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The IDV: Unidata’s Integrated Data Viewer Mike Voss Department of Meteorology SJSU – Oct 11, 2006.

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2 The IDV: Unidata’s Integrated Data Viewer Mike Voss Department of Meteorology SJSU – Oct 11, 2006

3 Outline Unidata’s Role in Geosciences Education Motivation for developing the IDV Hands off introduction to the IDV Hands on IDV session

4 Unidata Located in Boulder, NSF funded, part of UCAR Mission “ Provide data, tools, and community leadership for enhanced earth system education” Main software and systems –netCDF, LDM/IDD, GEMPAK, McIDAS, THREDDS –and now the IDV Voss and Cordero (and the lab)

5 Motivation for developing the IDV Enable remote access to data 3-D visualization Data formats – netCDF, grib, grib2, text, others Platform independence - Java Leverage web services

6 Real-time Data Volume Issues LDM/IDD - 3 GB of real-time data per hour…and increasing Bandwidth hog, very inefficient Limits participation because you need bandwidth and expertise to handle data, both of which are expensive. Solution: build remote access into software

7 Remote Access to Data Remote access capability over the Internet relieves the need to distribute all the data…and lowers the barriers to entry: “democratization of data” Unidata is making this happen with IDV and THREDDS catalogs. (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) Current software (GEMPAK) does not allow remote access to data

8 Introduction to the IDV Hands off demo

9 Disadvantages & Limitations of the IDV Different, new software to learn Can’t save data with a bundle…..yet Slow, memory hog…needs at least 1 GB of RAM Not yet ideal for meteorological analysis….has limited grid diagnostic capabilities 3D Meteorology is a new paradigm…it’s hard to overcome established methods for observation and analysis

10 OK, let’s try the IDV Go to a computer Start the IDV Also start a web browser and go to my web page: –(and click on the instructions) Follow instructions

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