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A Logic Based Foundation and Analysis of Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 1.

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2 A Logic Based Foundation and Analysis of Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 1

3  Our Research Group: H. Andréka, J. X. Madarász, I. & P. Németi, G. Székely, R. Tordai. Cooperation with: L. E. Szabó, M. Rédei. Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 2

4  Analysis of the logical structure of R. Theory  Base the theory on simple, unambiguous axioms with clear meanings  Make Relativity Theory:  More transparent logically  Easier to understand and teach  Easier to change  Modular  Demystify Relativity Theory Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 3

5 Logical analysis of:  Special relativity theory Transition to:  Accelerated observers and Einstein's EP Transition to:  General relativity  Exotic space-times, black holes, wormholes  Application of general relativity to logic  Visualizations of Relativistic Effects  Relativistic dynamics, Einstein’s E=mc 2 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 4 SpecRel AccRel GenRel

6  R.T.’s as theories of First Order Logic Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 5

7 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 6 Streamlined Economical Transparent Small Rich Theorems Axioms Proofs …

8 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 7 Bodies (test particles), Inertial Observers, Photons, Quantities, usual operations on it, Worldview B IOb Ph 0 Q = number-line W Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

9 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 8 W(m, t x y z, b)  body “b” is present at coordinates “t x y z” for observer “m” t x y b (worldline) m Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

10 1. ( Q, +, ∙ ) is a field in the sense of abstract algebra (with 0, +, 1, / as derived operations) 2. 3. Ordering derived: Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 9  AxField Usual properties of addition and multiplication on Q : Q is an ordered Euclidean field. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

11 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 10  AxPh For all inertial observers the speed of light is the same in all directions and is finite. In any direction it is possible to send out a photon. t x y ph 1 ph 2 ph 3 Formalization:

12 v m (b) Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 11 What is speed? m b p ptpt psps qsqs qtqt q 1 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.

13 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 12  AxEv All inertial observers coordinatize the same events. Formalization: t x y WmWm b1b1 b2b2 m Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

14 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 13 Formalization:  AxSelf An inertial observer sees himself as standing still at the origin. t x y t = worldline of the observer m WmWm Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

15 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 14  AxSymd Any two observers agree on the spatial distance between two events, if these two events are simultaneous for both of them, and |v m (ph)|=1. Formalization: k t x y m x y t e1 e2 ph is the event occurring at p in m’s worldview Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.

16 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 15 SpecRel = {AxField, AxPh, AxEv, AxSelf, AxSymd} SpecRel Theorems Proofs … Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.

17 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 16  Thm2  Thm1 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.

18 t x y m Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 17  Proof of Thm2 (NoFTL): e1 k ph - AxSelf - AxPh e2 ph1 e3 e2 ph1 - AxEv t x y k e1 - AxField ph p q Tangent plane k asks m : where did ph and ph1 meet?

19  Thm3  SpecRel is consistent Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 18  Thm4  No axioms of SpecRel is provable from the rest  Thm5  SpecRel is complete with respect to Minkowski geometries (e.g. implies all the basic paradigmatic effects of Special Relativity - even quantitatively!) Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009.

20 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 19  Thm6  SpecRel generates an undecidable theory. Moreover, it enjoys both of Gödel’s incompleteness properties  Thm7  SpecRel has a decidable extension, and it also has a hereditarily undecidable extension. Both extensions are physically natural.

21 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 20  Moving clocks get out of synchronism. Thm8 v k (m) Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

22 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 21  Thm8 (formalization of clock asynchronism) (1) Assume e, e’ are separated in the direction of motion of m in k’s worldview, m ykyk k xkxk 1t1t v 1x1x xmxm e e’ |v| Assume SpecRel. Assume m,k IOb and events e, e’ are simultaneous for m, m xmxm e’ e Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

23 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 22 (2) e, e’ are simultaneous for k, too e, e’ are separated orthogonally to v k (m) in k’s worldview m xmxm ykyk k xkxk ymym e e’ Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

24 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 23 Thought-experiment for proving relativity of simultaneity. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

25 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 24 Thought-experiment for proving relativity of simultaneity. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

26 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 25 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

27 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 26  Moving clocks slow down  Moving spaceships shrink Thm9 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

28 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 27  Thm9 (formalization of time-dilation) Assume SpecRel. Let m,k IOb and events e, e’ are on k’s lifeline. m xmxm e e’ k 1 v k xkxk e Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

29 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 28Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

30 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 29  Thm10 (formalization of spaceship shrinking) Assume SpecRel. Let m,k,k’ IOb and assume m xmxm k k’ e’ e k x k’ Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

31 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 30Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

32 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 31 v = speed of spaceship Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

33 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 32 t x y WmWm b1b1 b2b2 m w mk ev m ev k p q Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

34 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 33  Thm11 The worldview transformations w mk are Lorentz transformations (composed perhaps with a translation). Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

35 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 34 Minkowskian Geometry: Hierarchy of theories. Interpretations between them. Definitional equivalence. Contribution of relativity to logic: definability theory with new objects definable (and not only with new relations definable). J. Madarasz’s dissertation. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

36 Conceptual analysis of SR goes on … on our homepage Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 35  New theory is coming: Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

37 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 36 AccRel = SpecRel + AccObs. AccRel is stepping stone to GenRel via Einstein’s EP AccRel Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

