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NDIA Presentation – S&T Support to GWOT 28 March 2008 COL(P) Peter N. Fuller, DCG RDECOM.

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Presentation on theme: "NDIA Presentation – S&T Support to GWOT 28 March 2008 COL(P) Peter N. Fuller, DCG RDECOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 NDIA Presentation – S&T Support to GWOT 28 March 2008 COL(P) Peter N. Fuller, DCG RDECOM

2 WHO WE ARE: The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) provides the full spectrum of basic research, development, engineering and analysis of Warfighter systems, from concept to capability. RDECOM gets the right technology to the right place, at the right time, for the Warfighter. We are Technology Driven. Warfighter Focused. RDECOM ::

3 What We Do… RDECOM ::

4 More than 18,000 military, civilians and direct contractors Annual budget ~ $5 billion 75 percent of Army Technology Objectives All Army Advanced Technology Demonstrations Support to Joint and Coalition Forces 20 Foreign Comparative Testing and seven Defense Acquisition Challenge Programs with 13 different countries Manage eight labs and research, development and engineering centers and an analysis organization (Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity) Conduct Foreign Comparative Testing and Defense Acquisition Challenge Program Search for foreign technologies via Regional International Technology Centers Synchronize and collaborate via Capability and Technology Integrated Process Teams Rapidly support field via Prototype Integration Facility (PIF) and Agile Development Center HOW WE DO IT: RDECOM ::

5 How We Determine GWOT S&T Requirements… RDECOM ::

6 S&T ACQUISITION CORPS ADVISOR (STACA): MNC-I special staff member Provides S&T reach back for deployed Hqs Develops and maintains MNC-I S&T priorities list Interfaces with AFSB, JIEDDO, TRADOC, ATEC and REF S&T ADVISOR TEAM (STAT): Attached to AFSB Provides S&T reach back for deployed BCTs Interfaces with STACA, AFSB, JIEDDO, TRADOC, ATEC and REF RDECOM :: OIF SUPPORT

7 RDECOM :: S&T ACQUISITION CORPS ADVISOR (STACA): CJTF-82 special staff member Provides S&T reach back for deployed Hqs Develops and maintains CJTF-82 S&T priorities list Interfaces with AFSB, JIEDDO, TRADOC, ATEC and REF OEF SUPPORT

8 RDECOM :: What We Have Done…

9 CURRENT OPERATIONS SUPPORT: Problem: units concern about “plunging” fire while operating in mountainous terrain Technical Solution: development of standardized lightweight overhead cover/concealment/ protection for O-GPK Status: –RDECOM/ARDEC fabricated 3 lightweight prototype concepts –Informal evaluation of concepts aided down selection and refinement RDECOM ::

10 “GAME CHANGING” :: PROACTIVE vs. REACTIVE Persistent Stare Culvert Denial Surrogate Training Device

11 SUPPORT THE WARFIGHTER :: CURRENT/FUTURE WelCam Pacbot Phraselator 40mm Thermobaric Cartridge First Strike Ration Advanced Combat Helmet Interceptor Body Armor Less Lethal Launcher Slat (Bar) Armor Advanced Materials Micro Autonomous Systems “Cloaking” Technology Networks Nanotechnology

12 RDECOM :: Integrated

13 RDECOM :: Where Are Our Challenges…

14 MNC-I Priorities - Building a portfolio of capabilities Managing the portfolio Examples RDECOM :: OIF SUPPORT PriorityTotalWho Priority 1185 JIEDDO/3 REF/10 RDECOM Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5

15 WEEK 2 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Mon TueWedThu Fri Current Operations Battle Rhythm RDECOM Exec Mtg Chaired by CG Ops Update To RDECOM Leadership Mon TueWedThu Fri Current Ops Mtg Chaired by DCG Pull From Theater Current Ops Mtg Chaired by DCG Pull From Theater AMC Ops Update Chaired by AMC CG AMC Visibility As Appropriate Technical Solutions Forum to Theater Push To Theater Technical Solutions Forum to Theater Push To Theater

16 RDECOM ::

17 GLOBAL ORGANIZATION More than 300 International Agreements Linkage to Combatant Commanders - FAST Teams Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program RDECOM :: USAITC Americas (Canada) USAITC Americas Regional Center (Chile) SOUTHCOM|CENTCOM USAITC Americas (Argentina) USAITC Pacific (Singapore) USAITC Pacific (Australia) USAITC Pacific Regional Center (Japan) PACOM USAITC Atlantic (France) USAITC Atlantic Regional Center (UK) USEUCOM|AFRICOM USAITC Atlantic (Germany)

18 RDECOM ::

19 Summary: -Stepping up the game - Improving coordination and synchronization - Developing and managing portfolios - Getting S&T to the Warfighter faster! RDECOM ::


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