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Dealing with North Korea America’s Options. Threats from North Korea Direct nuclear attack on US forces or allies Sale of nuclear and missile technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with North Korea America’s Options. Threats from North Korea Direct nuclear attack on US forces or allies Sale of nuclear and missile technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with North Korea America’s Options

2 Threats from North Korea Direct nuclear attack on US forces or allies Sale of nuclear and missile technologies to other states or terrorist groups Preventive Action Deterrence Containment Diplomatic US Options

3 Current Military Planning for Korea OPLAN 5027--Major Theater War is for defending South Korea from the North OPLAN 5026--Air Strikes targets US air power against WMD and missile facilities –--includes Air Force heavy bombers, Air Force and Navy fighter/attack jets, and Navy cruise missiles

4 Problems with Preventive Strikes Target sites hidden underground, numerous, and well-protected North Korean retaliation

5 Known Nuclear Facilities

6 Known Missile Sites

7 North Korean Retaliation Artillery bombardment of Seoul or other targets Invasion of South Korea Missile attack against South Korea, Japan, US territory? Terrorism?

8 Deterrence and Containment Is the North Korean leadership acting rationally? US has operational plans prepared for a naval quarantine of North Korea Proliferation Security Initiative with Europe could be expanded to Russia and China

9 What does North Korea want? Recognition Security Economic aid

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