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1 Hubble Space Telescope Cutaway. 2 Hubble Space Telescope Field of View WFC3 ACS STIS COS FGS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Hubble Space Telescope Cutaway. 2 Hubble Space Telescope Field of View WFC3 ACS STIS COS FGS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Hubble Space Telescope Cutaway

2 2 Hubble Space Telescope Field of View WFC3 ACS STIS COS FGS

3 3 HST: WFC3

4 4


6 6 HST: NICMOS Dewar

7 7 HST: ACS

8 8


10 10 HST: STIS

11 11 Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC IRS MIPS

12 12 Spitzer Space Telescope: IRAC

13 13 Spitzer Space Telescope: IRS

14 14 Spitzer Space Telescope: MIPS

15 15 Chandra Space Telescope ACIS HRC Spectral modes Advanced Charged Couple Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS): Ten CCD chips in 2 arrays provide imaging and spectroscopy; imaging resolution is 0.5 arcsec over the energy range 0.2 - 10 keV; sensitivity: 4x10 -15 ergs/cm 2 /sec in 10 5 s High Resolution Camera (HRC): Uses large field-of-view mircro-channel plates to make X-ray images: ang. resolution < 0.5 arcsec over field-of-view 31x31 arc0min; time resolution: 16 micro-sec sensitivity: 4x10 -15 ergs/cm 2 /sec in 10 5 s High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG): To be inserted into focused X-ray beam; provides spectral resolution of 60-1000 over energy range 0.4 - 10 keV Low Energy Transmission Grating (LETG): To be inserted into focused X-ray beam; provides spectral resolution of 40-2000 over the energy range 0.09 - 3 keV

16 16 Chandra Space Telescope: ACIS Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)

17 17 Chandra Space Telescope: HRC

18 18 Chandra Space Telescope: Spectroscopy High Resolution Spectrometers - HETGS and LETGS These are transmision gratings –low energy: 0.08 to 2 keV –high energy: 0.4 to 10 keV (high and medium resolution) Groove spacings are a few hundred nm.

19 19 Gemini (North)

20 20 Gemini (South)


22 22 JWST: NIRCAM Nyquist-sampled imaging at 2 and 4 microns -- short wavelength sampling is 0.0317"/pixel and long wavelength sampling is 0.0648"/pixel 2.2'x4.4' FOV for one wavelength provided by two identical imaging modules, two wavelength regions are observable simultaneously via dichroic beam splitters.

23 23 JWST: NIRSPEC 1-5 um; R=100, 1000, 3000 3.4x3.4 arcminute field Uses a MEMS shutter for the slit

24 24 JWST: MIRI 5-27 micron, imager and medium resolution spectrograph (MRS) MIRI imager: broad and narrow-band imaging, phase-mask coronagraphy, Lyot coronagraphy, and prism low-resolution (R ~ 100) slit spectroscopy from 5 to 10 micron. MIRI will use a single 1024 x 1024 pixels Si:As sensor chip assembly. The imager will be diffraction limited at 7 microns with a pixel scale of ~0.11 arcsec and a field of view of 79 x 113 arcsec. MRS: simultaneous spectral and spatial data using four integral field units, implemented as four simultaneous fields of view, ranging from 3.7 x 3.7 arcsec to 7.7 x 7.7 arcsec with increasing wavelength, with pixel sizes ranging from 0.2 to 0.65 arcsec. The spectroscopy has a resolution of R~3000 over the 5-27 micron wavelength range. The spectrograph uses two 1024 x 1024 pixels Si:As sensor chip assemblies.


26 NIRSPEC/Keck Optical Layout Side View

27 NIRSPEC/Keck Optical Layout Top View

28 28 Large CCD Mosaics

29 29 LSST Has a Big Camera

30 30 LSST Has a Big Focal Plane Guide Sensors (8 locations) Wavefront Sensors (4 locations) 3.5 degree Field of View (634 mm diameter)

31 31 History of Infrared Light Detection Herschel’s detection of IR from Sun in 1800 Johnson’s IR photometry of stars (PbS) mid 60’s Neugebauer & Leighton: 2um Sky Survey (PbS), late 60’s Development of bolometer (Low) late 60’s Development of InSb (mainly military) early 70’s IRAS 1983 Arrays (InSb, HgCdTe, Si:As IBCs) mid-80’s NICMOS, 2MASS, IRTF, UKIRT, KAO, common-user instruments, Gemini, etc. JWST and the search for cosmic origins

32 32 Detector Size

33 Applications Imaging (single photon counting) 33 Figures Courtesy of Don Hall (University of Hawaii)

34 34 Fermi Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST)


36 36 Gamma Ray Detection Airshowers It is possible to detect gamma rays by the presence of their by- products produced in Earth’s atmosphere. Ground-based gamma ray telescopes actually detect Cherenkov radiation emitted by high energy particles produced through the interaction of the gamma rays and atmospheric particles.

