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Spain’s Empire in America Columbus opened the door for Spain in America Soldier-adventurers called conquistadors set out to explore and conquer the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: "Spain’s Empire in America Columbus opened the door for Spain in America Soldier-adventurers called conquistadors set out to explore and conquer the Americas."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spain’s Empire in America Columbus opened the door for Spain in America Soldier-adventurers called conquistadors set out to explore and conquer the Americas – Wanted riches for themselves and Spain


4 Hernando Cortes traveled into Mexico – Was given gifts of gold by natives – Marched to Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan Aztec leader Moctezuma offered gold for them to leave Offer didn’t work, Spain claimed all of Mexico, Aztecs rebelled and forced Spanish out – A year later Cortes returned with more troops, destroyed Tenochtitlan and built Mexico City as capital of New Spain


6 Francisco Pizarro used similar tactics in Peru – Captured Inca leader Atahualpa, was given gold to free him but had him executed – Spanish defeated Incas and captured capital of Cuzco


8 Spanish Explorers in North America Juan Ponce de Leon sailed North of Puerto Rico to search for “large island” – Beautiful flowers led him to name the land “La Florida” 400 Spaniards explored the northern part of Florida – Were attacked by natives; 80 sailed to Texas – Starvation and disease reduced numbers to 15; were eventually enslaved by natives; only 4 survived – After 6 years in captivity they escaped and made way to Mexico City with stories of cities of gold


10 Francisco Coronado took 1,100 troops to find the city of gold – Never found it but explored much of southwest North America Hernando de Soto searched for riches in the southeastern portion of North America – Found the Mississippi River, but no gold


12 Colonizing Spanish America Government officials granted large tracts of land for mines, ranches, and plantations, which are large farms worked by laborers who live on the property Spaniards were granted encomiendas, which were grants for land that allowed the owners to force Native Americans to work the land – Natives had no place in colonies except as laborers Death of natives led to Spaniards shipping Africans to work on colonies as slaves

13 Bartolome de la Casas was a priest who protested the cruelty shown to the natives – Protests worked, as encomienda system was done away with by the government Religious settlements called missions were set up to help convert natives to Christianity

14 Spanish colonies had a set social system that benefited some more than others – Peninsulares were people born in Spain; received best jobs and privileges – Creoles were born in the Americas to Spanish parents; held important positions – Mestizos were born of mixed Spanish and Indian parents; could gain some economic success – Mulattos were born of mixed Spanish and African parents; were the lowest on the social ladder

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