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Slide 1 A Synthesis of Community Data and Modeling for Advancing River Basin Science: The Evolving Susquehanna River Basin Experiment Proposed Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 A Synthesis of Community Data and Modeling for Advancing River Basin Science: The Evolving Susquehanna River Basin Experiment Proposed Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 A Synthesis of Community Data and Modeling for Advancing River Basin Science: The Evolving Susquehanna River Basin Experiment Proposed Project Schedule: 12/1/06-11/30/08 PI’s: Chris Duffy, Patrick Reed, and Kevin Dressler The Pennsylvania State University

2 Slide 2 Project Goal (1): Characterizing the Active Zone  “ACTIVE ZONE” Hypothesis: –Local watershed control volume –3 partitions  1) Land surf to atm  2) Transition zone (near surface processes in canopy, root zone, etc).  3) Regolith from land surface to subsurface boundary layer (SBL) –SBL analogous to atm  Effective depth (major unknown)  Feels surface water/energy fluxes  Operates at relevant time-scales

3 Slide 3 Project Goal (2): Unification of Modeling, Digital Data, and Experimentation  Observatory Network Design Needs: –Must confront the tradeoffs between economic constraints, performance objectives, and scientific knowledge gaps –Gap analysis requires the unification of  Multi-scale predictive modeling  Digital data resources  Innovative data collection strategies  We are seeking to unify several existing efforts –PIHM –SRB Geodatabase –Real-Time Hydrologic Monitoring Network (RTH_Net)

4 Slide 4 Major Research Components  Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model –Finite volume, irregular mesh simulation –Fully coupled process formulation –Developed for platform independence and open source  SRB Geodatabase –Finalized ESRI Geodatabase for entire basin –Soils, DEM, land cover, vegetation, etc. –Will provide FTP access in the near term  Real-Time Hydrologic Monitoring Network (RTH_Net) –Exploring real-time “Active Zone” experimentation –Developing real-time multi-state water cycle observations

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