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CLIC Workshop 07 CERN, 16-18 October 2007 Instrumentation Working Group In conference room Bldg 354-1-001 Grahame Blair & Thibaut Lefevre.

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Presentation on theme: "CLIC Workshop 07 CERN, 16-18 October 2007 Instrumentation Working Group In conference room Bldg 354-1-001 Grahame Blair & Thibaut Lefevre."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLIC Workshop 07 CERN, 16-18 October 2007 Instrumentation Working Group In conference room Bldg 354-1-001 Grahame Blair & Thibaut Lefevre

2 What need to be measured ? Machine optimization Beam size (  x /  y ) Bunch length (  z ) Beam commissioning Beam Position (x / y) Beam Current I Beam energy E and energy spread  E Beam Phase Machine optimization Machine Protection and minimize radiation Beam losses Luminosity CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

3 e + injector, 2.4 GeV e - injector 2.4 GeV CLIC 3 TeV e + main linac e - main linac, 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 20.8 km BC1 e + DR 365m e - DR 365m booster linac, 9 GeV, 2 GHz or 4 GHz ? decelerator, 24 sectors of 868 m IP1 drive beam accelerator 2.38 GeV, 1.0 GHz combiner rings Circumferences delay loop 72.4 m CR1 144.8 m CR2 434.3 m CR1 CR2 delay loop 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139  s 1 km CR2 delay loop drive beam accelerator 2.38 GeV, 1.0 GHz 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139  s 1 km CR1 TA R= 120 m TA 245 m BDS 2.75 km BDS 2.75 km BC2 47.9 km CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

4 e + injector, 2.4 GeV e - injector 2.4 GeV BC1 e + DR 365m e - DR 365m IP1 BC2 Final Focus  x : 0.66 mm.mrad  y : 0.02mm.mrad  E/E : 0.35%  x = 40 nm  y = 1 nm Entrance linac  x : 0.60 mm.mrad  y : 0.01 mm.mrad  E/E : 1.5%  z : 45  m (150fs) Damping ring  x : 10 -> 0.381 mm.mrad  y : 10 -> 0.004 mm.mrad  E/E : 0.134%  z : 1.5mm (5ps) Main Beam parameters all along the machine In addition, there are very strict tolerances/requirements on the beam position precision and resolution (1  m @ 100nm) CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

5 IP1 CR2 delay loop CR1 Drive Beam frequency multiplication complex  z : 2mm (6.6ps) I : 4.2 – 8.4 - 25.2 - 101A  b : 60 - 30 - 10 - 2.5cm Drive Beam accelerator I : 4.2A ; Qb : 8.4nC :  t : 140  s  : < 100 mm.mrad  E/E : <1%  z : 4mm (13.3ps) 24 Drive Beam decelerators I : 101A ;  t=241ns  : 150 mm.mrad  z : 1mm (3.3ps) 2.38GeV  238MeV Drive Beam parameters all along the machine In addition, there are very strict tolerances/requirements on the beam phase stability (0.01º@12GHz) CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

6 Generation Complex Decelerator (24 units) Electrons energy  2.38 GeV2.38  0.238 GeV Beam current /charge4.2A / 587  C101A / 24.4  C Total Beam Energy  1.397MJ58  5.8kJ Bunch length6-13ps3.3ps Minimum beam size50  m Charge density2.3 10 10 nC/cm 2 1.2 10 9 nC/cm 2 The thermal limit for ‘best’ material (C, Be, SiC) is ~ 1 10 6 nC/cm 2 Control of beam loss to prevent beam induced damage (10 -4 ) Use of non-intercepting / non degradable beam diagnostic Drive Beam Parameters This is just the RF source !!! Guarantee the efficient production of 12GHz RF power With a high level of reliability and availability CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

7 CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

8 Beam Parameters Main Beam Requirement Main Beam Monitor Drive Beam Requirement Drive Beam Monitor Intensity  Position x,y Energy spread  E/E Bunch length  z Emittance  Beam size  Beam loss Luminosity L Phase stability ~ ? 2 talks on the Beam Instrumentation Requirements 6 talks on Position and Intensity monitoring 3 talks on Short Bunch Length measurements 2 talks on Beam Size monitoring 2 talks on Beam Loss and Machine protection 1 talk on Phase Stability CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

