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Digital Divide What is digital divide? What is the impact on the society? What is Supercourse effort?

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Divide What is digital divide? What is the impact on the society? What is Supercourse effort?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Divide What is digital divide? What is the impact on the society? What is Supercourse effort?

2 Digital Divide The gap in: Information communication technology The Internet use The gap between various: Income Age Gender Ethnicity Language Geography Family, company size

3 Digital Divide Source: UN Human Development Report, 1999 Interent users Less than 5% of world population

4 Digital Divide Among developed countries % of people having a PC Source: OECD, Digital Divide 2001

5 Digital Divide Among developed countries % of Internet users Source: OECD, Digital Divide 2001

6 Widening Digital Divide Source: Burstin, Health Affairs 2000 21.5% gap 16.8% gap % of Internet users 1994 vs. 1997 in USA

7 Digital Divide Result: Less access Lack of information Impact Business Science Education Slowing down of the society

8 Crossing Digital Divide Alternative Internet access: Cable, Satellite TV Mobile phone

9 Crossing Digital Divide Mobile internet training unit


11 Supercourse – Crossing Digital Divide Supercourse lectures Readable with lower version of web browsers Small size 200-300kb per lecture Mirroring CD-ROM

12 Supercourse – Crossing Digital Divide Mirror sites: 32 Simply “a copy of Supercourse site” Mirror update in December!!

13 Supercourse – Crossing Digital Divide CD-Rom: Sent to 4000 faculty in 105 countries CD-Rom update in December!!

14 Quality Control Filtering system Development level Manufacturing level Utilization level Quality assurance system Online review Statistical quality control

15 Utilization Classroom teaching: Faculty School of Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary, Public Health Course reference / reading material Customized lecturing Modification, tailoring Web-based or CD-Rom

16 Utilization Professional training: Local health departments (US) Training material Self-learning material Resource for program development

17 Utilization e-Handbook: Medical students Quick manual for “Epidemiology” Web-based or CD-Rom

18 Supercourse development Rehabilitation Supercourse (29) Rehabilitation Supercourse Behavioral Sciences Supercourse (16) Behavioral Sciences Supercourse CDC Prevention Lecture Series (30) CDC Prevention Lecture Series

19 Supercourse development Jikei University Medical School Clinical Epidemiology course Evaluation trial University of Occupational & Environmental Health Post graduate education Global Health Disaster Network

20 Supercourse development Hokkaido University Health, Environment, and Sustainable Health Supercourse w/supercourses.html w/supercourses.html Dokkyo University Global Pathology Supercourse path/WASP-Glo.html path/WASP-Glo.html Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) programs

21 Future plans CD distribution Mirroring Satellite-based distribution Egypt IMIA WG9, WG1 collaboration Connecting BMJ, Lancet and Supercourse Citation system Customization system Evaluation model

22 Further collaboration Lecture sharing CD distribution Mirroring Supercourse development in other area Collaborative research Lecture translation Business model development

23 How to join? Supercourse website: st/join.htm st/join.htm Email contact: EunRyoung Sa Akira Sekikawa Ron LaPorte

24 GHNet-Supercourse Working Group Ronald E. LaPorte Akira Sekikawa EunRyoung Sa Fan Zhou Faina Linkov Mita Lovalekar Beatriz Rico Verdin Eugene Shubnikov Deborah Aaron Thomas Songer RonAkira Deb Mita Tom BeatrizFan Faina Eugene EunRyoung

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