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Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2015 Miss Shuker ‘Everyone matters, every day counts’ Topic – Wolf Brother: We will be looking at the changes in Britain from.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2015 Miss Shuker ‘Everyone matters, every day counts’ Topic – Wolf Brother: We will be looking at the changes in Britain from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2015 Miss Shuker ‘Everyone matters, every day counts’ Topic – Wolf Brother: We will be looking at the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. The children will create their own tribal groups based on historical and geographic skills. In these tribal groups they will use their art and design skills to create shelters, tribal implements, tattoo designs and cave/plan elevation drawings; mapping their tribal camp. Science – Inheritance and Evolution & Animals RE – The Ascension/Early Church, Guidance and the Fish Project ICT – Computer programming (Scratch & Flowol) PE – Swimming and Net/wall games French – Weather and Sport If you need to speak to me or have any questions, please feel free to come and see me at the end of the school day or between 8.30-8.40am. Alternatively you can make an appointment if you require a longer meeting. I look forward to working in partnership with you to ensure your son/ daughter has an enjoyable and rewarding year. Miss Shuker

2 Welcome to Year 6! I will be teaching year 6 this year. PE P.E. could be on any day this term therefore please ensure that your child has their P.E. kit in school everyday. Swimming is on a Monday and we are always looking for volunteers to assist. If you are available just let me know. PE is a vital part of your son/daughter’s learning and healthy lifestyle so please ensure they have their correct kit available and do not miss lessons due to minor illness such as a cold. If there is any reason why they should not take part in a lesson please send a note to explain. Reading at home In Year 6 your son/daughter should be reading daily at home. This may be a school reading book (if your child is reading from our school reading scheme), their own book (fiction or non-fiction), library books, comics, newspapers, poetry, etc. When your son/ daughter reads, the majority of this can be done by reading aloud to you or another adult to improve their fluency and expression, on some occasions they may wish to read independently then discuss with you or another adult after. Every time they read, whether independently or aloud, the adult should sign the reading diary and make a comment if needed. Your son/daughter is responsible for bringing their reading diary in everyday for me to monitor their reading. Homework Homework will be given out every Friday and should be returned the following Thursday. Homework may consist of My Maths, research, learning ‘by heart’, activities, games, handwriting, writing, mini-projects, comprehension etc. There will be spellings – we will be revisiting patterns and words that children may have taken home before to consolidate or grammar activities, numeracy and literacy every week including other subjects such as topic or science which will usually involve a creative project designed to be completed over a few weeks. Halfway through the spring term revision books will be issued to each child to take home as part of their homework. (You will receive further details about these nearer the time.) Please support your son/daughter by helping them, if needed, and ensuring they have a quiet place to complete their homework. What are we learning? This term your son/daughter will study: Reading a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which explore language, structure, the impact of grammatical features, infer and deduce meaning with evidence, state facts and opinions, discuss the meaning of words, apply and recite poetry. Our class text will be ‘Wolf Brother’. Writing in a variety of text types by planning, editing and evaluating their work to ensure that their writing has a clear purpose, viewpoint, appropriate grammatical and vocabulary choices, suitable structure and development of characters. Grammar and spelling In grammar: the accurate use of a semi-colon, colon, hyphen and ellipsis, how to use passive verbs and formal speech. Spelling: your child will apply their spelling knowledge and rules when spelling unfamiliar Words or when adding prefixes and suffixes to root words. They will use a dictionary and thesaurus to check words and improve their vocabulary. Numeracy: Number and Place value, Statistics when calculating averages and exploring pie charts and line graphs, Operations for calculating, Fractions, Geometry within 2D and 3D shapes, angles and coordinates, Measure and Algebra.

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