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Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Utility Driven Adaptive Workflow Execution Kevin Lee School of Computer Science,

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Presentation on theme: "Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Utility Driven Adaptive Workflow Execution Kevin Lee School of Computer Science,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Utility Driven Adaptive Workflow Execution Kevin Lee School of Computer Science, University of Manchester Currently at University of Mannheim, Germany 20 th May 2009

2 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 1. Problem Overview Concerning: Scientific Workflows executing on Grids Characteristics: Very long running Small delays can have large effects due to dependencies involve highly distributed resources Limited control over resources Uncertain execution and batch queue times Statically schedule a workflow before it starts executing: Using current information about the execution environment What happens if the environment changes? Resources appear/disappear Loads change due to resources being used Obvious solution, Adapt at runtime!!!

3 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 2. Background: montage workflow Mosaic created by Montage from a run of the M101 galaxy images <- A Simple Montage workflow. Can execute on Grid resources. Can be specified in a high level abstract form: Logical files Logical transformations Montage Deliver science-grade mosaics on demand Produce mosaics from a wide range of data sources User-specified parameters of projection, coordinates, size, rotation and spatial sampling

4 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 2. Background Pegasus Workflow execution: Compilation Abstract (logical) ->Concrete Submission Graph dependency manager Execution Jobs execute on grid resources Reporting Task and workflow status

5 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Retrofit an Adaptivity framework to Pegasus Minimal changes to Pegasus Touch points via Sensors and Effectors 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution

6 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution When grid site has contention Batch queues times is higher than estimated When a grid site is under utilised Batch queues times is lower than estimated Static Schedule may be initially correct This diverges from the ideal with time. Adapt to changing batch queue times Aim

7 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution To monitor the progress of an executing workflow, we parse the Live Log. Example: Sensors->Monitoring 2/17 11:53:14 Event: ULOG_GRID_SUBMIT for Condor Node mBackground_ID000023 (4713.0) 2/17 11:53:14 Event: ULOG_EXECUTE for Condor Node mBackground_ID000021 (4709.0) 2/17 11:53:14 Number of idle job procs: 4 2/17 11:53:20 Event: ULOG_EXECUTE for Condor Node mBackground_ID000019 (4708.0) 2/17 11:53:20 Number of idle job procs: 3 2/17 11:53:28 Event: ULOG_JOB_TERMINATED for Condor Node mBackground_ID000022 (4710.0) 2/17 11:53:28 Node mBackground_ID000022 job proc (4710.0) completed successfully. Result: XML Events for job queued, executed, termination. Made available to analysis as a stream RegEx: ([\d]+)/([\d]+).([\d]+):([\d]+):([\d]+).Event:.([\S]+_[\S]+).for.Condor.Node.([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)

8 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Uses the CQL continuous query language to group and analyse the events SQL-like but with extensions for queries over time. 1.Calculates current average job queue times over a period of time 2.Causes re-planning when queue times are more or less than expected Analysis select h*3600+m*60+s,job,site,est from workflowlog where event="ULOG_SUBMIT"; register stream submittedjobs (time int, job char(22), site char(22), est int); select h*3600+m*60+s,job from workflowlog where event="ULOG_EXECUTE"; register stream executedjobs (time int, job char(22)); Rstream (select executed.time-submitted.time, executed.job,, submitted.est from executedjobs[Range 360 Seconds] as executed,submittedjobs as submitted where executed.job=submitted.job); register stream jobdelay (delay int, job char(22), site char(22), est int); select site, delay, est, (delay-est) from jobdelay where (delay-est)>20; Output from this causes planning

9 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Planning has the task of recalculating a better assignment for the workflow Data we have: Workflow DAG Current Assignment Collected data about resources, number CPUS, Execution times, AVG queue time What we’ve submitted since the execution started. Approach: Call out to a Matlab based utility function optimiser (MADS) Each iteration: New potential assignment We provide a function that evaluates the new potential assignment. Proceed with the search until the best assignment is found Planning

10 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Firstly, for each proposed new assignment we calculate estimated queue times: Planning Estimated Queue time: Based on external demand, the new demand and the change in actual queue times A Estimate of External Demand For a period p Assigned demand For the period p The Candidate Demand The demand we’ll put on the resources Full explanation in papers

11 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Next, calculate the Predicted Response Time for the workflow: Planning Completion time of the last task plus any adaptation cost: Recursive formula to estimate the completion time of the last task So, now we have a estimate of how long a workflow will take for each new assignment We need a way of judging how good a assignment is in relation to its PRT and the resources used

12 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Option 1: Utility for Response time: Purely tries to use the fastest resources available to complete the workflow EQT ensures a resource isn’t overloaded The utility is therefore just: The higher the Utility value the better The optimiser will try multiple values of assignment until a ‘good’ one is found Planning

13 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution Option 2: Utility for Profit: As resources are not free, we attach a value to using resources We have a reward for completing a workflow within a target time A cost for using a resource to execute a task Planning Cost for a workflow assignment: Profit is a measure of utility minus cost The utility is a calculation of how likely the assignment completes before the target response time The larger the ‘profit’ the better for the optimiser

14 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 3. Adaptive Workflow Execution For a new assignment: 1.Tell the local DAG manager to halt the workflow(s) 2.Collect the locations of all the partial results 3.Modify local databases with this new data 4.Replan the workflow(s) with the new assignment 5.Deploy the workflow 6.Continue monitoring the new execution Repeats every time a new assignment is available Execution/Deploying a new assignment

15 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 4. Experimental Evaluation Workflow: 27 Node Montage workflow of M17: Takes between 20 mins and a few hours depending on resources Profit gain is 100 for completing within the target Resources: Two Clusters. Linux, Sun Grid Engine, WSGRAM, Globus. (1) is less powerful with longer queue times (2) is more powerful with shorter queue times (2) costs more than (1). (1) costs 1, (2) costs 2.

16 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 4. Experimental Evaluation Experiment 1 Single workflow. Periodic Load Applied to Cluster 1. Utility based on response time The adaptive version performs an adaption and results in a faster workflow

17 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 4. Experimental Evaluation Experiment 2: Same as experiment 1 but for different target response times U(RT) Always performs the best. U(Profit) meets the High and mid target response times at less cost than U(RT) U(Profit) fails to meet the low target response time so uses the cheapest resources

18 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 4. Experimental Evaluation Experiment 3 Two Montage workflows. Periodic Load Applied to Cluster 1. Achieved by submitting and monitoring two workflows at the same time. Utility is the Sum of all U(RT) and U(Profit) for all workflows. U(RT) Always performs the best. U(Profit) meets the Loose and mid target response times at less cost than U(RT) U(Profit) fails to meet the Tight target response time so uses the cheapest resources

19 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester 5. Conclusions An Approach to optimising workflow execution: Long running workflows Takes into account a workflows structure Takes into account current loads Takes into account the loads we will apply Minimal intervention to workflow infrastructure Good results for Response time and Profit focus

20 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Questions?

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