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Multimediapresentation Studiehandlening i Informationsteknologi som redskap för lärande och undervisning Ht 2011 Hanna.

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1 Multimediapresentation Studiehandlening i Informationsteknologi som redskap för lärande och undervisning Ht 2011 Hanna

2 How to make Apple pie

3 From every page you can get back to the overview by clicking on that button. From there you can jump into different chapter. Here you can see where you are. The chapter you are in will be marked red With the arrows you can get to the next and the previous page Overview Welcome to learn baking Apple pie Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing To guide you around, all following pages will be organized as the following: Start baking

4 Overview Help Further Links Recipe Ingredients Apples Dough Mixing Baking

5 For the dough: 300g flour 1 spoon sugar 1 teespoon salt 175g butter 6 spoons water For the filling: 1.5 kg apples 125 g sugar 50 g cane sugar 2 spoons flour 1 lemon 2 tee spoons cinnamon Recipe Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing

6 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Which Ingredients do you need for the dough and the filling? In the following you get to see the ingredients and you will be asked four multiple choice questions about them Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients Overview Start task Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing

7 Ingredients Overview Ingredients Overview A. Flour, Butter, Salt, Cinnamon and Water B. Butter, Milk, Sugar, Flour and Cinnamon C. Butter, Pepper, Salt, Water and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Recipe Ingredients 1/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

8 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview A. Flour, Butter, Salt, Cinnamon and Water B. Butter, Milk, Sugar, Flour and Cinnamon C. Butter, Pepper, Salt, Water and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 1/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing Good! Right answer

9 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview A. Flour, Butter, Salt, Cinnamon and Water B. Butter, Milk, Sugar, Flour and Cinnamon C. Butter, Pepper, Salt, Water and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 1/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing Sorry! Nice try, but in this dough we need water instead of milk. A is the correct answer

10 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview A. Flour, Butter, Salt, Cinnamon and Water B. Butter, Milk, Sugar, Flour and Cinnamon C. Butter, Pepper, Salt, Water and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 1/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing Sorry! Nice try, but in this dough we don need pepper. The red powder Is cinnamon. A is the correct answer

11 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients Overview Are the ingredients for the dough or for the filling ? Dough Filling Recipe Ingredients 2/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

12 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients Overview Are the ingredients for the dough or for the filling ? Dough Filling Next task Recipe Ingredients 2/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing Those ingredients are for the dough. With Flour, Butter, Sugar and Water You can make a so called: „choux pastry“, a dow without eggs.

13 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Flour, Lemon, Cinnamon and Salt Lemon, Cane sugar, Sugar and Flour Milk, Lemon, Pepper and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Recipe Ingredients 3/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

14 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Flour, Lemon, Cinnamon and Salt Lemon, Cane sugar, Sugar and Flour Milk, Lemon, Pepper and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 3/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

15 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Flour, Lemon, Cinnamon and Salt Lemon, Cane sugar, Sugar and Flour Milk, Lemon, Pepper and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 3/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

16 Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Flour, Lemon, Cinnamon and Salt Lemon, Cane sugar, Sugar and Flour Milk, Lemon, Pepper and Flour Ingredients Overview Which ingredients do you see on the picture? Next task Recipe Ingredients 3/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

17 Ingredients What is the use of the lemon? a. giving a fresh taste b. keeping the apples nice looking c. coloring the pie Recipe Ingredients 4/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing Overview Solution

18 Ingredients What is the use of the lemon? a. giving a fresh taste b. keeping the apples nice looking c. coloring the pie Answer: A and B are correct. Lemon is supposed to give a fresh taste and it contains substances which keep the apple from becoming braun. Back to overview Overview Recipe Ingredients 4/4 Baking Apples Dough Mixing

19 Before you start baking, you should check if you have the kitchen equipment you need. Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Tools Overview Start baking Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing

20 First we are going to take care of the apples Then we will make the dough. Afterwards the mixing of all ingredients is shown. Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Baking Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing

21 Working with the apples Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview The Apples Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing 1,5 kg apples

22 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview The Apples Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing Now include cane sugar, sugar, cinnamon and lemon to the apples and mix it. 125 g sugar 50 g cane sugar 2 spoons flour 1 lemon 2 tee spoons cinnamon You need

23 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview The Dough Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing You need: 300g flour 1 spoon sugar 1 teespoon salt 175g butter 6 spoons water 1. Filter the flour 2. Get the butter soft - you can use a microwave - heat it in a pot with low temperature - put it in the sun 3. Mix all ingrediences in a bowl

24 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Mixing Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing 1.Mix the dough until it is one bulk 2. Devide the dough into two peaces 3. The first half should be put in the cake pan as in picture three 4. The other half of the dow is needed in the end.

25 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Mixing Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing Mixing apples and dough

26 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Waiting Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing Now we need to wait for about 40 minutes. The apple pie is done when: - the upper dough get a little dark - The apples are very soft Put the pie in the oven The oven should be heated up already to 180 degrees

27 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Waiting Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing Enjoy your pie!

28 v Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Ingredients P Ingredients Overview Further Recipes Overview Recipe Ingredients Baking Apples Dough Mixing,1-0,english_apple_pie,FF.html

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