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MIS and You Chapter 1.

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1 MIS and You Chapter 1

2 Learning Objectives Know how MIS is defined.
Understand the goals of this class. Recognize the utility of the five-component framework. Know the characteristics of information. Understand the relationship between information technology (IT) and information systems (IS). Prepare to enjoy (yes!) this class.

3 What Is Management Information Systems (MIS)?
MIS is the development and use of information systems that help businesses achieve their goals and objectives There are three key elements: Components of an information systems Development and use of information systems Achieving business goals and objectives

4 Components of an Information Systems
An information system (IS) a group of components that interact to produce information. It is commonly referred to as a Computer-Based Information System.

5 Development and Use of Information Systems
You need to take an active role in the information system’s development. It does not matter if you are a programmer or database designer, or the end-user; you must be active in: Specifying the system’s requirements Helping to manage the development project Using the Information System

6 Achieving Business Goals and Objectives
Information systems exist to help people in business to achieve goals and objectives of that business.

7 What Should You Learn from This Class?
Sufficient knowledge to be an informed and effective consumer of information technology products and services Able to ask pertinent questions Able to correctly interpret the responses to your questions Make wise decisions and to manage effectively

8 Summary of MIS Course Content

9 Using the Five-Component Framework
The five-component framework can help guide your learning and thinking about IS both now and in the future. Automation occurs when a business process is moved to a computer to perform the business process The Most Important Component-YOU

10 Data vs. Information? Data consists of raw facts (i.e., a list of the exam scores for all the students in the class) Information is defined as: Knowledge derived from data Data presented in a meaningful context Data processed by summing, ordering, averaging, grouping, comparing, or other similar operations A difference that makes a difference Information is a collection of facts organized (or processed) in such a way that they have additional value (i.e., a list of the class grades based on the exam score) In a way, information is data that has been transformed into a more useful form Turning data into information is a process performed to achieve a defined outcome and requires knowledge Information is subjective; Information in one person’s context is just a data point in another person’s context.

11 Characteristics of Good Information
Accurate Timely Relevant Just barely sufficient Worth Its Cost

12 Why Study Information Systems?
"It’s the lack of understanding of the part of the upper management about how to oversee, budget, and come to grips with the real expense and value of the enterprise information infrastructure. And it’s costing companies millions of dollars in cost overruns and futile attempts to improve productivity and roll out new products" - Data Communications Make you an educated end-user Contribute in the design of new systems (in your job) Increase organizational success Advance your career Help you meet the challenges in a global market where management decisions become more complex Learn how data and information is used by the organization (information systems literacy)

13 Enjoying This Class Apply what you are learning to situations and organizations of interest to you. Think about the information systems around you. Every day you touch dozens of information systems. Begin to ask yourself about the nature of those systems. How do they impact you?

14 Summary Management information systems is the development and use of information systems that help business achieve their goals and objectives. An information system is a group of components that interact to produce information. The five components of an information system are: hardware, software, data, procedures, and people. Non-IS majors need to know about IS development because, as future users, they will provide requirements for new systems and facilitate the management of new products. The term information has four definitions. Information is subjective, one person’s data is another person’s information.

15 Video City of Cleveland, OH (IC3 & Digital Skills) (play )

16 Guides Opposing Forces Guide: Don't Need This Class
What is the purpose of this class? Reflection Guide–Duller than Dirt How does this class pertain to your professional goals? Problem Solving Guide–Understanding Perspectives and Points of View This text claims that although it is not possible to increase your IQ, it is possible to improve the quality of your thinking? Do you agree? Security Guide–Passwords and Password Etiquette What makes a strong password?

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