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Scope-bounded Multistack Pushdown Systems: - fixed-point - sequentialization - tree-width 1 Salvatore La Torre Gennaro Parlato (U. Salerno, Italy) (U.

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Presentation on theme: "Scope-bounded Multistack Pushdown Systems: - fixed-point - sequentialization - tree-width 1 Salvatore La Torre Gennaro Parlato (U. Salerno, Italy) (U."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scope-bounded Multistack Pushdown Systems: - fixed-point - sequentialization - tree-width 1 Salvatore La Torre Gennaro Parlato (U. Salerno, Italy) (U. Southampton, UK)

2 Multi-stack Pushdown Systems (MPS) n stacks sharing a finite control – configurations: s,,, …, – transitions: push one symbol onto stack i pop one symbol from stack i internal move: stacks stay unchanged, only control location is altered problem: control-state reachability 1 2 n

3 Multi-stack Pushdown Systems (MPS) Interesting model for concurrency – allows accurate modeling of the control flow of concurrent programs with shared memory and recursive procedure calls Too expressive – two stacks suffice to encode a Turing machine Several decidable restrictions in literature

4 bounded context-switch (round) runs round 1 round 2 boudedbouded moves on stack 1 moves on stack 2 moves on stack 3 round 3 round 4 round 5 round 6 round 7 …… … … bounded round reachability is decidable [Qadeer-Rehof, TACAS’05 ] (solution based on automata)

5 bounded round analysis (compositional) moves on stack 1 moves on stack 2 moves on stack 3 compute interface for stack 1 compute interface for stack 1 compute interface for stack 2 compute interface for stack 2 compute interface for stack 3 compute interface for stack 3 compute interface for stack 1 + stack 2 compute interface for stack 1 + stack 2 compute interface for stack 1 + stack 2 + stack 3 compute interface for stack 1 + stack 2 + stack 3 - Sequentialization [Lal-Reps, CAV’08 ] - Interfaces & Getafix [La Torre-Madhusudan-Parlato, PLDI’09, CAV’10, FIT’12 ]

6 Tools based on compositional alg. Sequentialization (programming languages) – Poirot+Corral (MSR) [Lahiri-Lal-Qadeer, POPL’11, CAV’12] – Cseq (code-to-code translation for C prgms + Pthread) [Cseq+ESBMC. Fischer-Inverso-Parlato, SV-COMP’13] Model-Checkers for Boolean programs (abstracted device drivers) – Getafix [La Torre – Madhusudan - Parlato, PLDI’09, CAV’10]

7 beyond bounded-round restriction: scope-bounded runs moves on stack 1 moves on stack 2 moves on stack 3 …… … Decidable reachability [La Torre-Napoli, CONCUR’11 ] solution based on automata, compositional ??? Fix a bound k. A run is k-scope if for all push, pop. ( matching(push, pop) ∧ (round(pop) – round(push) ≤ k ) ) pop push

8 What is this talk about? Compositional algorithm for bounded-scope reachability can be implemented as a – fixed-point (using interfaces) – sequentialization (from multi to one stack) Bounded-scope multiply nested words have bounded tree-width – decidability of reachability, LTL, …, MSO

9 Compositional algorithm for bounded-scope reachability fixed-point sequentialization 9

10 compositional algorithm (fixed point) interface stack 1 interface stack 2 interface stack 3 interface stack 4 The compositional algorithm for bounded rounds won’t work we don’t know a bound on # of needed rounds (semi-algorithm) Our solution computes the cross product of interfaces in parallel

11 interface decomposition for k-scope every k-scope interface can be obtained as a concatenation of several k-round interfaces simple concatenation k-scope k-round k-scope k-round <- first round last -> round overlapping concatenation q

12 compositional algorithm (fixed point) initial -> control state interface stack 1 interface stack 2 interface stack 3 interface stack 4 Init: insert an initial interface for stack 1 with at most k rounds Rules: (Add) concatenate a feasible interface (with at most k rounds) to the stack interface with the lowest incomplete round (Remove) if the first tracked round is complete then remove it Termination: one line left with the target control state at the end target <- state Always reaches a fixed point: - configuration: O( k*n) control states ^ ^ | | #scope #stacks Comparison with bounded-round restriction - bounded rounds requires only O( k ) control states - n cannot be eliminated from O (k n) (additional price to pay)

13 Sequentialization 13

14 Code-to-code translation as a plug-in for sequential verification tools A convenient way to get new tools for conc. programs … Sequ. tool Sequ. tool Conc  sequ translation Conc  sequ translation Instrumentation for the Sequ. tool Instrumentation for the Sequ. tool Concurrent Program T 1 T 2 T n shared vars … Sequ. program Sequ. program Concurrent Program

