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Water and the Community By Victoria, Deanna, and Ashley.

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1 Water and the Community By Victoria, Deanna, and Ashley

2 Goals Individual: Providing students with a basic background of resource preservation and the tools necessary to extend this knowledge into the global community. Society: We wish to build a society that utilizes its resources wisely and protects them for future generations.

3 Our students should… Understand: Why is water important? Where does our water come from? Are humans the only creatures that utilize water? Is all water the same/ is it all usable? Build confidence through group discussion and hands-on activities Connect life and education

4 Classroom Orientation Location: Pescadero, Ca Summer Program ~20 8 th grade students (13-14 years old)

5 Teacher Roles Teacher as a guide/facilitator (provide options to the individual) Encourage discussion and reflection Teacher as a learner (learn from student presentation) Teacher not the possessor of knowledge Role may be limited because in larger classes, the time would limit discussions

6 Evidence of learning Evaluations: students create a portfolio of all of their work during the curriculum and the teacher evaluates the effort Class presentations are evaluated by peers who comment on what was done well and what could be improved For society to use its resources wisely the individual must know how to use the resources wisely.

7 Assumptions Assumes that students entering the program are going to leave their community at some point and be able to use the knowledge they gained in their own community in whatever place they leave to. Assuming the individual learns through activities Students have the desire to engage in learning and plan to attend college Students are willing to learn and try new things

8 Outcomes At the end of the curriculum, we hope students understand the importance of water in the community and world as a whole

9 Day 1 8:30-8:40 arrive, morning announcements, stretch/icebreaker 8:40-10:10 Resource discussion: Class first, groups second 30 mins. each 10:10-10:25 Break 10:25-10:55 video and discussion (Video is 20 discussion is 10) 10:55-11:55 Water basin activity 11:55-12:55 Lunch 12:55-1:10 SSR: Silent Sustained Reading 1:10-3:00 Aquarium Demonstration 3:00-3:30 personal journal reflection

10 Day 2 8:30-8:40 arrive and morning announcements 8:40-9:45 drive to the City of Santa Cruz Desalinization Plant 10:00-10:45 tour of Desalinization Plant 10:45-11:00 drive to Long Marine 11:00-12:15 eat lunch and explore the tidepools 12:15-12:45 regroup/ refocus 12:45-2:15 explore Seymour Discovery Center At the Seymour Discovery Center the students will be able to learn more about the oceans and the creatures that live in them. 2:15-3:20 return to Pescadero

11 Day 3 8:30-8:40 arrive, morning announcements, and stretches/icebreaker 8:40-10:00 students pick a topic of interest and go to the school computer/library to research chosen topic (topic must relate to water and what they have been learning). 10:00-10:10 Break 10:10-11:30 Research paper/project 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30-1:15 Presentation to class of what they have researched/learned so far 1:15- 1:45 Water use in the home discussion 1:45-2:30 Brainstorm how we can conserve water in the home 2:30-3:30 Journal Reflection/Discussion: The students write about and discuss what water topics interested them the most and the most important thing they have learned in this unit

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