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March Madness Another M.B. Alluisi Production Copyright Norfolk Public Schools, 2006 Animations from

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2 March Madness Another M.B. Alluisi Production Copyright Norfolk Public Schools, 2006 Animations from

3 Directions For each question you get correct you get 2 points. For each incorrect answer that you select, the computer gets 1 point. Your goal is to beat the computer’s score. Lets get started!

4 What river forms international boundaries between the United States and its neighbors? Mississippi Ohio Rio Grande Columbia

5 Correct! 2 points

6 In which of the following ways do rivers and lakes contribute to the economy of the interior Lowlands? They provide large deposits of petroleum. They are a means of transportation for barge freight. They collect runoff water and carry it to the oceans. They provide large amounts of salt to sell at the markets.

7 Correct! 2 points

8 What do you use to understand the symbols, lines and colors on a map? Compass rose Scale Legend or key Colors

9 Correct! 2 points

10 Which of the following are geographic features on a physical map? Plain, valley, lowland, basin, range City, town, neighborhood Natural gas, oil, coal, nuclear power, electricity Economy, government, population

11 Correct! 2 points

12 A compass rose is used to show direction on a map. explain the symbols on a map. measure distance on a map. indicate political boundaries on a map.

13 Correct! 2 points

14 The American Indians (First Americans) migrated from Asia to North America across the Atlantic Ocean. Indian Ocean. Bering Strait. Isthmus of Panama.

15 Correct! 2 points

16 The American Indians (First Americans) migrated to North American because they were searching for new farmland. following herds of migrating animals. looking for gold and silver. seeking religious freedom.

17 Correct! 2 points

18 The Kwakiutls of the Pacific Northwest Coast grew corn, beans, and squash for food. depended on buffalo for food and shelter. fished and lived in plank houses. raised sheep and lived in hogans.

19 Correct! 2 points

20 The American Indians (First Americans) of North America were alike in that they all spoke the same language. ate the same foods. had the same religious practices. believed no one could own land.

21 Correct! 2 points

22 In the 1500s, what changed the way of life for American Indians (First Americans)? Climate changes Arrival of Eurpoeans. Wars between nations Lack of food

23 Correct! 2 points

24 Which peoples wore clothing of sealskin? Plains people Pueblo Inuit Iroquois

25 Correct! 2 points

26 By sailing west, Columbus hoped to discover North America.find the fountain of youth. discover a new source of lumber. reach Asia.

27 Correct! 2 points

28 The first Europeans to explore North America were the Vikings.Spanish. Portuguese.Italians

29 Correct! 2 points

30 To convert American Indians (First Americans) to Christianity, the Catholic Church established viceroyalties.missions. haciendas.plantations.

31 Correct! 2 points

32 Which of the following was not part of the Columbian Exchange? SlavesPlants AnimalsDiseases

33 Correct! 2 points

34 What was not a European goal during the Age of Exploration? The expansion of empires and power The increase in wealth and improved balance of trade The development of large cities The desire to spread Christianity

35 Correct! 2 points

36 Why did so many explorers look for a Northwest Passage? It would shorten the return trip from the Americas to Europe. They hoped it was the route leading to the golden cities in North America. It was a major trade route that stretched from Lima to Mexico City. They thought it was a direct water route to Asia through North America.

37 Correct! 2 points

38 Why did the slave trade increase in the 1500s? The sugar plantations came to depend on slave labor. Wars in Africa made Africans flee to America. Europeans needed goods, such as textiles, ironware, wine and guns. The African kinds wanted to rid their kingdoms of captives.

39 Correct! 2 points

40 How did John Smith help the Jamestown settlement survive? He introduced tobacco. He married Pocahontas. He demanded more supplies from England. He made the settlers work by denying them food if they refused.

41 Correct! 2 points

42 The Virginia House of Burgesses and The Mayflower Compact were important steps toward increased trade. religious freedom.increased profits. self-government.

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44 That’s not correct! Computer gets a point. Click to Try Again

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