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COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland WP 3: User involvement Mick Donegan – ACE Centre

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Presentation on theme: "COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland WP 3: User involvement Mick Donegan – ACE Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 COGAIN Kick-Off 5.-6.9.2004 Tampere, Finland WP 3: User involvement Mick Donegan – ACE Centre

2 Objectives  Ensure user centred design Spread latest information via network Long-term support and training

3 Tasks 1/2  T3.1 Identify needs of user groups Involve both users and organisations in all activities… …design, development, evaluation  T3.2 Provide information, training and long-term support To users and organisations Provide information to enable well-informed choice to meet individual needs  T3.3 Usability studies – qualitative and quantitative Recruit volunteers for controlled tests Recruit volunteers for long-term evaluation

4 Deliverables  D3.1 User requirements report (month 6)  Including ‘observations on difficulties’  D3.2 Report on features of different systems and development needs (month 18)  D3.2 Reports from user tests and usability studies (month 18)

5 Milestones  M3.1 Agreed list of tasks & criteria shared across network (month 6)  M3.2 Information and training package of eye communication systems and organisations involved (month 15)

6 Estimated Involvement (first 18 months) Partner Months UTA4,5Uni of Tampere ITU2Uni of Copenhagen BH0,5Bispebjerg Hospital RISOE1,5Risoe National Laboratory TU DRESDEN0,5Technische Universitaet Dresden POLITO1,5Politechnico de Turino SU1Siauliu Universtitaes Tobii1,5Tobii Technology ACE4,3ACE Centre UoD0,5Uni of Derby DMU2,5De Montfort Uni

7 Current Status  ACE Centre has identified a number of users prepared to participate varying disabilities  ACE Centre ready to invite a range of relevant UK organisations to be involved e.g., charities & hospital Units

8 WP3 is different…  Involvement of users with disabilities  Multi-professional involvement  Need for good communication across all Cogain partners  Need to capitalize on this opportunity to establish those lines of communication…

9 examples of tasks related to WP:3…  Establish user membership- ie. Users who will be involved over short or long term  Establish organization membership – relevant organizations from different countries  Assess and equip users  Train and support user membership  Identify needs of users and organizations  Report to other partners - user requirements  Help co-ordinate user representation in Cogain meetings  Provide information to users and organisations  Carry out usability studies – qualitative and quantitative  Liaise with other partners - user response to hardware/software modifications  etc…

10 To Do ASAP – re WP3 members  Establish good lines of communication between all WP3 members.  Agree on potential roles/responsibilities of WP3 members in relation to: time funded/logistical issues (eg. travel, equipment, etc.) Current/potential involvement with users Current responsibilities/interests/ research/ experience

11 To agree now - Communication between WP:3 members  There is an urgent deliverable in 6 months. What is the best way for WP3 members to communicate, initially? Videoconference? Telephone conference? Email?  Does a ‘discussion document’ procedure suit WP3 members? Could WP3 members give me a key contact email address today, please?

12 To discuss - all  Aim - We want to produce a User Requirements Document that is of practical help to all Cogain members.  Question – What do you want from the ‘user requirements’ document?

13 To Discuss (all) - User Requirements Document I need to capitalize on the collective experience of Cogain members in relation to user involvement…  How many Cogain partners have direct experience of working with users with disabilities?  If so, could you pass on any relevant information

14 To Discuss – User Requirements Document - all I need to have as comprehensive an awareness of the currently available technology as possible that is relevant to WP3…  Which of you are working with eye- control (and similar) systems? commercially available laboratory/trial systems  If so, could you send me any information relating to the source/ efficacy systems you are using?

15 ACE Centre  Anything else you’d like to discuss?  Contact person for this WP: Mick Donegan  Email address:

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