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Unfreezing Leadership Bill Easum seminar

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1 Unfreezing Leadership Bill Easum seminar



4 Preserving facilitiesBeing with Jesus Maintaining PoliciesDeveloping Mission Protecting OfficesDying to the world Membership PrivilegesServanthood Supporting DenominationTraveling with Jesus Taking Care of PeopleTransforming People Frozen Unfrozen

5 Frozen: Top down –Command and Control –Stifle Story Unfrozen: Bottom up –Out of Control –Innovation Story


7 Grace Think Feel Law Who’s in control? There must be more than this What’s our purpose? How can we do it better? 1 2 3 4

8 No entire congregation is in only one sphere Every congregation has one dominant attitude –Determined by those in power Determining which attitude dominates the leadership is where transformation begins

9 Deciders Doers Ignored Dreamers Leaders

10 Grace Think Law Policies, Controlled, Centralized, Top Down U n h e a l t h y C h u r c h Feel

11 Am I clear about what God wants me to do? