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Energy-Efficient Cache Design Using Variable-Strength Error-Correcting Codes Alaa R. Alameldeen, Ilya Wagner, Zeshan Chishti, Wei Wu,

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Presentation on theme: "Energy-Efficient Cache Design Using Variable-Strength Error-Correcting Codes Alaa R. Alameldeen, Ilya Wagner, Zeshan Chishti, Wei Wu,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy-Efficient Cache Design Using Variable-Strength Error-Correcting Codes Alaa R. Alameldeen, Ilya Wagner, Zeshan Chishti, Wei Wu, Chris Wilkerson, Shih-Lien Lu Intel Corporation 2011010631 Presenter : Gyu Seong, Kang

2 ( 2 ) Contents  Background  Variable Strength ECC  Three types of VS-ECC  Cache characterization  Cache operation in low-voltage mode  ECC overhead  Simulation  Conclusion

3 ( 3 ) Background  Energy efficiency is the main design concern  “Reducing supply voltage” – one of the most effective method  This approach restricted from process variation  The minimum operating voltage, 'Vccmin'  Failures in cache memory determine the minimum voltage

4 ( 4 ) Background  The probability of multi-bit error is significantly lower than that of having zero or one in cache line. Probability of a single bit failure(pBitFail) and probability of e failures in 64B cache line

5 ( 5 ) Background  Error correcting code(ECC)  Recover error using additional parity bits  The size of parity bits is proportional to correctable errors  With ECC, It can reduces operating voltage even lower, resulting in lower power consumption.  Selective high-strength protection of a few cache line  SECDED(single error correcting, double error detecting)  Multi-bit ECC for one or more error failures Probability of a sing set persistent failure in a 16-way cache with DECTED or VS-ECC

6 ( 6 ) Variable strength ECC  Based on the number of failing bits  Different strengths for different cache lines  SECDED  Multi-bit ECC  Additional tag information to distinguish cache line class  3 types of VS-ECC is proposed  VS-ECC with a fixed number of regular and extended ECC  VS-ECC with line disable + fixed number of regular and extended ECC  VS-ECC with variable number of correction bit(1 to 4)

7 ( 7 ) Variable strength ECC  VS-ECC with a fixed number of regular and extended ECC  Extended ECC bit  SECDED  set to 0  Multi-bit ECC  set to 1  Additional parity data is stored in Extended ECC array.

8 ( 8 ) Variable strength ECC  VS-ECC with line disable + fixed number of regular and extended ECC  Extended ECC bit  SECDED  0  Multi-bit ECC  1  Save additional parity data in Extended ECC array  Disable bit  Disable cache line for more than two persistent failures in the low- voltage mode  Better soft error coverage

9 ( 9 ) Variable strength ECC  VS-ECC with variable number of correction bit(1 to 4)  Number of ECC blocks  SECDED to 4EC5ED  Pointer to Extended ECC block  ECC data address for Extended ECC block

10 ( 10 ) Variable strength ECC  Cache line need to be classified for low-voltage mode  4 eECC field / cache set  Only 4 lines can be active and contain protected data.  Rest of the cache is inactive and undertest.  Cache characterization  Reset All the E-bit and valid bits for inactive cache blocks.  Write back all the dirty data.  Reduce the processor voltage to the target Vccmin  Associate 4 eECC field & first 4 ways.  Deactivate rest of the ways.(Loss 75% of cache capacity)  Use multi-bit ECC en/decoder for R/W operation during characterization

11 ( 11 ) Variable strength ECC  Memory test for inactive region  Use traditional memory test method  Write pre-defined pattern & read back  Under the test, if bit failure is detected  Multi bit failure  Set E-bit  Single bit failure  Write its location into lines' tag array  If single-bit failure again in the same line in the remainder test,  Compare its location with the one stored in the tag.  Hit – uses SECDED  Miss – Multi-bit failure, set E-bit  The test continues until 5 or more E-bit set to 1 or algorithm completes.

12 ( 12 ) Variable strength ECC  Cache characterization for VS-ECC-Variable  Same characterization as VS-ECC-Fixed  Additional step to know the exact number of error bits  ¼ of the cache is tested at a time  Require higher testing accuracy  Cache characterization for VS-ECC-Disable  Same characterization as VS-ECC-Fixed  Function correctly with lower testing accuracy

13 ( 13 ) Variable strength ECC – Operation Flow chart of cache operation in low voltage mode for VS-ECC-Fixed

14 ( 14 ) ECC Overhead  Binary BCH Code  Parity bit for 64B(2 9, 512b) data  10bit = 1bit correction  Additional 1bit for detection  SECDED  10bit + 1bit  1 cycle latency for decoding  4EC5ED  40bit + 1bit  15 cycle latency for decoding

15 ( 15 ) Simulation setup  Cycle-accurate, execution-driven IA32 simulator  OOO model based on Intel Core i7  2GHz  32 KB, 8-way set-associative icache, dcache  2MB, 16-way set-associative L2 cache  64byte cache line

16 ( 16 ) Simulation setup  ECC configuration  Baseline – All SECDED  12 cycle L2 hit + 1 cycle for SECDED  Fixed-strength ECC  DECTED – additional 1 cycle for ECC  4EC5ED – additional 15 cycle for ECC  MS-ECC [Chishti et al., MICRO 2009]  4 bit error correction per segment(64bit)  1MB 8-way L2 cache with 1 cycle latency(Data : ECC = 1:1)  VS-ECC-Fixed – 12 x SECDED + 4 x 4EC5ED  VS-ECC-Disable – 12 x SECDED + 4 x 4EC5ED  VS-ECC-Variable – 16 x SECDED + 12 x 10bit ECC block

17 ( 17 ) Simulation result – Reliability Failure probability as a function of supply voltage for different configurations

18 ( 18 ) Normalized IPC for different benchmark Simulation result – Performance

19 ( 19 ) Simulation result – Energy efficient Normalized Vccmin, Frequency, Power, and EPI Baseline Vccmin : 830mV f Baseline Frequency : 2000MHz

20 ( 20 ) Conclusion  Low supply voltage condition  A few multi-bit failure in cache  While the majority of lines exhibit zero or one errors  Variable-strength error correcting codes  Selectively high-strength protection of a few cache line  Lines with no failure – SECDED for covering soft error  Persistent failure – 4EC5ED  Additional bit to support multi-bit ECC control  3 types of VS-ECC are proposed  VS-ECC-Fixed  VS-ECC-Variable  VS-ECC-Disable  VS-ECC can  Avoids significant decreases in cache capacity  Incurs minimal additional area overhead  VS-ECC-Disable even better previous published MS-ECC in terms of power & EPI

21 ( 21 ) Q & A ?

22 ( 22 ) Appendix  ECC Hardware overhead

23 ( 23 ) Appendix  MS-ECC

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