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Presentation on theme: "OUT-OF-POCKET SPENDING ON TB AND HIV INFECTIONS IN MIDDLE- BELT, NIGERIA BY (1)UMEH, E.U., (2)UMEH, J.C. and (1)UDEH, L. (1)Dept. of Biological Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 OUT-OF-POCKET SPENDING ON TB AND HIV INFECTIONS IN MIDDLE- BELT, NIGERIA BY (1)UMEH, E.U., (2)UMEH, J.C. and (1)UDEH, L. (1)Dept. of Biological Sciences (2)Department of Agricultural Economics University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria

2 Outline of presentation Background Purpose of study Materials and methods Results & Discussion Conclusion

3 Background TB and HIV are two of the world’s greatest public threats. Each constitutes a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa Nigeria is ranked the 4 th country having the highest TB burden: and the disease in combination with HIV presents very devastating effects.

4 Purpose of Study: Literature on the cost implication of the HIV/TB on rural communities in Middle-Belt, Nigeria appears to be limited. Consequently, this study was aimed at investigating The status of the diseases and their cost implications

5 Materials and Methods The study was conducted in a semi-urban area; and the study population consisted of patients seeking medical attention in public health facilities in the local government area. Microscopic examination of early morning sputum HIV testing – blood samples were collected from patients.

6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Almost two in five (37.2%, n = 186) persons out of the 500 patients examined were infected with AFB+, HIV+, or both AFB and HIV positive. – 133 of these (71.5%) were positive for AFB, and 79 (42.5%) positive for HIV. The incidence of TB was higher in HIV + than in HIV – ones About one-third of HIV+ patients had TB; a lower figure was found in non- HIV infected persons.

7 Table 1: Socio-economics of HIV and TB in patients infected patients (N=186) VariablesCoinfectedHIVTB SEX Males12 (12.6)35 (36.8)72 (75.8) Females14 (15.4)44 (48.4)61 (67.0) Total26 (14.0)79 (42.5)133 (71.5) AGE 0-100 (0)3 (15.0)17 (85.0) < 2013 (20.0)25 (38.5)53 (81.5) <305 (13.5)21 (56.8) <405 (12.8)18 (46.2)26 (66.7) <502 (14.3)8 (57.1) <601 (9.1)4 (36.4)8 (72.7) Total26 (14.0)79 (42.5)133 (71.5)* OCCUPATION Farmers14 (20.9)31 (46.3)50 (74.6) Carpenters6 (11.8)29 (49.0)32 (62.7) Civil servant1 (6.7)8 (53.3) student5 (10.6)12 (25.540 (85.1) Others0 (0)3 (50.0) Total26 (14.0)P>0.05 Table 1: Socio-economics of HIV and TB in patients infected patients (N=186)

8 VariablesCoinfectedHIVTB SPENDING N 2500=1 (11.105 (55.6) N 3000-10000=25 (14.1)74 (41.8)128 (72.3) 26 (14.0)79 (42.5)133 (71.5) EFFECT ON WORK Stopped work6 (20.7)12 (41.4)23 (79.3) Did not stop work0 (0)3 (50.0) total6 (17.1)15 (42.9)26 (74.3) TREATMENT SOUGHT Native11 (22.4)26 (53.1)34 (69.4) Orthodox15 (10.9)53 (38.7)99 (72.3) Total26 (14.0)*79 (42.5)133 (71.5) DISTANCE Near7 (17.9)22 (56.4)24 (61.5) Far19 (12.9)57 (38.8)109 (74.1) Total26 (14.0)79 (42.5)*133 (71.5) Receive care20 (12.7)60 (38.0)118 (74.7) Does not receive6 (21.4)19 (67.9)15 (53.6) Total26 (14.0)79 (42.5)*133 (71.5)* CARE-GIVERS Nobody6 (21.4)19 (67.9)15 (53.6) Wife6 (11.5)22 (42.3)36 (69.2) Children1 (11.1)4 (44.4)6 (66.7) Husband8 (21.6)16 (43.2)29 (78.4) Parents5 (8.3)18 (30.0)47 (78.3) Total26 (14.0)79 (42.5)*133 (71.5)* Table 2: Socio-economic variables on the HIV, TB, and Coinfection (n = 186)

9 1.x 1.787 ** 1.664 **.0621.007.050-.0491.184 **.200 **.056-.0361 -.055-.088.017-.050-.644 ** 1 -.300 ** -.265 ** -.164 ** -.010.005.0361 -.016-.029.010.041-.171 **.165 **.0751.227 **.229 **.110-.055-.110.095-.316 **.0091.027.066-.037-.134 ** -.082.086-.213 **.083.225 ** 1 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2- tailed). hiv/tb coinf Tb status HIV status Sex age occupation amount_spent treatment stop_work receives_care Table 3: Correlation coefficients of Socio-economic variables on HIV/TB coinfection, TB, and HIV,


11 CONCLUSION Interventions to boost the economic base of rural inhabitants will go a long way to alleviate the sufferings of HIV and tuberculosis patients in Nigeria.


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