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CBA Programme in SAMOA Presenter: Ms. Leilani Duffy, NC/SRC GEF-Small Grants Programme / NZAID PEF SAMOA.

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Presentation on theme: "CBA Programme in SAMOA Presenter: Ms. Leilani Duffy, NC/SRC GEF-Small Grants Programme / NZAID PEF SAMOA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBA Programme in SAMOA Presenter: Ms. Leilani Duffy, NC/SRC GEF-Small Grants Programme / NZAID PEF SAMOA

2 2 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects Current SGP portfolio SGP 2005-2007: 58 projects approved, 18 under execution. Most projects completed are planning grants, current projects are full-grants between $15,000 - $50,000.00 WST Project Typologies: Theme “Capacity Building Stakeholders” GEF Focal AreaNumber of current Projects Type of Projects - CommunitiesTimeframe Biodiversity8Marine Conservation Reserves, Rainforest Conservation Areas, Eco-cultural Tourism Sites, Ecosystem Conservation (Mangrove 12 – 36 months Land Degradation4Integrated Pest Management Farm (organic vegetable gardening), Reforestation Projects on Areas Degraded from Logging and Agriculture 12-24 months Climate Change2Mangrove Ecosystem Replanting, and Rehabilitation of Village Natural Coastal Springs 12-24 months International Waters2Wetland Ecosystem Conservation, Management of Freshwater Spring habitats from waste and contamination 12-24 months POPs1Green Village – Waste Management24 months Multi-Focal Area1Marketing and monitoring SGP products – agriculture etc 24 months

3 3 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for building resilience to CC in GEB POTENTIAL PROJECT EXAMPLES Community-based tropical cyclone vulnerability reduction through ecosystem protection of mangroves, wetlands and coastal zone. Example: coastal rehabilitation, tree planting, coral reef restoration, shoreline improvement Community-based landslips / flooding vulnerability reduction through small hard solutions such as; strengthening water flow systems, waste management, reforestation to reduce soil erosion; improve water quality for consumption etc Village Consultation – Group Discussion Men and Women (Vaovai Village) Coastal erosion / mangrove ecosystem

4 4 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for cash co-financing Potential Partners Bilateral / Multi-lateral Type of Co- financing Level of Support Timeframe / Contribution AusAID (confirmed) BilateralCash ( Small Grants Scheme for the V&A) Country Level$400,000.00 AUD NZAID (indirect) BilateralTechnical Support Country Level- UNDP (potential) Multi-lateral Trac funds ParallelProject Level$50,000.00 USD JICA (potential)Bi-lateral Parallel / Technical Support Country Level? GovernmentTechnical Support Project Level NGOs -GGGMulti-lateralCash/TSProject Level$5,000.00 WST Private SectorTS / CashProject Level?

5 5 CBA Preparatory Workshop NSC Modification and Country Programme Development NSC additionComments One member – Mr. Taulealea. L. Malua Former A/Chief Executive Officer MNREM, Chairman of the National Climate Change Team, and former Chairperson of the Least Developed Country Expert Group (2001-2004) National Capacity Situation Opportunities – person appointed has wide exposure to Climate Change issues at national and international level, Constraints - obligations and commitment, this person is a consultant, and sometimes it is not easy to do volunteer work Engaging potential grantees Partnership Workshops: Donor Small Grants in Samoa - Consultative workshop with stakeholders (CBOs & NGOs / Private Sector/ Government / Regional Organization) on the CBA - Information on the programme (criteria’s, proposal formats etc) Support & Capacity Building Support and capacity building for proposals and project development is provided by the SGP Office and Technical Support from relevant government ministries

6 6 CBA Preparatory Workshop Strategies and Support for Project Development Support services for proposal development: Consultant in 2005; 5 month-intern in 2007 (CCPS, proposals ; cheap but big turn-over) Strategies for maximizing community-drivenness while ensuring proposal requirements and SPA eligibility –Inception workshop and capacity building –Little understanding of CC by CBOs. Need for local experts support, and a lot of training. –Challenge to translate local issues in CC adaptation language for proposals. Capacity building strategies for grantees (understanding climate change, writing proposals, etc) –Workshops –Site visits –Support from local experts (consultants from private sector or ministries)

7 7 CBA Preparatory Workshop Additional Slides for PDF-B Countries Lessons Learned Phase-1 Inception workshop: Stakeholder consultation mapping out a niche for CBA ; Group discussion for priority areas Government presentation on NAPA and link to CBA through communities / NGOs Development of CPS Information from inception workshop Existing literature – NAPA, PACC, NSCA, First Nat Com and Second Nat Com and previous projects CBDAMPIC, CIM Plans etc Pilot Activities Vaovai Village marine and mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation – concept paper In progress refining concept paper and resubmit to CBA Team NY CBA National Stakeholder Workshop 2005

8 8 CBA Preparatory Workshop CBA Project Process in Samoa Potential CBA Project Activities Streamlining into Samoa’s NAPA Project Profiles Water Reforestation Health E-W Agric & Food Z & SMPs Coastal Biodiversity CB CBA Outcomes CBA Outcomes Lessons Learned Best Practices Recommendations Mainstreaming into National Policies, Plans Development Priorities e.g. SDS N A T I O N A L L E V E L Country Capacity & Commitment To Adapt Country Capacity & Commitment To Adapt COMMUNITY LEVEL Adaptation Approaches 1 Hazards-based 2 Vulnerability-based 3 Adaptive capacity 4 Policy-based Adaptation Approaches 1 Hazards-based 2 Vulnerability-based 3 Adaptive capacity 4 Policy-based

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