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Main task  Space plasma physics with emphasis on magnetospheres or planetary wakes  Based on data analysis preferentially from missions flying IWF instruments:

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Presentation on theme: "Main task  Space plasma physics with emphasis on magnetospheres or planetary wakes  Based on data analysis preferentially from missions flying IWF instruments:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Main task  Space plasma physics with emphasis on magnetospheres or planetary wakes  Based on data analysis preferentially from missions flying IWF instruments: e.g., Cluster, THEMIS, VEX Main research topics 1.Space plasma processes  Current sheet, reconnection, waves, ballooning instability 2.Dynamics of magnetosphere and SW-M-I coupling processes  Plasma jets and their interaction with ambient fields  Comparative magnetospheres Refereed publications (since Jan 2013)  Total: 51 (first author: 14) Educational activities (since Jan 2013)  Master thesis: 1  Lecturing at University of Graz, teaching at Graz University of Technology and Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt für Wirtschaft und Technik Space Plasma Physics: Magnetospheres IWF/ÖAW1

2 Lead:R. Nakamura Members  Staff: M. Andriopoulou, M. Delva, E. Panov, F. Plaschke, M. Volwerk, T. Zhang, (S. Kiehas, D. Korovinsky, W. Teh left) (Collab. staff: P. Boakes, M. Khodachenko, C. Möstl, Y. Sasunov, Z. Vörös)  Students:PhD: A. Alexandrova, D. Schmid; Master: R. Teubenbacher Cooperation within IWF  Plasma turbulence, Cluster analysis (Narita et al.)  Instrument/Mission plan for MMS, BepiColombo, JUICE (Jeszenszky/ Magnes/Steller et al.)  Cometary science with Rosetta (Kömle et al.)  Research plan for solar system space weather (Lammer et al.) Key international collaboration China: CAS; Germany: TU Braunschweig; Japan: JAXA, Tokyo Inst. Tech.; Russia: St. Petersburg Univ., IKI/RAS; USA: UCLA, UNH Who are we? IWF/ÖAW2

3 Earth’s magnetosphere  Dynamics of current sheets  Plasma jet interaction with ambient fields  Kinetic processes in reconnection region and thin current sheet  Ionospheric responses Plasma environment at Venus, Mars & Comet  Ion pick-up, low frequency waves, magnetosheath turbulence  Induced magnetosphere, “magnetotail”, flux ropes Comparison with model & simulations  Reconnection, current sheet models  Instabilities: Kelvin-Helmholtz, interchange, double-gradient Space Plasma Laboratories IWF/ÖAW3 2007- 2001-2006 Cluster THEMIS

4  High-speed (super-Alfvénic/magneto- sonic) jets in the subsolar magneto- sheath impact Earth’s magnetopause with higher pressure  ionospheric effects expected  Magnetic field structures associated with different types of high-speed flow events are obtained using different analysis methods Plasma Jet Structures IWF/ÖAW4  Localized plasma jets play significant roles in magnetosphere dynamics (Plaschke et al., 2013) (Kiehas et al., 2013) (Teh et al., 2013)

5 Change in normal component (Bz) of current sheet around substorm onset  More in POSTER (E. Panov) IWF/ÖAW5 Near-Earth Magnetotail Current Sheet Dipolarization front & flow bouncing:  Multiple fronts with different scales before flow-bouncing  Near-Earth current sheet disturbances are multi-scale in time and space (Nakamura et al., 2013) (Petrukovich et al., 2013) Oscillatory flow braking:  Observed profile recovered in MHD models  more in Poster (Panov)

6 August 2014: arrival of Rosetta at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko  Plasma physics with RPC: Rosetta Plasma Consortium  Preparation study for detecting cometary plasma processes:  For different outgassing rates amplitude of water-group ion cyclotron (IC) waves in the undisturbed solar wind  Minimum level for detecting IC waves is examined using Pioneer 10 near Jupiter  Giotto flyby at 27P/Grigg–Skjellerup is used to estimate occurrence of IC waves IWF/ÖAW6 Cometary Plasma Physics  Cyclotron waves during Rosetta approach phase will provide indication of the outgassing rate of the comet (Volwerk et al., 2013) Lower limit from SW 0.1 nT amplitude

7  Electron physics are main target in Magnetospheric Multi-Scale (MMS)  Magnetotail reconnection region with Cluster: highly structured, small normal component  New method developed to determine spin-axis offset from electron drift instrument (EDI) and applied to Cluster data  Magnetic field measurement accuracy of 0.1nT during entire orbit achieved Preparation for Electron-Scale Studies IWF/ÖAW7  Highly structured current sheet near X-line (reconnection region)  Accuracy of 0.1 nT at MMS  X-line structures can be determined within few 10s km resolution in magnetotail (Wang et al., 2014)

8 Space plasma laboratory, Multi-scale approach (MMS, THEMIS, Cluster):  Thin current sheets: reconnection instabilities in near- Earth tail and magnetopause  Plasma jets and their interaction with ambient plasma in the magnetotail and in the magnetosheath  Comparison with model/theory Comprehensive research of induced “magnetospheres” at 67P/C-G, Mars, Venus (Rosetta, MAVEN, VEX):  Ion-pickup, mirror-mode waves, bow shock, diamagnetic cavity, current sheets  Dusty and partially-ionized plasmas in current sheets Planetary Space Weather (Cluster, THEMIS, MMS, RBSP, SWARM, STEREO, VEX, MEX, Cassini):  Responses to extreme solar events, storms/substorms  Comparative magnetotails/wakes Future Plans: 2015-2018 IWF/ÖAW8

9 Weekly Space Plasma Physics Seminar IWF/ÖAW9 Attendees of the Space Plasma Physics Seminar (25 April 2014)  Members of the Space Plasma Physics Groups (magnetospheres & heliosphere) get together with collaborators (from different teams) & guests every Friday for an informal seminar

10 Doz. Dr. Rumi Nakamura Career Summary 1990-1991Research Associate, National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan 1991-1993Research Associate, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA 1993-1998Assistant Professor, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan 1998-2001Senior Scientist, Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany since 2001Group Leader, Institut für Weltraumforschung, ÖAW, Austria since 2010Lecturer, Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria Publications Refereed Articles: 265(First Author: 38) Citations in SCI:5706(Hirsch Index: 39) Research Interests  Space plasma physics, based on data analysis from satellites and ground-based measurements Recognition 2005Woman Researcher of the Month, Ministry for Transport, Innovation & Technology, Austria 2005Tanakadate Award, Society of Geomagnetism & Earth, Planetary & Space Sciences, Japan 2008Corresponding Member, International Academy of Astronautics 2011 Full Member, International Academy of Astronautics 2014 Julius-Bartels Medal, European Geophysical Union Editorial/Advisory Boards 2007-2009Associate Editor, Geophysical Research Letters 2007-2013Editor, Annales Geophysicae 2008-2012Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research 2011- International Space Science Institute, Science Committee

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