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HS Announcements: Tuesday, Oct. 2 nd High School 1.Attention Juniors & Seniors. The following institutions and military branches will have representatives.

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2 HS Announcements: Tuesday, Oct. 2 nd High School 1.Attention Juniors & Seniors. The following institutions and military branches will have representatives here to meet with you either in the media center or in Lab 70 during homeroom time: 10/2 – UNOH 10/4 – Eastern Mennonite University10/5 – Rhodes State 10/8 – Hesston Please stop by guidance to sign up or if you have any questions. 2. The HS Guidance Office will be collecting money for the PLAN test that will be given to sophomores until this Friday, Oct. 5. The cost is $11.75. Please bring your check made out to WL-S Schools or cash into the Guidance Office by 11:30 am. 3.Attention juniors and seniors: Are you considering Youngstown State University? If so, they are having two CRASH DAY/OPEN HOUSES on Saturday, October 20 and Friday, November 16. These are days for students and parents to meet faculty members and current students, explore different academic colleges and majors, and finally-tour the campus, residence halls and dining facilities. Please stop in HS Guidance for more info. 4.Cancer is a disease that impacts many of us in different ways. You can get involved in the fight to find a cure by participating in the “PINK” game we are having this Friday sponsored by the Pigskin football parents. Several different activities will be going on this week and during the game to raise funds for the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Students are encouraged to wear pink to school this Friday and to Friday night’s game. Help us PINK out the stadium! 5.New York City Seniors – You were given information last Tuesday about the April 2013 New York City Senior Trip. If you want to go, you must turn in your signed registration/parent permission form and a deposit of $100 to Mr. Lewis by this Friday. Please turn in forms and money any day this week during homeroom. Extra forms are in the office. 6.We have a group of students who are organizing a Prayer at the Pole gathering this Thursday morning, Oct. 4 th at 7:00am. Interested students can meet at the flagpole in front of the school. See Jessica Rabenstein or Sarah Landis for more information. 7.There will be an NHS Meeting during Junior/Senior Homeroom on Thursday, Oct. 4 th in Mrs. Smith’s room. 8.Congratulations to the winners of the Global Gourmet apple pie contest! The winning pie in both appearance and taste was baked by Corey Lianez, Hailey Miller, and Kaylyn Barney. Runner-up in appearance was baked by Grace Edwards and Bell Clark. Runner-up in taste was baked by Zach Burt and Garrett Conklin. Thanks for all the delicious pies. 9.Attention all high school boys and girls planning to play basketball. Julie will be here on stage during lunch on Wednesday for shoe fitting. If you are planning to play basketball, make sure you see her on Wednesday. Athletics 1.The 7th Grade Volleyball Team remained unbeaten improving their record to 12-0 by defeating Springfield Catholic Central on Monday. Jonni Parker had 15 points with 9 aces and 6 kills. Macy Murphy had 6 points and Tory Cordell had 5 points 2 aces and 5 kills. 2.The 8th Grade Volleyball Team lost to Springfield Catholic Central. Kelby Strapp had 7 points 1 ace and 2 kills. Mikaila McIntosh had 5 points, 4 aces and 6 kills. Camille Whitcraft had 5 points with 1 kill. The tigers are now 5-7 and play today at Miami View. 3.The JV Volleyball Team lost to Mechanicsburg last night. Emily Hyland had 18 digs and 5 kills, Taylor LeVan had 4 kills and Abbey Stewart had 3 kills, 9 digs and 3 aces. 4.The Varsity Volleyball Team also lost to Mechanicsburg. Jamie Peterson had 14 kills, 4 blocks and 13 digs. Rachel Loffing had 6 kills, 4 digs, and 2 aces. Kylee Hormann had 9 kills. 5.The JV Boys’ Soccer Team lost last night 2-0 to Greeneview. Dalton Randall played a solid game in goal recording 9 saves.

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