37 37 Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) CSO has a 10.4m primary dish. SHARCII has 350, 450, 850um passbands, 12x32, 2.6x1amin field. Dry nights lead to better sensitivity

38 38 Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) SOFIA has 2.5m mirror. It has a variety of instruments (see below) covering optical to FIR. HAWK is being upgraded with new detectors and polarimeters.

39 39 Herschel The Herschel telescope is a Cassegrain design with a 3.5m primary. The three scientific instruments are: –HIFI (Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared), a very high resolution heterodyne spectrometer –PACS (Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer) - an imaging photometer and medium resolution grating spectrometer –SPIRE (Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver) - an imaging photometer and an imaging Fourier transform spectrometer Covers 60-670 um.

40 40 Planck The Planck telescope has an off- axis 1.5m primary. The scientific instruments are: –LFI (Low Frequency Instrument), a High Electron Mobility Transistor based radio receiver. –HFI (High Frequency Instrument), a bolometer based imaging array Covers 300um to 1.2cm.

41 41 ALMA The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Covers 300um to a few cm

42 42 Radio Telescope Components Reflector(s) Feed horn(s) Low-noise amplifier Filter Downconverter IF Amplifier Spectrometer

43 43 Antenna Fundamentals An antenna is a device for converting electromagnetic radiation into electrical currents or vice-versa, depending on whether it is being used for receiving or for transmitting. In radio astronomy, antennas are used for receiving. The antenna receiver usually receives radiation from a dish, but it doesn’t have to. For instance, the Long Wavelength Array (LWA) that has ~10 4 dipoles. At a wavelength of 15m, the dipoles have ~10 6 m 2 of effective collecting area, where collecting area goes as wavelength squared, divided by 4 pi.

44 44 Very Large Array (VLA)

45 45 VLA Main Features 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration fifty miles west of Socorro, New Mexico each antenna is 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter data from the antennas are combined electronically to give the resolution of an antenna 36km (22 miles) across sensitivity equal to that of a single dish 130 meters (422 feet) in diameter four configurations: –A array, with a maximum antenna separation of 36 km; –B array -- 10 km; –C array -- 3.6 km; and –D array -- 1 km.

46 46 VLA Receivers Receivers Available at the VLA 4 BandP BandL BandC BandX BandU BandK BandQ Band Frequency (GHz)0.073-0.07450.30-0.341.34-1.734.5-5.08.0-8.814.4-15.422-2440-50 Wavelength (cm)400902063.621.30.7 Primary beam (arcmin)6001503095.4321 Highest resolution (arcsec) System Temp1000-10,000.K150-180.K37-75.K44.K34.K110.K50-190.K90-140.K

47 47 Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) ten radio telescope antennas –25 meters (82 feet) in diameter and weighing 240 tons –Mauna Kea to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands VLBA spans more than 5,000 miles, providing astronomers with the sharpest vision of any telescope on Earth or in space. efforts to reduce funding efforts to increase sensitivity (~6x)

48 48 Chandra Chandra in Earth orbit (artist’s conception) Originally AXAF Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility

49 49 Chandra Orbit Deployed from Columbia, 23 July 1999 Elliptical orbit –Apogee = 86,487 miles (139,188 km) –Perigee = 5,999 miles (9,655 km) High above LEO  Can’t be Serviced Period is 63 h, 28 m, 43 s –Out of Earth’s Shadow for Long Periods –Longer Observations

50 50 Chandra Mirrors Assembled and Aligned by Kodak in Rochester “Rings”

51 51 Mirrors Integrated into spacecraft at TRW (NGST), Redondo Beach, CA (Note scale of telescope compared to workers)

52 52 Chandra ACIS CCD Sensor

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