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MASPLAS 2007 Panel Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Faculty Positions at Academic Research Institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "MASPLAS 2007 Panel Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Faculty Positions at Academic Research Institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASPLAS 2007 Panel Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Faculty Positions at Academic Research Institutions

2 MASPLAS 2007 My Job Responsibilities Teaching Classroom—two classes/year, one must be UG Individual—independent studies (UG, MS, PhD), advising (MS, PhD), mentoring (UG, MS, PhD) Research Guiding (mostly) graduate students Securing funding from government, industry Reporting results (conferences, journals, talks) Service Internal—department, college, institute External—boards, conference, diversity Rewards Teaching Working with students Research Helping students become successful researchers Helping industries solve problems using my research Seeing my research have impact Service Helping to increase diversity in computing

3 MASPLAS 2007 A Day In My Life (when not traveling) 4:30-6am—exercise (if not sleeping in), get ready 6-6:30am—arrive at school 6:30-10:30am—plan day, research, other tasks 10:30-12:00pm—student meetings 12:00-1:30pm—lunch—a seminar or meeting (3 days/week) 1:30-5:30pm—classes or student meetings 5:30-6:45—service meetings

4 MASPLAS 2007 A Day In My Life (when not traveling) Classes: T-Th, 2 classes, each 1hr 20 min + 4 hours prep + 5 office hours  15 hours/week Student meetings: 1 hour per student, postdoc, research scientist + 3 group meetings, prep  20 hours/week Research group meetings: ARG, SPARC—3 hours/week CS service: FRC, Roles, CAC, faculty meetings, mentoring, misc  8 hours/week Institute service: ADVANCE, etc. 2 hours/week Outside service: CRA-W, FSE 08, reviewing, CRA, NCWIT, etc.  8 hours/week Other: Securing funding, talking to companies, etc.  5 hours/week

5 MASPLAS 2007 Preparing for My Job Do excellent research—top priority Select important topic, and develop good solution Present in conferences, network, etc. Become an excellent communicator—both oral and written Develop a set of goals for graduate school, and participate only in those activities that get you to your goal—say “NO” to everything else Organize your day by scheduling around your most productive time Develop good time-management skills—this will benefit you later Learn to manage e-mail Have a life outside of work

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