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Virginia H Sublet, PhD, RPh Senior Toxicologist, ORISE Max R Lum, Ed D, MPA Associate Director, Office of Health Communication, NIOSH Health Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia H Sublet, PhD, RPh Senior Toxicologist, ORISE Max R Lum, Ed D, MPA Associate Director, Office of Health Communication, NIOSH Health Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia H Sublet, PhD, RPh Senior Toxicologist, ORISE Max R Lum, Ed D, MPA Associate Director, Office of Health Communication, NIOSH Health Communication Interventions in the Workplace: Where is the Value?

2 Objectives To characterize and assess the scope and use of behavioral theory in developing and communicating safety and health messages to workers. To examine the extent strategies were evaluated to improve health protection in the workplace.

3 Methods Used to Search for Studies Traditional computer searches of >20 databases Experts internal and external to NIOSH Reference lists from current literature

4 Interventions in the Following Sectors Agriculture Automotive Beryllium Firefighters Health care Mining Construction Postal Oil and sand

5 Studies Categorized by Study design Target audience Theory Health communication channel Intervention Extent of evaluation

6 StudyTarget WorkersDesignTheoryChannelInterventionEval Welbourne, J, et al 2005 Firefighters, 781 Fire Chiefs R, Telephone survey TPB and PPrintAlertS Stephenson,MT, et al, 2005 Coal miners 307Field StudyPersuasionPrintPostcardsS Helmkamp, JC, et al, 2004 LoggersField study, Pre- Post TMCFilm and printVideo and safety guideS- P-P, 6 Mo Kidd, P et al, 2003 Teenage farmers, Injury Prevention QE, Pre-PostTMCSimulated Action, Narrative Physical and narrative simulations Ob, 1 year Lusk, S, et al, 2003 Factory WorkersE, R, C, Pre-PostHPMPrint, Computer Tailored messages via computer in sound proof booth S 6-18 Mo Elkind,P, et al, 2002 Hispanic, farm workers QE, Pre-PostNovellaStorytellingShort PlaysS, I Farmer, F et al, 2002 Fernery Workers Pesticides QE, Pre- Post Data, FR, ER SMTPrintBrochures and Mobile hand-washing unit S Guidotti, T et al, 2000 Oil and sands workers DemonstrationHBM, SMT Mass MediaMedia campaign, mascot, TV, schools, safety audit S

7 Theoretical Basis for Studies Theory of Planned Behavior Stage Model of Persuasion Health Promotion Model Social Cognitive Theory Novella Theory

8 Theoretical Basis for Studies Social Marketing Theory Extended Parallel Process Model Health Belief Model Transtheoretical Model of Change Cognitive Learning Theory

9 Communication Channels Mass media Film Simulations Verbal Audio Computer Storytelling Print materials Mail

10 Intervention: Tailored Messages and Simulations Goal- to improve worker use of hearing protection equipment Source- Kidd, P, Reed, D, Weaver, L, Westneat, S, Rayens, MK, The Transtheoretical Model of Change in Adolescents: Implications for Injury Prevention, J of Saf Res, 34(3) 281-288, 2003

11 Intervention: Storytelling and Plays Goal- to teach farm workers who do not speak English about occupational health and safety. Source Elkind, P, Pitts, K, Ybarra, SL, Theater as a Mechanism for Increasing Farm Health and Safety, Am J Ind Med, 2:28-35, 2002

12 Intervention: Social Marketing and Hand-washing Station Goal- to decrease pesticide exposure to fernery workers. Source: Elkind, P, Pitts, K, Ybarra, SL, Theater as a Mechanism for Increasing Farm Health and Safety, Am J Ind Med, 2:28-35, 2002

13 Evaluation Many studies included a reaction survey at the end of the intervention. Few studies utilized impact evaluation.

14 Conclusion More rigorous utilization of theoretical-based constructs and evaluation may improve the effectiveness of health communication interventions.

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