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BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 1. BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 2 BiOp Performance Standards for Dam Passage Survival RPA RM&E Actions - Strategy.

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2 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 2 BiOp Performance Standards for Dam Passage Survival RPA RM&E Actions - Strategy 2 (Hydrosystem RM&E): Monitor average Dam Passage Survival (S̅ Dam ) of juvenile run-of-river spring and summer migrants. Action Agencies operate to achieve and maintain performance standards of:  Spring: S̅ Dam ≥ 96% (SE ≤ 1.5%) across all dams for yearling Chinook and steelhead  Summer: S̅ Dam ≥ 93% (SE ≤ 1.5%) across all dams for subyearling fall Chinook salmon

3 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 3 2012 OBJECTIVES Snake River Performance Standard Tests Little Goose Dam  Spring – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at 30% spill  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at 30% spill Lower Monumental Dam  Spring – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at Gas Cap spill  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at 17k spill

4 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 4 2012 OBJECTIVES Lower Columbia River Performance Standard Tests McNary Dam  Spring – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at 40% spill  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam and Route-Specific S at 50% spill John Day Dam  Spring – Measure S̅ Dam at 30% and 40% spill  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam at 30% and 40% spill The Dalles Dam  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam at 40% spill Bonneville Dam  Summer – Measure S̅ Dam at 85k day/Gas Cap night and 95k spill

5 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 5 Data provided by Columbia River DART 10-yr Avg Outflow (2002-11) 2012 WATER YEAR Outflow at The Dalles Dam Outflow (kcfs)

6 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 6 2012 STUDY DESIGN Fish Selection Criteria Run-of-River fish collected at Juvenile Fish Facilities, selected for tagging based on criteria:  Species: yearling Chinook (CH1), yearling steelhead (STH), subyearling Chinook (CH0)  No previous PIT-tag or active tag  Alive with no severe or lethal injuries, diseases, etc.  Forklength ≥ 95.0 mm Low rejection rate: 3.2-7.0%

7 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 7 Comparison of tagged fish vs. run-of-river fish  Length and run timing similar (representative test group) Snake River - # tagged & released  Spring (April 28 – May 28): CH1 = 6,199, STH = 6,202  Summer (June 4 – July 8): CH0 = 10,963 Lower Columbia River - # tagged & released  Spring (April 26 – June 1): CH1 = 5,848, STH = 5,838  Summer (June 12 – July 21): CH0 = 14,164 2012 RESULTS

8 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 8 2012 RESULTS Little Goose Dam Target spring & summer spill rate (4/3-8/31): 30% CH1, STH 4/28-5/28 Avg daily spill = 31.8% CH0 6/4-7/8 Avg daily spill = 38.1% Target spill (%) Actual Spill (%)Outflow (kcfs)

9 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 9 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 98.2% (SE 0.8%) 99.5% (SE 0.8%) 95.4% (SE 0.9%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 98.1% (SE 0.8%) 99.4% (SE 0.8%) 94.5% (SE 1.0%) SPE (%)*65.3%56.1%72.5% FPE (%)96.3%98.0%95.1% FB Residence median (h) TR Egress median (h) 2012 RESULTS Little Goose Dam *SPE = % passed spillway, including spillway weirs

10 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 10 2012 RESULTS Lower Monumental Dam Target spill rate: Spring (4/3-6/20) = Gas Cap (~20-29k); Summer (6/21-8/31) = 17k. June 21 Target spill (17k) Actual Spill (kcfs)Outflow (kcfs) CH1, STH 4/28-5/28 Avg daily spill = 31.5k CH0 6/4-7/8 Avg daily spill = 25.4k

11 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 11 Metric Yearling Chinook Salmon Juvenile Steelhead Subyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 98.7% (SE 0.9%) 98.3% (SE 0.2%) 97.9% (SE 0.8%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 98.6% (SE 0.9%) 98.2% (SE 0.2%) 97.2% (SE 0.8%) SPE (%)*78.9%65.9%83.6% FPE (%)94.8%96.5%92.4% FB Residence median (h) TR Egress median (h) 0.4 0.5 2012 RESULTS Lower Monumental Dam *SPE = % passed spillway, including spillway weirs

12 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 12 2012 RESULTS McNary Dam Target spill rate: Spring (4/10-6/11) = 40%; Summer (6/12-8/31) = 50%. Target spill (%) Actual Spill (%)Outflow (kcfs) CH1, STH 4/26-6/1 Avg daily spill= 50.6% CH0 6/12-7/21 Avg daily spill = 60.9%

13 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 13 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 96.2% (SE 1.4%) 99.1% (SE 1.8%) 97.5% (SE 1.1%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 96.0% (SE 1.4%) 98.8% (SE 1.8%) 97.3% (SE 1.1%) SPE (%)*72.5%83.2%78.3% FPE (%)96.8%97.7%90.9% FB Residence median (h) 1.8 TR Egress (h) 2012 RESULTS McNary Dam *SPE = % passed spillway, including spillway weirs

