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Chemistry: A Brief History. The First Chemistry.

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1 Chemistry: A Brief History

2 The First Chemistry


4 Metallurgy: The purification of metals The Bronze Age: c. 3500 – 1100 BC –Copper and Tin isolated by heating ores (rocks) –Combined to make the alloy Bronze The Iron Age: 1200 – 550 BC –Iron: higher melting pt. than Cu or Sn –Steel: stronger than bronze

5 Atomism Democritus: ca. 460 – ca. 370 BC –Matter is composed of indivisible units, called “atoma” –Unable to prove his theory scientifically

6 Alchemy: Mystical Chemistry Middle Ages – 1800’s Goals: –Turn less valuable metals into Gold and Silver –Find “elixir of life” (eternal youth) Primitive form of Chemistry –No Scientific Method –Combines Philosophy, Mysticism, Chemistry

7 Modern Chemistry: The Beginning 1700s Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) –Law of Conservation of Mass –Recognized and Named Oxygen –Combustion (burning with O 2 ) –Respiration of animals Similar to Combustion

8 Organic Chemistry: Making the Molecules of Life 1828: Friedrich Wohler –Makes Urea –Shows that an organic molecule can be made outside an organism 1853: Charles Frederic Gerhardt –Makes Aspirin 1800s: Organic Dyes: –Mauve, Magenta

9 Atomic Theory John Dalton: 1766- 1844 –elements composed of atoms of a single type, which combine to form molecules 1897: J.J. Thompson –Discovers the electron 1909: Ernest Rutherford –Discovers the Nucleus The Quantum Model: 1900s –Particles behave like waves

10 Nuclear Chemistry: 1940s Fission: nuclei are split apart Fusion: nuclei are fused together

11 Biotech Industry: Chemistry Improving Health Use Chemistry to: –Make medicines –Study genetics, human disease

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