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Hapeville Charter Career Academy Ford PAS Follow up session May 31, 2011.

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2 Hapeville Charter Career Academy Ford PAS Follow up session May 31, 2011

3 The Right Family


5 Another professional development workshop? 5

6 Workshop Goals Explore techniques to build students’ skills in critical thinking, problem solving, communication and teamwork. Begin the process of building a Ford PAS Learning Community. Reflect on teaching practices and share classroom experiences. Develop strategies for implementation and collaboration.

7 Workshop Goals Explore ways to integrate Academic and CTAE standards More hands on activities to use in the classroom and in the learning community Explore modules and assessments Have Fun!!

8 Ford PAS Professional Development Focus on curriculum, with emphasis on teaching strategies Learning Pillars: 21st Century Skills Application of academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork Communication Creativity and Innovation Global Awareness Teaching Pillars: 21st Century Pedagogy Academically rigorous Integration of academic and career-related knowledge and skills Inquiry-based Project-based Real-world (authentic) Performance-based Technology-rich Career-relevant 11

9 Protocol Resources Why use protocols? 1.To promote participation 2.To ensure equity 3.To build trust

10 Pillar Talk Learning Pillars: 21st Century Skills Application of academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork Communication Creativity and Innovation Global Awareness Teaching Pillars: 21st Century Pedagogy Academically rigorous Integration of academic and career-related knowledge and skills Inquiry-based Project-based Real-world (authentic) Performance-based Technology-rich Career-relevant 11


12 Community Agreements How do we agree to interact with one another today? 3

13 A Word or Two About Community Agreements Become aware of things/conditions you need to do your best work. Note times/things that are said/done that affect your needs—that challenge your ability to learn in the context of our group. Try to figure out the implicit norms of the group.

14 Community Agreements Show up – choose to be present Pay attention – to heart and meaning Tell the truth – without blame or judgment Be open to outcome – not attached to outcome Get what you need What agreements would you like to add?

15 Ford PAS Professional Development Focus on curriculum, with emphasis on teaching strategies Learning Pillars: 21st Century Skills Application of academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork Communication Creativity and Innovation Global Awareness Teaching Pillars: 21st Century Pedagogy Academically rigorous Integration of academic and career-related knowledge and skills Inquiry-based Project-based Real-world (authentic) Performance-based Technology-rich Career-relevant 11

16 Ford PAS Professional Development Collaborative with multiple opportunities for sharing and ongoing dialogue 12

17 Ford PAS Professional Development Reflective practice Active learning and teacher inquiry 13

18 Ford PAS Professional Development Meaningful uses of artifacts and cases Classroom Video Student Work 14

19 Brag and Drag

20 Debrief Protocol 1.What did you learn? 2.So what is it good for? 3.Now what are you going to do?

21 Break Time

22 Activity 4, “Failure to Communicate,” from the module Reverse Engineering

23 A Failure to Communicate Create instructions and illustrations to precisely communicate the process for assembling a product Critique and improve process instructions to increase their ease of use

24 Have you ever bought something that needed to be assembled before you could use it? If so, were you able to follow the instructions to assemble it? Why or why not? If not, think of a time when you were involved in a situation where communication failed or there was a misunderstanding.

25 If You Build It... As a team, use your LEGOS (at least 20) to create an original structure. Create a detailed (technical, if possible) drawing of your structure on a separate paper. (Another group, who will use instructions you write to re-create your structure, will use this drawing to check if they built the structure correctly.) Take a photo of your structure for your records

26 If You Build It... Record, in detail, how your structure was assembled Create a set of instructions that will enable another team to build your structure Once you are finished with your instructions, you will be directed to trade instructions and LEGOS with another team

27 Trade and Build Assemble the other team’s LEGO kit using their instructions.

28 Think about the following questions while you assemble the kit: Are the specific parts easy to find? If not, how could the kit be improved? Are the instructions/drawings clear? If not, what would help make them clearer? Is the sequence of steps understandable? How does the kit manufacturer indicate the sequence? How could it be improved?

29 Think about the following questions while you assemble the kit: Are any of the instructions particularly helpful in assembling the model? If so, what are they? How easy or difficult was the model to assemble? What features of the model do you think made it easy or difficult to assemble?

30 When your team is finished, compare your structure with the other team’s detailed drawing. Were you able to assemble it correctly? What features of the instructions made them particularly easy to use? What features were not particularly helpful? How could the kit’s instructions have been improved?

31 Questions for Reflection What skills and ways of thinking did you use as students in the engineering activity? As students, what made this activity engaging? What skills/teaching strategies did you observe? What was the role of the teacher? How wold you characterize the teaching that took place in this activity?

32 Pillar Talk Learning Pillars: 21st Century Skills Application of academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork Communication Creativity and Innovation Global Awareness Teaching Pillars: 21st Century Pedagogy Academically rigorous Integration of academic and career-related knowledge and skills Inquiry-based Project-based Real-world (authentic) Performance-based Technology-rich Career-relevant 11


34 Wealth of Nations Module 13 Activity 3

35 Learning Goals Analyze standard of living indicators in order to predict the presence of a skilled workforce. Explain how skill development relates to standard of living and productivity. Use demographic data to explain the effect of population trends on the workforce.

36 Module 13 The Wealth of Nations Activity 1-Creating Wealth Activity 2-Measuring economic Well-Being Activity 3-The Human Factor

37 Clean Water Tech Clean Water Tech is a successful manufacturing and distributor of water filtration and disinfection technologies. Clean Water Tech believes they can relieve hardships of people living in water stressed regions. They are concerned about the feasibility of successfully opening and running production facilities abroad. Your job is to analyze the data given and make a recommendation to Clean Water Tech on which particular country would be a good location to which to expand its business

38 Vocabulary Assets GDP per capita Human Capital Productivity Standard of Living

39 Procedures We will conduct two rounds of the Standards of Living Comparison: country Profiles (RM- 3.1) After each round record data about each country on the Standard of Living Comparison: Notes (RM 3.2) Then record your reccomendation that you would make to Clean Water Tech about the country that would be the best one to relocate their company.

40 Questions for Consideration Which round provided information that influenced you the most? How do the human factors you examined relate to the standard of living? How do these factors reflect the economic well being of a country? What did the country narratives tell you about GDP per capita and the actual standard of living?

41 Questions for Consideration What if anything does the data provided show about the distribution of wealth within a country? What are the limitations of using per capita income as a sole measure of standard of living? You made decisions based on your perception of these countries standard of living. How would this information help you make recommendations to Clean Water Tech. Why would information about standard of living be relevant to a business wishing to locate to another country?

42 Countries Being Considered A - Russia B - China C - India D - South Africa E - Mexico F - Brazil

43 Debrief What specific skills did the students use? Which academic courses? How could the activity be made more current?

44 Pillar Talk Learning Pillars: 21st Century Skills Application of academic knowledge and skills Critical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork Communication Creativity and Innovation Global Awareness Teaching Pillars: 21st Century Pedagogy Academically rigorous Integration of academic and career-related knowledge and skills Inquiry-based Project-based Real-world (authentic) Performance-based Technology-rich Career-relevant 11

45 Are We There yet?

46 Closing Moves…… Are we there yet? It all depends on where there is.

47 Have a great summer!!


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