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Level II FW Placement Process. Level II FW A full-time internship. After students successfully complete the academic portion of the MOT curriculum Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Level II FW Placement Process. Level II FW A full-time internship. After students successfully complete the academic portion of the MOT curriculum Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level II FW Placement Process

2 Level II FW A full-time internship. After students successfully complete the academic portion of the MOT curriculum Two 3-month rotations Students work full-time at an occupational therapy site By the end of each clinical rotation students must demonstrate entry-level competency in that area of occupational therapy practice. Must pass each rotation in order to graduate.

3 Do I Get To Choose? Yes, to an extent Submit ranked list of top 5 preferences for EACH Level II rotation. No guarantee that students will get their selected sites. I’ll work with students who don’t get chosen sites. Must be flexible. Clinical sites may cancel at any time. Expenses may be incurred with a change in FW site. – Must work hard and engage in the learning process even when placed at the site that was not a 1 st choice or in a site where area of practice is not a primary interest.

4 Process Rank 5 choices for each rotation Types: – 1 physical health – 1 either mental health or developmental health Must send choices of same type of facilities for each rotation, don’t mix them – i.e. 3 choices must be all in adult PD or all in pediatrics, don’t mix them. Consider risks with ranking / types

5 Level II Placements 1 st Rotation2 nd Rotation FW Site 1 1 Student 1- 1st Choice 1 Student 2- 1 st Choice FW Site 1 1 Student 1- 1st 0 Student 2- 1st FW Site 2 1 Student 2- 1 st Choice Student 3- 2 nd Choice Student 4- 3 rd Choice 1 Student A- 1 st Student B- 2 nd choice Student C- 3 rd Choice FW Site 3 1 Student 4- 1 st Choice Student 5- 1 st Choice Student 6- 1 st Choice Student 7-2 nd Choice Student 8- 2 nd Choice Student 9- 3 rd Choice 1 Student 2- 1 st Student 3- 1 st Student 4- 1 st Student 5- 1 st Student 6- 1 st Student 7- 1st FW Site 4 0 Student 10- 1st 0 Student 11- 1 st Choice FW Site 5 Lake Charles MC with free housing 1 No Student 1 No Student FW Site 6 1 No Student 1 Student 11- 1 st Student 12- 1st

6 When are Requests Due Requests are due at the time of meeting with me. You must review Ch. 5 & 6 of your Sladyk Text before meeting with me & finish a worksheet reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses (Posted after Level I FW). I will post a sign-up sheets with available times after completion of Level I FW.

7 Take Note: Delivering Your Confirmations to you is rewarding! Some tips on making this process go smoothly. – Avoid emailing me repeatedly regarding your placement. If you don’t hear from me, I am probably waiting for a facility to get back with me. Answering repeated emails takes time away from securing your placements.

8 Take Note: You are NOT PERMITTED to contact any fieldwork sites until you are confirmed with a placement or have been permitted to do so. You will be copied on the confirmation email to the fieldwork site with the name and contact information. NO CHANGES ARE ALLOWED AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR CONFIRMATION.

9 Take Note: I will be working on this most of the summer semester. Some may get confirmations sooner than others. – You may contact the facility and ask to take a tour etc. during the break you have between summer and fall semesters. – Your facility may not get back to you right away since there is quite some time before you come on site. The facilities are most likely hosting students from other universities.

10 Facilities Contracts with over 100 OT facilities across Texas New Contracts however take time. May not be done “on demand.” Mrs. Isbel and I are working on updating the listing. We are getting more contracts all the time Types of settings: – Hospitals – Community Agencies – Nursing Homes – Private Practices – Residential Programs – Schools – Early Childhood Intervention Programs

11 Some Rules on Choosing Can’t be in a facility in which you previously volunteered or worked Can’t be in a facility in which a family member or close friend works Know the dress code and be able to comply – May need to purchase new clothes – May need to cover tattoos, remove piercings, etc.

12 Planning for that time ACOTE standards: students must complete 12 weeks (480 hours) of clinical time In addition to work, students will need to study most evenings after work; therefore, personal time may be quite limited during this exciting learning time Students are NOT entitled to any time off during their fieldwork rotations – Not even 1 day! – It is like the “Probation Period” of a new job Students should avoid planning events such as weddings or vacations during Level II fieldwork

13 Fit is More Important Than Name Facilities Take Students for a variety of reasons You are trained as a generalist; and your role as student is to prepare to be an entry-level practitioner. There is no good or bad site. It’s all about matching the level of challenge to your academic performance. Just like you think about the PEO model for your clients, you need to apply the same thinking to yourself. That is why reviewing Ch. 5 & 6 of Sladyk text is important!!!!

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