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What Makes a Leader? Dr. Mona Bhatia Khandwala College, Mumbai.

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes a Leader? Dr. Mona Bhatia Khandwala College, Mumbai."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes a Leader? Dr. Mona Bhatia Khandwala College, Mumbai

2 What Makes a Leader? O Most effective leaders are alike in a crucial way: O They all have a high degree of emotional intelligence

3 Emotional Intelligence Technical Skills IQ

4 Components of Emotional Intelligence Self - Awareness Self – Regulation Motivation EmpathySocial Skill

5 I. Self-Awareness DefinitionHallmark The ability to recognise and understand your moods, emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others. Self – confidence Realistic self- assessment Self-deprecating sense of humor Being honest with self and others

6 II. Self-Regulation DefinitionHallmark The ability to control or redirect impulses and moods Trustworthiness and integrity Comfort with ambiguity Openness to change Find ways to channel emotions in useful ways

7 III. Motivation DefinitionHallmark A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status Strong drive to achieve Optimism, even in the face of failure Organizational commitment Passion for work itself, forever raising the performance bar

8 IV. Empathy DefinitionHallmark The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people Expertise in building and retaining talent Cross-cultural sensitivity Service to clients and customers Consider employees feelings in the process of making intelligent decisions

9 V. Social Skill DefinitionHallmark Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks Effectiveness in leading change Persuasiveness Expertise in building and leading teams Moving people in the direction you desire

10 Evaluating Emotional Intelligence 2: Emotional Intelligence 1: Technical Skills 1 Cognitive Skills

11 Evaluating Emotional Intelligence O Emotional intelligence plays an increasingly important role at the highest level of company.

12 Evaluating Emotional Intelligence O David McClelland, 1996 – He found that when the senior managers had emotional intelligence, their division outperformed yearly earnings goals by 20% and vice versa.

13 Conclusion O IQ and technical ability are important for leadership. However it is incomplete without emotional intelligence. O Emotional Intelligence is something that leaders need to have in today's times. O Benefits of having emotional intelligence is huge for the individual and organization.


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