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Comments on USPAS T.I. Meyer | Chief Operating Officer, Fermilab HEPAP Sub-panel | March 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Comments on USPAS T.I. Meyer | Chief Operating Officer, Fermilab HEPAP Sub-panel | March 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments on USPAS T.I. Meyer | Chief Operating Officer, Fermilab HEPAP Sub-panel | March 13, 2015

2 Context People with opinions just go around bothering one another. –Buddha Science is a wonderful thing if one doesn’t have to earn one’s living at it. –Einstein Physics is not religion. If it were, we’d have a much easier time raising money. –Leon Lederman 20 Aug 20142

3 USPAS is Great Accelerators matter (cf. Accelerators for America’s Future) There is no U.S.-based program to produce, train, and/or continuously develop the accelerator science, technology, and engineering workforce Fermilab’s Accelerator & Technical Divisions total 650+ FTEs –About half are “accelerator” people. But, where do they come from? –Other labs and abroad: 50%; U.S. universities 35%; home-grown/USPAS 25% Since 1987, Fermilab has sent 653 participants and 117 instructors to USPAS –Repeat business means satisfied customers –Half of our participants were “present workforce,” half were “future workforce” USPAS substantially develops LEADERS in accelerators –Ex: Eric Prebys was a high-energy physicist, became a USPAS student, then a USPAS instructor, then Director of US LARP, and now an APS Fellow 13 Mar 20153

4 Great Ingredient #1: DOE National Labs DOE National Labs are America’s steward for accelerators from knowledge, skills, and abilities to facilities, infrastructure, and equipment –OHEP has been designated as home base Thus, DOE labs play primary and essential role –Have jobs for highly trained accelerator personnel –Have highly trained, successful instructors –Recruit and inspire talented people to the field Having “customer” involved in creating the “supply” is good model Even without any other considerations or benefits, USPAS is essential for DOE labs to create the workforce they need to accomplish their mission Ex: Don Cossairt has been teaching radiation-protection fundamentals for 12 years. This topic doesn’t even exist in a university, cannot be learned “on the job” or at a university and is crucial for work in the field 13 Mar 20154

5 Great Ingredient #2: Universities USPAS is mis-named – not a school –It is part of life-long learning, continuing education, professional development Universities know this market well, too –Executive MBAs, weekend degrees, online courses Involvement of a few focused universities has added substantial value –Universities do know how to teach, evaluate, track success –University can provide broadly-recognized validation of the training: credit, certificate, degree (these are currency in advancing one’s career) Ex: Michael Backfish is a USPAS student who in 2013 earned a Master’s degree in Beam Physics & Accelerator Technology on electron clouds in the Main Injector. He moved from being an operator in the Control Room to an Engineering Physicist. 13 Mar 20155

6 Great Ingredient #3: Dedicated admin/logistics support Like it or not, organizing the USPAS program requires logistics, travel, accounting, and administrative support A dedicated staff makes the most sense and is efficient if separating costs is essential Ex: Susan Winchester is essential. 13 Mar 20156

7 Great Ingredient #4: Curriculum committee Who says what to teach? Pro bono Curriculum Committee is an effective and “close to the customer” steering group –Allows stewards to play a role in setting training agenda USPAS has been very effective at providing topical, timely content –The bread & butter fundamentals as well as specific courses for specific needs Ex. Univ of Chicago student Satomi Shirashi attended course on cyclotrons and tuning them for medical applications 13 Mar 20157

8 Great Ingredient #5: Multiple stakeholders & customers USPAS should not be a DOE-only servant –It must provide training & development for the accelerator community that DOE stewards A key ingredient has been, therefore, the ability to accept students from “anywhere” … –…and the ability to accept $$ from “anywhere” and it has NOT been a “pay to play” model By serving the broad community, USPAS demonstrates more impactful value, addresses a larger potential future workforce, and cross-pollinates a greater set of research areas driven by accelerators Ex. Cornell, IU, Maryland, MSU, and DOD have all contributed intellectually and/or financially to USPAS 13 Mar 20158

9 Challenges The cost of anything & everything is a challenge these days –Instructors “time & travel” is covered by home lab and this is a good model –What else can be done for free? What drives the costs? What parts of the management & oversight are absolutely essential? At a lab, not at a lab, or near a lab? –Labs frequently host summer schools & collab mtgs –Cornell course was substantially enhanced by “field trip” for hands-on learning at CESR control room –Fermilab has substantial assets that could be platforms for learning 13 Mar 20159

10 As long-time host… Hosting the USPAS Office –Adds prestige and recognition to Fermilab –Demonstrates commitment to broader community –Lab covers overruns or excesses, financially and/or spiritually –By waiving overhead fees, other parts of the lab subsidize USPAS via shared services (travel, accounting, IT, and so on) We have been proud to host the Office –And we would be willing to do it again! 13 Mar 201510

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