and recommendation by Usability Analysis Task Force – Substation Automation Security Profile Review of proposed abstract communications architecture and security principles – Demand-Response Security Profile (OpenADR) Identification of outstanding tasks for completion Discussion of technical questions

9 SG Security – Next Steps Documents – Secure Device Profile Solicit volunteers, get the work done – Distribution Automation Security Profile Propose minor modifications to address comments – Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, & Control (Synchrophasor) Security Profile Call for Working Group review and consideration of a vote – Substation Automation Security Profile First full draft anticipated in April – Demand-Response Security Profile (OpenADR) Solicit team to complete control-use case mapping Next webinar – Monday, March 12, 3-4pm EDT

10 SG Systems Key accomplishments – AMI-Ent Consensus on AMI-Enterprise 2.0 scope – OpenADR Performed planning for next steps Worked on SEP harmonization Met with OpenSG Security group and finalized plan for completing OpenADR security profile – EIM TF Updated charter – more actionable Clarified distinctions between generic EIM and how it applied to the SG Created a roadmap for EIM Framework Updated EIM Requirements Specification Articulated how EIM supports analytics, but does not in itself perform analytics Achieved agreement on how to work with SGIP Semantic Working Party

11 SG Systems Next steps – AMI-Enterprise Call for participation; weekly meetings to begin Announcements coming via Sharepoint and listserv – OpenADR Complete OpenADR security profile – OpenHAN Develop charter and recruit members to restart OpenHAN – EIM TF Continue making progress in biweekly meetings Develop activity diagrams for semantic management, information services, and data movement Continue to advance the EIM Requirements Specification Collaborate with SGIP SGAC Semantic Working Party

12 Edge/Enterprise Conformity Key accomplishments Discussion about support of OpenADE Discussion about Conformance Assessment w.r.t. SG-Network SRS Next steps – Re-instate regular calls particularly for status reporting (fortnightly Wednesday 1pm Eastern) – Focus on support for OpenADE for establishing test plan and ITCA formation in UCAIug

13 Future Meeting Dates June 25 - 29, Chicago, IL ?? October 22-26, Waikoloa, HI Summit (with CIMug and IEC 61850 [Attempting to get HECO as sponsor] Note: These are tentative dates. Please do not plan travel until you receive a registration notice.


15 Thank you! Safe return!

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