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Generational Survey Attitudes Towards Use of Technology and Impact on Teamwork.

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Presentation on theme: "Generational Survey Attitudes Towards Use of Technology and Impact on Teamwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generational Survey Attitudes Towards Use of Technology and Impact on Teamwork

2 About the survey…  Purpose To assess differing views by generation towards technology in team meetings To assess the impact of “continuous partial attention” on team effectiveness, cohesiveness and satisfaction  Survey delivery methods Online/web-based  Invitation/link sent via email  Link published on school announcement page Paper—completed hardcopy entered online  Respondents Staff, faculty and students at a Mid-Atlantic college 197 completed surveys

3 Meeting Types N=197 N=5N=66N=92N=34 Select your birth year:What types of team meetings do you attend most frequently?

4 Meetings Attended How many team meetings per week do you attend? How many members on your teams? N=197

5 Technology Communication Methods N=5N=66 N=92 N=34 How important are the following communications methods to you? Very Important5 Somewhat Important4 Somewhat unimportant3 Not important2 Do not have one1

6 Personal Technology Use During Meetings N=4 N=62 N=88 N=33 How often do you use the following during meetings? Always5 Frequently4 Sometimes3 Rarely2 Never1

7 Why do you use a Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=69

8 Why do you use a Cell Phone in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=187

9 Why do you use a Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting? (Check all that apply) N=163

10 Survey Results N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 AppropriatenessTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y It is appropriate for you to use your Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting 3.0 It is appropriate for you to use your Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for you to use your Cell Phone in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their Blackberry/PDA in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their Notebook/Laptop computer in a team meeting setting It is appropriate for your team member to use their cell phone in a team meeting setting 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree

11 Survey Results (continued0 N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 EffectivenessTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Use of Blackberries/PDAs in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team Use of Notebook/Laptop computers in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team Use of cell phones in a team meeting setting positively impacts the effectiveness of the team 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree

12 Survey Results (continued) N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 Cohesiveness/synergyTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Use of Blackberries/PDAs in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team Use of Notebook/Laptop computers in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team Use of cell phones in a team meeting setting positively impacts the cohesiveness/synergy of the team 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree

13 Survey Results (continued) N=197N=5N=66N=92N=34 SatisfactionTotal VeteranBoomerGen XGen Y Your overall satisfaction in working on a team or group is dependent on the effectiveness of the team Your overall satisfaction in working on a team or group is dependent on the cohesiveness/synergy of the team 5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree 2= Disagree 1=Strongly Disagree

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