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Welcome to Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church Why the Catholic Church Part I August 31, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church Why the Catholic Church Part I August 31, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church Why the Catholic Church Part I August 31, 2004

2 Why are you here? 2000 years ago, in the Near East, Jesus Christ established His Church. What became of that Church? What did Christians do for the 400 years before the Bible was compiled? How did they worship? What is “worship”? Who were the martyrs in the Roman Coliseum? What were they taught such that they died for what they believed? Who taught them? Saint Stephen’s invites you to learn the answer to these questions and many more from people who know & live this ancient faith as it has been constantly taught for 2000 years. `

3 Why are you here? Former Catholic? Inactive Catholic? Desire to return to the Church? (but don’t know what to do?) Saint Stephen’s Catholic Church invites you to come home! If you were raised in the Church but haven’t attended (for any length time), we invite you to an orientation meeting hosted by those who have learned the faith, returned to it & now live it! ALSO, if you are a Catholic in a marital relationship and:  You were not married in the Church  Your marriage is not blessed  Your marriage is a common-law marriage  Your marriage was a civil marriage  You have re-married  Your spouse is not Catholic Saint Stephen’s offers a spiritual process of reconciliation leading to full communion with the Church.

4 Why are you here? RCIA

5 You are in the right place! The 2000 year-old church, former Catholic & RCIA

6 The Church Infant TIME: 30ad PLACE: Mount Olivet WHO: 11 apostles “All authority in heaven & on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…”

7 The Church Infant TIME: 30ad PLACE: Mount Olivet WHO: 11 apostles “All authority in heaven & on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…” “You are those who have continued with me in my trials; and I assign to you, as my Father assigned to me, a Kingdom…”

8 The Church Infant “…you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” TIME: 30ad future PLACE: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria end of the earth WHO: 11 apostles

9 The Church Infant



12 The Acts of the Apostles

13 The Church Infant The Acts of the Apostles: WHO & WHERE Jerusalem Apostles scattered throughout Judea & Samaria (8:1) Saul in Damascus Peter in Lydia, Joppa, Caesarea Stephen in Phoenicia, Cyprus, Antioch

14 The Church Infant The Acts of the Apostles: WHO & WHERE Jerusalem Apostles scattered throughout Judea & Samaria (8:1) Saul in Damascus Peter in Lydia, Joppa, Caesarea Stephen in Phoenicia, Cyprus, Antioch Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus

15 The Church Infant



18 MAR 16:20 And they went forth & preached everywhere while the Lord worked with them... COL 1:23 …the gospel…has been preached to every creature under Heaven... Mission accomplished?

19 The Church Infant Passing of the first generation... 2PET 1:14 - 15 I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. And I will see to it that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.

20 The Church Infant Passing of the first generation... 2PET 1:14 - 15 I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. And I will see to it that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. 2TIM 4:6 …the time for my departure has come..

21 The Church Infant 2TIM 2:2 what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Passing of the teachings...

22 The Church Infant Passing of the teachings... 2TIM 2:2 what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Me: 1st generation You: 2nd generation

23 The Church Infant 2TIM 2:2 what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Me: 1st generation You: 2nd generation Men: 3rd generation Passing of the teachings...

24 The Church Infant 2TIM 2:2 what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Me: 1st generation You: 2nd generation Men: 3rd generation Others: 4th generation Passing of the teachings...

25 The Church Infant Passing on of authority... MAT 28:18 All authority has been granted to me...

26 The Church Infant Passing on of authority... MAT 28:18 All authority granted to me... ACT 1:20 His office, let another take (episkope - “bishop”)

27 The Church Infant Passing on of authority... MAT 28:18 All authority granted to me... ACT 1:20, 20:28 (Eph), PHI 1:1, TIM episkope - “bishop”

28 The Church Infant Passing on of authority... MAT 28:18 All authority granted to me... ACT 6, TIM, PHI 1:1 diakonos laid their hands on... 1TIM 4:14, TIT 1:5 presbuteros (“priest”) laid their hands on… presbuteros in every city…

29 The Church Infant Passing on by being sent... Sent Hear ROM 10:14 - 15 How are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?

30 The Church Infant Passing on by being sent... Sent Hear Believe ROM 10:14 - 15 How are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?

31 The Church Infant Passing on by being sent... ROM 10:14 - 15 How are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent? Sent Hear Believe Call on the Lord

32 The Church: Next Generation

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