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Lab meeting IDS 박성은 2009.9.19. Copyright  2008 by CEBT 진행사항   정보과학회 논문 작성   정보과학회 논문 작성 및 제출  석사신입생 전공기초시험 ( 금요일 )

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Presentation on theme: "Lab meeting IDS 박성은 2009.9.19. Copyright  2008 by CEBT 진행사항   정보과학회 논문 작성   정보과학회 논문 작성 및 제출  석사신입생 전공기초시험 ( 금요일 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab meeting IDS 박성은 2009.9.19

2 Copyright  2008 by CEBT 진행사항   정보과학회 논문 작성   정보과학회 논문 작성 및 제출  석사신입생 전공기초시험 ( 금요일 )

3 Copyright  2008 by CEBT Alpha Epsilon  대상 : biological and agricultural engineers  가입비 : $10.00  간단한 역사 : 1959 년 University of of Missouri 에서 6 개의 챕터로 창립.  지원방안 : 챕터에서 후보자를 뽑아서 email 로 보내면, 적절한 후보자에게 invitation 을 보내고, 이를 승인하면 됨  목표 : 인류에 유익한 기술의 향상을 위한 agricultural engineering 의 진흥을 촉진하고 이를 탐구하는 자질있는 인재들을 인정해주기 위함.  챕터수 : 28 개  자격  Membership is based upon scholarship, leadership, and character.  (a) Honorary members shall be selected on the basis of successful achievements in Agricultural Engineering.  (b) Active members shall be undergraduate and graduate engineering students enrolled in the academic department i n which the Chapter resides. Juniors : minimum cumulative scholastic rank in the upper quarter of the college class Seniors : minimum cumulative scholastic rank in the upper third of the college class Graduate students : the completion of at least seven semester hours (ten quarter hours) of graduate course work wi th a minimum grade point average equivalent to 3.25 on a 4.00-point scale.  (C) Alumni members : (1) have been active members of the chapter, (2) attained at lead a baccalaureate degree (3) and have left the institution where initiated into the Society.

4 Copyright  2008 by CEBT Alpha Epsilon  특권  honor society for outstanding agricultural engineers  The Annual Convention 참여 ( 각 chapter 당 한 명 )  Chapter Awards for the best chapter of a year. 개최한 chapter meeting 수, officer meeting 수, 교육, 서비스 활동, 계획의 적극성여부 Epsilon Beta Chapter(Oklahoma State University) 매주 목요일 기금마련을 위한 “Engineers’ Breakfast” 를 하고, 이 기금으로 우수한 학생에 게 Underclassman Excellence Award 와 Distinguished Service Award 를 수여. Illinois Delta Chapter(University of Illinois) : Small social gatherings 대체로 전체네트워크를 통한 활발한 활동은 없고 각 학교별로 Christmas party 나 생일파티, professor luncheon 등 사교활동 위주로 이루어짐

5 Copyright  2008 by CEBT Alpha Epsilon   University of Illinois  University of Wisconsin, Madison  Cornell University   University of Minnesota  Iowa State University  University of Maryland  Oregon State University  Michigan State University  Colorado State University  North Carolina State University  University of Arizona

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