9 13:40->19:00 Instrumentation Wkg (Convener: Grahame Blair (Royal Holloway, Univ. of London), Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) ) (Location: 354-1-001 )354-1-001 13:40 Overview of the CLIC Instrumentation (10') Grahame Blair (RHUL) 13:50 Requirements on the CLIC Drive Beam Instrumentation (20') Erik Adli (CERN) 14:10 Requirements on the Beam Delivery system Instrumentation (20') Rogelio Tomas (CERN) 14:30 From CTF3 to CLIC (20') Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) 14:50 Development of BPM electronics at LAPP (30') Louis Bellier (LAPP) 15:20 BPM Development at CEA/Saclay (10') Wilfrid Farabolini (CEA/SACLAY) 15:30 Coffee Break 15:50 EuroTeV High Precision BPM (20') Lars Soby (CERN) 16:10 EuroTeV High Bandwidth Wall Current Monitor (20') Alessandro D'Elia (CERN) 16:30 The effect of pair backgrounds on the IP stripline BPM (20') Anthony Hartin (Oxford univ) 16:50 Beam halo monitoring (20') Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) 17:10 High precision phase monitoring (20') Alexandra Andersson (CERN) 17:30 CLIC luminosity monitors (10') Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) 17:40 Discussion (1h00') CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

10 09:00->12:20 Instrumentation Wkg (Convener: Grahame Blair (Royal Holloway, Univ. of London), Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) ) (Location: 354-1-001 )354-1-001 09:00 Non-interceptive single shot bunch length measurement (30') Anne Dabrowski (Northwestern Univ.) 09:30 Beam instrumentation development at Uppsala University (30') Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala Univ.) 10:00 Coherent Diffraction Radation and Applications at CLIC (30') Pavel Karataev (RHUL 10:30 Nano BPM studies and Possiblities for CLIC (20') Stewart Boogert (RHUL) 10:50 Coffee break 11:10 Laser-Wire studies at PETRAIII and ATF2 (20') Grahame Blair (RHUL) 11:30 Beam loss monitoring at CTF3 (10') Thibaut Lefevre (CERN) 11:40 Machine Protection system: Lessons learnt from LHC (20') Eva Barbara Holzer (CERN) CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07 Encourage other participants (not mentioned here) to present their work

11 CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07 Identify the Requirements for beam instrumentation Give a status of the present knowledge/development Identify the weak points and their consequences (Propose solution ?) Potentially stimulate new collaborators to join the crew

12 ParameterSymbol3 TeV1 TeV0.5 TeVILCUnit Center of mass energyE cm 30001000500 GeV Main Linac RF Frequencyf RF 12 1.3GHz LuminosityL5.92.252.24210 34 cm -2 s -1 Luminosity (in 1% of energy)L 99% 21.081.3610 34 cm -2 s -1 Linac repetition ratef rep 50 1005Hz No. of particles / bunchNbNb 3.72 2010 9 No. of bunches / pulsekbkb 312 2670 No. of drive beam sectors / linacN unit 2484-- Overall two linac lengthl linac 41.713.96.922km Proposed site lengthl tot 47.920.113.231km DB Pulse length (total train) tt 1394623-μsμs Beam power / beamPbPb 144.6 10.8MW Wall-plug power to beam efficiencyη wp-rf 8.76.1 9.4% Total site AC powerP tot 322~150 230MW Transverse horizontal emittanceγε x 660 8000nm rad Transverse vertical emittanceγε y 20 40nm rad Nominal horizontal IP beta functionβ*xβ*x 4201520mm Nominal vertical IP beta functionβ*yβ*y 0.090.1 0.4mm Horizontal IP beam size before pinchσ*xσ*x 40142640nm Vertical IP beam size before pinchσ*yσ*y 125.7nm Beamstrahlung energy lossδBδB 291172.4% No. of photons / electronNγNγ No. of pairs (p T min =20MeV/c, θ min =0.2)N pairs 4517.111.5- No. of coherent pairsN coh 380.070.000110 7 No. of incoherent pairsN incoh 0.440.090.0510 5 Hadronic events / crossingN hadron CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

13 Beam Parameters CTF3 detector Performances Drive Beam Requirement Drive Beam Monitor Intensity  Position x,y Energy spread  E/E Bunch length  z Emittance  Beam size  Beam loss Luminosity L Phase stability CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

14 CLICILC Center of mass energy (GeV)3000500 Main Linac RF Frequency (GHz)121.3 Luminosity (10 34 cm -2 s -1 )5.92 Linac repetition rate (Hz) 505 Accelerating gradient (MV/m)100 28 Proposed site length (km) 47.931 Total site AC power (MW)322230 Wall plug to main beam power efficiency (%)8.79.4 Comparison between CLIC and ILC Most Critical Beam Parameter CLICILC Bunch Length in the Linac (fs)150900 Typical Beam Size in the Linac (  m)15 Beam size at IP :  x /  y (nm)40/1550/5 CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

15 Comparison of different BDS systems. Energy bandwidth is defined as energy offset required to double beamsize R. Tomás CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

16 Adapded from S. Chattopadhyay, K. Yokoya, Proc. Nanobeam `02 The small beam size challenge CLIC workshop 07 Instrumentation Working Group CLIC 07

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