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Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 1 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 3GPP Status Balazs Bertenyi Chairman of 3GPP TSG SA.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 1 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 3GPP Status Balazs Bertenyi Chairman of 3GPP TSG SA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 1 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 3GPP Status Balazs Bertenyi Chairman of 3GPP TSG SA

2 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 2 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Outline 3GPP structure and work organization 3GPP Releases and timelines Critical Communications (CC) features and status Status of CC work organization discussions

3 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 3 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Technologies Radio Technologies 2G radio: GSM, GPRS, EDGE 3G radio: WCDMA, HSPA 4G radio: LTE, LTE-Advanced Mobile Core Network 2G/3G: CS, GPRS 3G/4G: Evolved Packet Core (EPC) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Security Assurance Policy Control Charging and O&M Service related aspects M2M Public Safety 10/15/2015 3GPP – facts and numbers Organization Meeting Delegates by Region Numbers 50.000 delegate days per year 40.000 documents per year 1.200 specs per Release New Release every ~18 months Consensus based decision making

4 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 4 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 3GPP organization Organization

5 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 5 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 3GPP Releases and CC features 20132015201420172016 Release 12 Release 13 Release 14 2020 “Ready” System Rel 14 Rel 13 Rel 12 Group Communcations (GCSE) Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT) Proximity Services (ProSe) Device-to-device communications (D2D) Group Communcations (GCSE) contd… Proximity Services (ProSe) contd… Device-to-device communications (D2D) contd.. Possible further enhancements to Rel-13 features

6 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 6 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Proximity Services and D2D Basic discovery and communication functionality added to Release 12 Release 13 will add the following pieces of functionality: Restricted ProSe Direct Discovery for non-Public Safety use; ProSe Direct Discovery for Public Safety use; Support for model B ProSe Direct Discovery for all use cases (i.e. open and restricted); ProSe UE-Network relays for Public Safety use; ProSe UE-UE relays for Public Safety use; ProSe Direct Communication one-to-one for Public Safety use;

7 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 7 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Group Communications (GCSE) Basic GCSE support was specified in Rel-12 GCSE provides generic building blocks for resource efficient downstream communication to a group of UEs for the design of application layer functionality Release 13 will add the following pieces of functionality: Group Communication between GCSE Group members via the network Group Communication between GCSE Group members via the network and a ProSe UE- to-Network Relay Relationship between a GCSE Group and members using ProSe Group Communication. Notably: interaction between group communication and ProSe UE-UE or UE-Network relays. Support for eMBMS single cell broadcast areas, for networks where this deployent scenario is needed.

8 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 8 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT) Requirements definition has been ongoing in Release 13, architecture work just started Highlights Provides arbitrated method by which two or more users may engage in communication Designed to support mission critical usage, but can be deployed in non-mission critical scenarios Emulates functions provided by PMR/LMR systems Mainly for group call support, but private one-to-one calls supported too Works in both on-network and off-network scenarios Not all functions available when device operates off-network

9 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 9 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 MCPTT continued Attributes Types of calls: “Regular” group call Broadcast group call, e.g. user broadcast: no response expected by initiating user Group call based on priorities, e.g. emergency group call: high priority group call that could pre-empt other in-progress calls Private calls: one-to-one calls with floor control Membership: Users must be a group member in order to receive and transmit to the group

10 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 10 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) Requirements definition work complete for Release 13 Resilience to loss/lack of backhaul for Critical Communications Supports locally routed communication in E- UTRAN for “nomadic” eNodeBs operating without backhaul connectivity for “regular” eNodeBs experiencing temporary loss of backhaul connectivity Network Cell Site(s)

11 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 11 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Status of Critical Communications work organization discussions in 3GPP TSG#64 meeting in June looked at proposals for organizing MCPTT work Undertaking all MCPTT work in 3GPP Distributing work across multiple SDOs (ETSI, OMA, 3GPP) Conclusion was to first look at the high level architecture, and look at possible work distribution along main architecture layers/components High level architecture was not completed by TSG#64 yet TSG#65 will re-discuss and will aim at concluding the issue Outcome of this workshop will be an important input to these discussions

12 Critical Communications Workshop, 26-27/August 12 © 3GPP 2012 © 3GPP 2014 Thank you !

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