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1 Unit A Review Definitions Part 1 Definitions Part 2 Careers Descriptive Words Learning Styles Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Unit A Review Definitions Part 1 Definitions Part 2 Careers Descriptive Words Learning Styles Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Unit A Review Definitions Part 1 Definitions Part 2 Careers Descriptive Words Learning Styles Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 2 $100 Question Definitions Part 1 The practical use of scientific knowledge to get things done

3 3 $100 Answer Definitions Part 1 What is Technology

4 4 $200 Question Definitions Part 1 How important money is to your happiness

5 5 $200 Answer Definitions Part 1 What are economic values

6 6 $300 Question Definitions Part 1 This is what makes you unique

7 7 $300 Answer Definitions Part 1 What is your personality

8 8 $400 Question Definitions Part 1 The natural way people think and learn

9 9 $400 Answer Definitions Part 1 What is a learning style

10 10 $500 Question Definitions Part 1 When a person knows their thoughts, feelings, and actions, they have good

11 11 $500 Answer Definitions Part 1 Self-awareness

12 12 $100 Question Definitions Part 2 This can include your favorite activities or hobbies

13 13 $100 Answer Definitions Part 2 What are your interests

14 14 $200 Question Definitions Part 2 These are the beliefs and ideas you live by

15 15 $200 Answer Definitions Part 2 What are your values

16 16 $300 Question Definitions Part 2 This is the ability to perform a task due to training and experience.

17 17 $300 Answer Definitions Part 2 What is a skill

18 18 $400 Question Definitions Part 2 This is a skill that has already been developed

19 19 $400 Answer Definitions Part 2 What is an ability

20 20 $500 Question Definitions Part 2 The potential to learn a particular skill is known as a (n)

21 21 $500 Answer Definitions Part 2 What is an aptitude

22 22 $100 Question Careers Name a career that involves working with people

23 23 $100 Answer Careers This could be a doctor, teacher, counselor, etc.

24 24 $200 Question Careers Technology is all around us. Name a career that deals with Technology

25 25 $200 Answer Careers video producer, video game producer, audio/ video technician

26 26 $300 Question Careers Information Careers are very important to society, name one

27 27 $300 Answer Careers web-site designer, book editor, detective

28 28 $400 Question Careers The things about work that are important to you are also know as

29 29 $400 Answer Careers Work values

30 30 $500 Question Careers Skills necessary to complete a particular job are known as?

31 31 $500 Answer Careers Job-specific Skills

32 32 $100 Question Descriptive Words playing sports, dancing, cooking, or surfing the web are examples of

33 33 $100 Answer Descriptive Words interests

34 34 $200 Question Descriptive Words Working with tools, machines, and equipment describe interests in...

35 35 $200 Answer Descriptive Words Technology

36 36 $300 Question Descriptive Words Relationships, Compassion, the environment, and family are all examples of?

37 37 $300 Answer Descriptive Words Values

38 38 $400 Question Descriptive Words reading, writing, playing an instrument, or playing a sport are all examples of interests and

39 39 $400 Answer Descriptive Words skills

40 40 $500 Question Descriptive Words decision making skills, teamwork skills, social skills and listening skills are all examples of

41 41 $500 Answer Descriptive Words Transferable skills

42 42 $100 Question Learning Styles A person who likes to move around and touch is an example of a _______ learner. a. Visual b. Bodily (kinesthetic) c. Auditory (Musical)

43 43 $100 Answer Learning Styles B – Bodily (kinesthetic)

44 44 $200 Question Learning Styles A person who learns best through independent learning is a __________ learner. a. Verbal b. Mathematical c. Intrapersonal

45 45 $200 Answer Learning Styles C - Intrapersonal

46 46 $300 Question Learning Styles A person who likes to sing, hum or play an instrument is known as a ____________ learner a. Musical/rhythmic b. Logical c. Naturalistic

47 47 $300 Answer Learning Styles A - Musical/rhythmic

48 48 $400 Question Learning Styles If you learn best by saying, hearing, and seeing words, you may be a _______ learner. a. Verbal b. Kinesthetic c. Interpersonal

49 49 $400 Answer Learning Styles A - Verbal

50 50 $500 Question Learning Styles This type of learner learns best by sharing, comparing, and cooperating a. Naturalistic b. Interpersonal c. Spatial

51 51 $500 Answer Learning Styles B - Interpersonal

52 52 Final Jeopardy The test we will take in order to measure our interest versus careers which may possibly fit us is called

53 53 Final Jeopardy Answer What is an interest inventory

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