38 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 37 The same as for SpecRel. Recall that Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

39  Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 38 World-view transformation t x y WmWm b1b1 b2b2 m w mk Cd(k) ev m ev k Cd(m) Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

40  AxCmv At each moment p of his worldline, the accelerated observer k “sees” (=coordinatizes) the nearby world for a short while as an inertial observer m does, i.e. “the linear approximation of w mk at p is the identity”. Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 39 kOb mIOb p Formalization: Let F be an affine mapping (definable). Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

41 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 40 The Vienna Circle and Hungary, Vienna, May 19-20, 2008 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

42 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 41Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

43 AxEv - If m “sees” k participate in an event, then k cannot deny it. Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 42 t x y WmWm k b2b2 m t x y WkWk b2b2 k Formalization: Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

44  AxSelf -  The world-line of any observer is an open interval of the time-axis, in his own world-view  AxDif  The worldview transformations have linear approximations at each point of their domain (i.e. they are differentiable).  AxCont  Bounded definable nonempty subsets of Q have suprema. Here “definable” means “definable in the language of AccRel, parametrically”. Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 43Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

45 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 44 AccRel = SpecRel + AxCmv + AxEv - + AxSelf - + AxDif + AxCont AccRel Theorems Proofs …

46  Thm101 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 45 Appeared: Found. Phys. 2006, Madarász, J. X., Németi, I., Székely, G. IOb Ob t1t1 t1’t1’ t t’ Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

47 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 46  Acceleration causes slow time. Thm102 a k (m) Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

48 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 47  Thm102  I.e., clocks at the bottom of spaceship run slower than the ones at the nose of the spaceship, both according to nose and bottom (watching each other by radar). Appeared: Logic for XXIth Century. 2007, Madarász, J. X., Németi, I., Székely, G. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

49 ACCELERATING SPACEFLEET Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 48Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

50 ACCELERATING SPACEFLEET Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 49Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

51 ACCELERATING SPACEFLEET Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 50Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

52 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 51 + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

53 h 0 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 52  Thm103 Proof: We will present a recipe for constructing a world-view for any accelerated observer living on a differentiable “time-like” curve (in a vertical plane): r 0 m wline m h q d Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

54 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED OBSERVERS Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 53 World-lines are Minkowski-circles (hyperbolas) Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

55 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED OBSERVERS Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 54 Result of the general recipe Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

56 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED OBSERVERS Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 55Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

57 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATING SPACESHIP Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 56 outside viewinside view Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

58 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATING SPACESHIP Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 57 1. Length of the ship does not change seen from inside. Captain measures length of his ship by radar: Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

59 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATING SPACESHIP Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 58 2. Time runs slower at the rear of the ship, and faster at the nose of ship. Measured by radar: Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

60 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 59 via Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

61 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 60 -7 μs/day because of the speed of sat. approx. 4 km/s (14400 km/h) +45 μs/day because of gravity Relativistic Correction: 38 μs/day approx. 10 km/day Global Positioning System Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

62 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 61 via Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

63 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 62 via Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

64 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 63 via Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

65 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 64 Breaking the Turing-barrier via GR Relativistic Hyper Computing Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

66 Conceptual analysis of AccRel goes on … on our homepage Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 65  New theory is coming: Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

67 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 66 Einstein’s strong Principle of Relativity: “All observers are equivalent” (same laws of nature) Abolish different treatment of inertial and accelerated observers in the axioms Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

68 Language of GenRel: the same as that of SpecRel. Recipe to obtain GenRel from AccRel: delete all axioms from AccRel mentioning IOb. But retain their IOb-free logical consequences. Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 67 AxSelf AxPh AxSymt AxEv AxSelf- AxPh- AxSymt- AxEv- AxCmv AxDif Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

69  AxPh- The velocity of photons an observer “meets” is 1 when they meet, and it is possible to send out a photon in each direction where the observer stands  AxSym- Meeting observers see each other’s clocks slow down with the same rate Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 68 mOb 1t1t 1 t’ Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

70 The Vienna Circle and Hungary, Vienna, May 19-20, 2008Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 69 GenRel = AxField +AxPh - +AxEv - + AxSelf - +AxSymt - +AxDif+AxCont GenRel Theorems Proofs …

71 Manifold  Thm1002  GenRel is complete wrt Lorentz manifolds. The Vienna Circle and Hungary, Vienna, May 19-20, 2008Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 70 k’ p k LpLp M=Events ev m ev k w km wkwk wmwm Metric:

72 UNIFORMLY ACCELERATED OBSERVERS Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 71Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

73  How to use GenRel? Recover IOb’s by their properties In AccRel by the “twin paradox theorem” IOb’s are those observers who maximize wristwatch-time locally Recover LIFs Relativity Theory and Logic Page: 72 Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

74 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 73 Timelike means: exist comoving observer Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

75 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 74Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

76 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 75

77 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 76Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

78 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 77Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

79 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 78Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

80 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 79 More in our papers in General Relativity and Gravitation 2008 & in 2008 Lightcones open up. Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

81 Relativity Theory and LogicPage: 80 More concrete material available from our group: (1) Logic of Spacetime (2) in Foundation of Physics (3) First-order logic foundation of relativity theories (4) FOL 75 papers (5) our e-book on conceptual analysis of SpecRel (6) More on István Németi's homepage (Some papers available, and some recent work) Thank you! Logic Colloquium, Sofia, July 31 – August 6 2009

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