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Institutional Development Institutional Effectiveness Public Information.

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1 Institutional Development Institutional Effectiveness Public Information

2 Major Functions Institutional Effectiveness Provide leadership for CFCC strategic planning and assessment (IE) process to demonstrate how well CFCC is fulfilling its mission and goals

3 Major Functions Institutional Effectiveness Ensure that CFCC IE process meets  SACS Criteria for Accreditation  legislative and state board accountability requirements  our own CFCC requirements

4 Major Functions Institutional Effectiveness Provide research support for Institutional Effectiveness  collect and compile college data  publish internal/external documents & reports  respond to ad hoc requests

5 Who’s Who Staff  G. Shaver, VP of Institutional Development  Patsy Lackey, Administrative Assistant Clients  internal: faculty& staff ; 90+ planning unit managers  external: SACS, Feds, NCCCS, community, other colleges

6 Assessment of Functions (SWOT)  President’s feedback  Institutional Effectiveness Committee  Peer Review  Compare to other college’s best practices  Anecdotal Feedback  Faculty/Staff Survey  Quality of Products  Critical Self-evaluation

7 FT Faculty and Staff Survey Results 1. Staff is courteous and helpful. 82% Agree/Strongly Agree 15% NA 2. Requests for services or information are handled within a reasonable time. 82% Agree/Strongly Agree 15% NA 3. Assistance provided to departments in planning for IE is satisfactory. 58% Agree/Strongly Agree 36% NA

8 FT Faculty and Staff Survey Results 4. The process and procedures for planning and IE are effectively communicated. 61% Agree/Strongly Agree 27% NA 5. Products (FACT BOOK, Program Review Reports, and other documents) are of good quality. 65% Agree/Strongly Agree 30% NA

9 Trends / IE Challenges Communication  Trends - growing college; employee turnover  Challenges - resources; customer service; perceptions/attitudes Technology  Trend - electronic communication is the norm  Challenges - employee resistance to use technology (e-mail, SPOL, Internet, Intranet); resistance to change; information overload

10 Strengths President’s leadership IE leadership at all levels of college Bottom-up process Flexibility IE process brings us together  to take stock  to recognize & work towards shared goals

11 2001-2002 Planning Priorities Improve Communication of Institutional Effectiveness Process and Procedures (College Goals #3, #11, #13) Develop a new, user friendly IE web page  who, what, when, where, & how of IE  links to IE information & documents  resource for everyone

12 2001-2002 Planning Priorities In partnership with IRCC and CPCC, develop and implement training modules in Strategic Planning On-Line (SPOL) to inform & help users with process & procedures  Tutorial menu  Tips on writing good objectives with examples  PowerPoint  Voice narrated & close captioned  printable

13 2001-2002 Planning Priorities Strengthen procedures for linking planning and budgeting  work with C. Rice to include CFCC budget info in SPOL  test system  train users on budget portion  use system to prepare FY2002-2003 budget requests

14 2001-2002 Planning Priorities Evaluate Annual Program Review Process  no longer an NCCCS mandate  an instructional function  51+ curriculum programs; 12 pre-majors  meet with instruction & evaluate APR purpose  amend as needed

15 2001-2002 Planning Priorities Increase access to college data and information analysis tools  attend training to utilize NCCCS data warehouse and analytical tools for creating ad hoc reports

16 2001-2002 Planning Priorities Update SACS On-Line Compliance System  modify system to include revised SACS Criteria (after December 2001)  involve users in review and update


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