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ATLAS: Setting the Scene Fred. ATLASHardware Ray Production Assembly Joe QA Data base Jo Reception Testing Trigger Thorsten L1/HLT Physics Sarah (Fred)

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS: Setting the Scene Fred. ATLASHardware Ray Production Assembly Joe QA Data base Jo Reception Testing Trigger Thorsten L1/HLT Physics Sarah (Fred)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS: Setting the Scene Fred

2 ATLASHardware Ray Production Assembly Joe QA Data base Jo Reception Testing Trigger Thorsten L1/HLT Physics Sarah (Fred) WW Paul Installation Testing Steve Field map Alignment

3 Sarah’s 2005 : WW Scattering WW scattering at high mass (M WW ~ 1-2TeV): Considered several possible signals against W+jets and ttbar backgrounds. Analysis: p T cuts (>320GeV) on each of the W’s E (>300GeV) and η (>2.5) cuts on tag jets + further environment cuts. Studied optimum way to define hadronic W (2 overlapping jets), compared k T and cone algorithms. Also joined in with ATLAS full simulation effort: in initial selection of events with lepton and E T miss, found 65 % fewer events than ATLFAST, effect of subsequent cuts was ~ as predicted. More issues to be investigated yet: how to implement our hadronic W finding in full simulation, how well are backgrounds (W+jets) modelled, how to convince someone to make millions of background events for us? TO BE CONTINUED… Simon Head (Manchester), Stathis Stefanadis (UCL) Fast simulation of ATLAS detector (ATLFAST): TO APPEAR IN A THESIS NEAR YOU SOON. For 30fb -1 s/b s/√b Double Resonance4.1 12.5 No Resonance 1.5 4.7 W+jets ttbar

4 ATLASHardware Ray Production Assembly Joe QA Data base Jo Reception Testing Trigger Thorsten L1/HLT Physics Sarah (Fred) WW Chris Top James Jet gaps Simon WW Working Groups Higgs Sarah Brian/Fred Diffractive Irina/Pilko/Will Brian/Fred Top Chris Mike/Thorsten Jo SM Steve Irina Diffractive Pilko Diffractive Will Diffractive Paul Installation Testing Steve Field map Alignment

5 ATLAS sLHC sSCT SoI Manchester on No fte’s Proposal Spring 2006 Manchester ? R&D 2006-09 2015: End of life of inner detector Increase in luminosity (x10) sLHC 2006: Start of 3-year R&D for SCT Radiation hard detector Thermal/Mech engineering Integrated cooling Opto-electronics Readout (x10 channels) 22 SY/year £650k/year 2090: sLHC decision Trigger upgrade proposal 2010: Start of 5-year build & install SCT 65 SY/year (Manchester 2-3/year) £27M overall Prod/Install 2010-2015

6 ATLAS sLHC sSCT SoI Manchester on No fte’s Proposal Spring 2006 Manchester ? R&D 2006-09 FP420 Brian Prod/Install 2010-2015 (Irina) Pilko Will

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