15 features of a good sequentialization A direct simulation doesn’t lead to scalable solutions: state: C 1 X C 2 X … X C n X Shared Simulation: at each step non-deterministically simulate one move of a thread -data structures for the configurations (n stacks) State space explosion ! Avoid cross product (compositional) 1 stack for the simulation 1 local state, fixed # of shared states Conc. & Sequ. Programs are in the same class i.e. no additional data structures to simulate parallelism Example: concurrent Boolean programs  Boolean (sequential) program Parameterized: increasing the parameter more behaviors are captured at the expense of more computational resources Explore as many behaviors as possible

16 related work (sequentialization) Up 2 context-switches (KISS) [Qadeer-Wu, PLDI’04] bounded-round schedules & finite # of threads Eager [Lal-Reps, CAV’08] Lazy [La Torre-Madhusudan-Parlato, CAV’09] bounded-round schedule & parameterized programs Lazy [La Torre, Madhusudan-Parlato, CAV’10, FIT’12] Delay-bounded schedules (thread creation) [Emmi-Qadeer-Rakamaric, POPL’11] Bounded semantics [Bouajjani-Emmi-Parlato, SAS’11]

17 from fixed point to sequentialization Fixed-point algorithm Init: insert an initial interface for stack 1 with at most k rounds Rules: (Add) Fill any hole with a feasible interface with at most k rounds (Remove) If the first tracked line is complete then remove it Termination: one line left with the target control state at the end Sequentialization Our fixed point leads to a straightforward sequentialization (1stack+2kn shared vars) Global variables: 2k copies of the shared variable to store tuple-interface Additional functions: - INTERFACE( thread_id ); // non-deterministically build an interface for thread thread_id - Init() // implements Init - remove_first_round() //implements Remove rule - add_interface() //implements Add rule Code-to-code translation: Init(); while (true) { if (Remove) remove_first_round(); else add_interface(); if (termination) ERROR; }

18 bounded-scope runs => bounded tree-width of k-scope multiply nested words 18

19 nested words A nested word NW graph captures the behavior of a run – The stack is compiled down into the nested word (nesting edges) push int pop int pop int push int pop q1q1 q2q2 q3q3 q4q4 q5q5 q6q6 q7q7 q8q8 q9q9 q 10 q 11 q 12 q 13 q 14 final

20 multiply nested words (MNW) A MNW graph captures the behavior of an MPS run – Stacks are compiled down into the graph (nesting edges) – One nesting relation per stack push 1 push 2 pop 1 pop 2 pop 1 int push 1 pop 2 pop 1

21 decidability for multistack systems [Madhusudan-Parlato, POPL’11] Several decidable restrictions of Multistack pushdown systems lead to bounded tree-width multiply nested words Decidability: Courcelle/Seese theorem – bounded-contexts [Rehof - Qadeer, TACAS’05 ] – bounded-phases [La Torre – Madhusudan - Parlato, LICS’07 ] – ordered (Breveglieri – Cherubini – Citrini - Crespi Reghizzi, Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci.’95] – Parameterized pushdown automata with k-rounds [La Torre - Madhusudan – Parlato, CAV’10 ] – Delay bounded [Emmi – Qadeer – Rakamarik, POPL’11 ] – Bounded semantics [Bouajjani – Emmi - Parlato, SAS’11 ] – Bounded-Scope [La Torre - Napoli, CONCUR’11 ] (More details in the “Verification of Infinite-State Systems” talk)

22 Conclusions 22

23 Conclusions & Future Work Bounded-scoped model-checking Compositional algorithm – Fixed point algorithm can be encoded in Getafix [La Torre - Madhusudan - Parlato, PLDI’09] – Sequentialization (under-approximation) code-to-code translation (for C programs + Pthread library) sequential tool can be used to analyze concurrent programs empirical evaluation (can we find new bugs?) [Multi-Pushdown Systems with Budget. Abdulla-Atig-Rezine-Stenman - ‘12] bounded tree-width runs + MSO definable [MSO decidability of multi-pushdown systems via split-width. Cyriac - Gastin - Kumar, CONCUR’12] – reachability/LTL  Seese/Courcelle’s theorem (decidable) [A temporal logic for multi-threaded programs. La Torre - Napoli, IFIP TCS’12] [LTL model-checking for multithreaded programs under scope-bounding. Atig, Bouajjani, Kumar, Saivasan – ATVA’12]

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