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Hybrid Maize Research Consortium B. S. Vivek Awareness/StartUp Meeting 19 March 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Hybrid Maize Research Consortium B. S. Vivek Awareness/StartUp Meeting 19 March 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hybrid Maize Research Consortium B. S. Vivek Awareness/StartUp Meeting 19 March 2010

2 Welcome  37 seed companies  47 participants + CIMMYT  Mostly Indian companies  Please fill out the registration form in as much detail and return it by the end of the day  2 sides to the registration form

3 Introductions  Who is NOT in the seed maize business?  Who is in the seed maize business ONLY?  Who does NOT have a maize breeding program?  Who amongst you is a  multi-national company?  regional company?  national company?  Who considers yourself to be  A “big” seed company  A “medium” seed company  A “small” seed company

4 Objective  Establish a partnership with seed companies  CONSORTIUM

5 Expectations From The Day  Introduction to CIMMYT maize research activities, including a field visit  Consortium: the concept and a proposal for activities and functioning  Outline the needs and interests of seed companies  Brainstorm and prioritize research topics for partnership  Outline the mode of operation of the consortium  Agree on a date for the next meeting

6 CIMMYT’s Mission  Maize and Wheat  Resource poor farmers in developing countries  Foundation: strong science and effective partnerships  Deliver  food security  improved productivity and profitability of farming systems  Sustain natural resources

7 The CIMMYT Network  CIMMYT is a non-profit research and training center  Direct links to about 100 developing countries through offices in Asia, Africa, and Latin America  Global Maize Program: Located in Mexico, Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, India, Nepal, Bangladesh  CIMMYT’s 2009 budget: USD 51 million

8 Portfolio of CIMMYT’s Research Agenda Stress Tolerant Maize  Drought tolerant maize  Tolerance to acidic and low fertility soils  Tolerance to water logging  Tolerance to heat stress  Striga resistance  Disease and insect resistance Food and income security Adjust to climate change Food safety Environmental concerns Nutritional & Specialty Maize  Micronutrient-enriched maize  Quality protein maize (QPM)  Multi-purpose and specialty maize Nutrition, Health Income

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