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The Drinks Coca Cola Liudvinavas Kazys Boruta Secondary school Lithuania Vilma Meškinytė Raminta Meškinytė.

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Presentation on theme: "The Drinks Coca Cola Liudvinavas Kazys Boruta Secondary school Lithuania Vilma Meškinytė Raminta Meškinytė."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Drinks Coca Cola Liudvinavas Kazys Boruta Secondary school Lithuania Vilma Meškinytė Raminta Meškinytė

2 History of Coca Cola In 1886, Coca cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. Coca Cola is a corbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines worldwide. Coca cola is very damaging to the organism.

3 Coca cola’s advertisements Coca cola’s advertisements

4 The Questionnaire 1. Are you: a girl a girl a boy? a boy? 2. What do you usually drink? Coca Cola Coca Cola Juice Juice Water Water Other.................. Other.................. 3. What drinks do you know that are unhealthy to your organism? …………………………………………………………………. 4.Do you know, that it is unhealthy to drink Coca Cola? Yes Yes No No I do not believe it. I do not believe it. 5.Do you know, how many teaspoons are in the bottle of Coca Cola? 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons 10 teaspoons 10 teaspoons 5 teaspoons 5 teaspoons 20 teaspoons 20 teaspoons 6. Are you interested in what harm makes the drinks that you drink to your organism? I do not care about it I do not care about it Yes of course Yes of course No No 7. Are you told about the harm to your organism? Yes Yes No No I do not care about it I do not care about it 8.Who told you about the harm of the drinks? Parents Parents Teachers Teachers Friends Friends Nobody tells. Nobody tells.

5 The participants who took part in the questionnaire

6 Drinks that usually drink our school’s students

7 Do you know that Coca Cola damage the organism?

8 Do you know, how many teaspoons are in Coca Cola?

9 Experiment There was made an experiment: The Coca-Cola’s impact to 2 cents coin and the origin of organic materials - nails. The methodology of the experiment is simple: the nails, as well as a coin are placed into separate containers with Coca Cola, Libelle Citrusmix drink and Lithuanian Just Cola Classic. Whereas the experiment is not scientific, we add drinks without measuring, because it does not make a big difference. The experiment will last some time. We will hold the experiment failed if the nails are in the jar and there are not visible effect on the two Lithuanian-cent coins and they could be used in circulation. The experiment will be held succeeded, if the nails melt and there we could see visible changes of two cent coins.

10 The results of the experiment 1. First day: The nails in the jar floated for some time on the surface of the drink, then they deposited to the bottom. The coins deposited immediately. 2. Second day: Nails are lying the same on the bottom of the jar. The coins took over the same colour as the drink. 3. Third day: Everything is the same as before. 4. Fourth day: Everything looks the same. It is very interesting, whether the coins will be soften or not? 5. Fifth day: There is nothing new, so we make the conclusion that the experiment will be failed. The coins that were in Just Coca has no brown-colored stripes. The coins that were in Coca Cola has brown stripes. It is obvious that these drinks have different concentration of dyes, which is bigger in Coca-Cola.

11 The results of the experiment 6. After a week: After a week the nails are not melted, metal coin as well. Only one visible difference between coins which are in Coca Cola and in Just Cola because there colours are different. The coin in Just Cola did not changed the colour, while the coin in Coca-Cola became brown. Thus, we make conclusion that Coca Cola from the USA has more bad materials. 7. After two weeks: In these photos we can see the difference between coins: Coca Cola: Just Cola: Coca Cola: Just Cola:

12 Conclusions Coca cola is a very dangerous drink. This drink has got a lot of materials that influence our organism so that we want to drink again after a very short time because we do not freshen up with this drink. The purpose of the producers of Coca Cola is not to give refreshment, but to make people, particularly children, to buy this drink again and again.

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