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Stalking By Brittany Binkley.

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Presentation on theme: "Stalking By Brittany Binkley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stalking By Brittany Binkley

2 Objectives Definition Types Characteristics of Stalkers
Facts About the Victims How to Deal with Stalkers Questions

3 Stalking - Definition When a person follows another person around stealthily. When a person waits to ambush the person(their prey). Watching a persons every move and repeatedly communicating with them against their wishes.

4 Types of stalkers 1. Rejected stalker 2. Resentful stalkers
3. Intimacy seekers 4. Incompetent suitors 5. Predatory stalker

5 Rejected Stalker This stalker will follow their victim in order to correct or avenge a rejection from the victim such as a divorce, breakup or separation. Rejected stalkers are the most common also the rejected stalker can be the most persistent and annoying.

6 Resentful Stalker The stalker follows the victim for revenge. Mostly to cause the victim fear Sometimes the stalker thinks they are the victim

7 Intimacy Seekers This stalker makes up a fantasy believing that the victim and them were meant to be together. One third of stalkers classified as intimacy had a personality disorder.

8 Incompetent Suitors This stalker stalks the victim after being rejected in the hopes of changing the persons mind. Usually this stalker has poor social or dating skills

9 Predatory Stalkers This stalker picks a victim that they like and plans an attack on the victim by spying on them. This attack is usually of a sexual nature and is classified as the most dangerous.

10 Staking cat example

11 Who are the Stalkers Extreme jealousy and controlling behaviour.
A belief that destiny led him/her to you so you belong to them in some way. Few close friendships and an over-dependence on you as a link to the world. Failure to accept responsibility for his/her own behaviour. Refusing to accept ‘NO’. .

12 Who is the victim 4 out of 5 stalking victims are women.
50% of stalking victims were between the ages of 18 and 27. 59% of female victims report being stalked by a former intimate partner.

13 How do deal with stalking

14 How many stalking panthers did you find

15 websites I have my eyes on you

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