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The Prehistory IES “Ntra Sra de los Remedios” Ubrique-Cádiz 1º ESO A Bilingual Section Final Task.

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Presentation on theme: "The Prehistory IES “Ntra Sra de los Remedios” Ubrique-Cádiz 1º ESO A Bilingual Section Final Task."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Prehistory IES “Ntra Sra de los Remedios” Ubrique-Cádiz 1º ESO A Bilingual Section Final Task

2 The Prehistory DEFINITION We call prehistory the period between the origin of the human being and the invention of writing, about 6 mill years ago. This period is divided into three stanges: paleolitic age, the neolithic age and the metal age.

3 PREHISTORY Paleolitic: lower, middle and upper. Neolitic: early, mid and late. Metal age: The Copper Age, The Bronze Age and The Iron Age.

4 The Paleolithic Period ETAPA CRONOLOGÍA R. HUMANOS Lower + 2.000.000 years ago H. Australophitecus H. Habilis H. Erectus. Middle 250.000 years ago H. Neanderthal. Upper 35.000 years ag Homo Sapiens.

5 INSTRUMENTS Paleolithic tools: rasp, harpoon and knife. Neolithic: scythe, pestle and mortar.

6 Palaelotic Art Art: Sculture (mobiliario): Venus and comund stick. Cave-paintings: Upper Paleolitic and Neolitic.

7 THE ECONOMY Predatory economy: when man lived off what nature gave him. Product economy: When man lived off agriculture and cattle-holding.

8 C. MEGALITIC Bronze Age: talayot taula naveta

9 C. MEGALITIC Iron Age: los castros

10 C. MEGALITIC Copper Age: dolmen menhir cromlench

11 Autora: Francisca Paredes Romero Can you wraytting: THE END IES “Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios” Ubrique Cádiz 1º ESO “Bilingual Section” Ciencias Sociales

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