14 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 14 2012 RESULTS John Day Dam Target spring & summer spill rates (4/10-8/31): alternating blocks of 30% and 40% Target spill (%) Actual Spill (%)Outflow (kcfs) CH1, STH 4/26-6/1 Avg daily spill= 37.3% CH0 6/12-7/21 Avg daily spill = 38.0%

15 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 15 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 96.7% (SE 0.7%) 97.4% (SE 0.3%) 94.1% (SE 0.3%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 96.6% (SE 0.7%) 96.9% (SE 0.3%) 93.9% (SE 0.3%) SPE (%)*74.6%74.5%69.6% FPE (%)92.7%97.0%85.8% FB Residence median (h) TR Egress (h)0.5 2012 RESULTS John Day Dam *SPE = % passed spillway, including spillway weirs

16 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 16  John Day Dam – Dam Passage Survival Second year of study

17 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 17 2012 RESULTS The Dalles Dam (Summer only) Target spring & summer spill rate (4/10-8/31): 40% Target spill (%) Actual Spill (%)Outflow (kcfs) CH0 6/12-7/21 Avg daily spill = 40.5%

18 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 18 MetricSubyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 94.7% (SE 0.6%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 94.6% (SE 0.6%) SPE (%)70.7% FPE (%)78.4% FB Residence median (h) 1.1 TR Egress median (h) 0.2 2012 RESULTS The Dalles Dam

19 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 19 2012 RESULTS Bonneville Dam (Summer only) Target summer spill rates (6/16-7/21) = alternating blocks of 85k day/120k night and 95 kcfs all hours Target spill (kcfs) Actual Spill (kcfs)Outflow (kcfs) CH0 6/12-7/21 Avg daily spill = 147.2k

20 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 20 MetricSubyearling Chinook Salmon Dam Passage Survival 97.4% (SE 0.7%) BRZ-BRZ Survival 97.4% (SE 0.5%) SPE (%)54.3% FPE (%)69.7% FB Residence median (h) 0.5 TR Egress (h)0.4 2012 RESULTS Bonneville Dam

21 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 21 2012 SUMMARY Snake and Lower Columbia River Performance Standard Tests 14 Survival Tests Implemented (6 SR, 8 LCR)  All 14 achieved BiOp Survival Standards (9 of these did so with single-release estimates)  13 of 14 achieved BiOp Precision Level Standard Spill Targets Difficult to Attain Due to High Flows  TDA and JDA within target range but JDA did not get enough 30% treatments to detect differences  All other projects spilled higher than target  LGS, LMN: Comparison of early spring (higher flows) vs. late spring (lower flows) showed no difference in dam survival

22 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 22 Next Steps Planned 2013 Performance Standard Testing  LGS – Summer (CH0)  LMN – Summer (CH0)

23 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 23 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Spillway Weir (surface spill) % Passed = 44% % Survival = 100.4% % Passed = 40% % Survival = 100.1% % Passed = 48% % Survival = 96.2% Spillway (deep spill) % Passed = 21% % Survival = 94.9% % Passed = 16% % Survival = 99.2% % Passed = 25% % Survival = 94.2% JBS % Passed = 31% % Survival = 98.8% % Passed = 42% % Survival = 99.7% % Passed = 23% % Survival = 98.1% Turbine % Passed = 4% % Survival = 87.0% % Passed = 2% % Survival = 80.6% % Passed = 5% % Survival = 81.3% 2012 RESULTS Little Goose Dam – Route-Specific

24 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 24 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Spillway Weir (surface spill) % Passed = 62% % Survival = 99.8% % Passed = 53% % Survival = 99.1% % Passed = 58% % Survival = 98.6% Spillway (deep spill) % Passed = 17% % Survival = 94.6% % Passed = 13% % Survival = 97.4% % Passed = 25% % Survival = 97.9% JBS* % Passed = 16% % Survival = 100.7% % Passed = 31% % Survival = 99.1% % Passed = 9% % Survival = 101.2% Turbine % Passed = 5% % Survival = 93.2% % Passed = 3% % Survival = 81.4% % Passed = 8% % Survival = 89.9% 2012 RESULTS Lower Monumental Dam – Route-Specific *JBS Outfall flume relocated in 2012: extended downstream ~650 meters and into channel ~110 meters.

25 BUILDING STRONG ® PORTLAND DISTRICT 25 MetricYearling Chinook SalmonJuvenile SteelheadSubyearling Chinook Salmon Spillway Weir (surface spill) % Passed = 8.1% % Survival = 97.6% % Passed = 21.5% % Survival = 97.6% n/a (no spillway weir in summer) Spillway (deep spill) % Passed = 62.3% % Survival = 97.1% % Passed = 55.4% % Survival = 100.1% % Passed = 76.3% % Survival = 98.0% JBS* % Passed = 23.4% % Survival = 93.6% % Passed = 13.4% % Survival = 101.5% % Passed = 12.2% % Survival = 100.8% Turbine % Passed = 3.1% % Survival = 95.5% % Passed = 2.1% % Survival = 83.1% % Passed = 8.9% % Survival = 88.1% 2012 RESULTS McNary Dam – Route-Specific *JBS Outfall flume replaced and relocated in 2012.

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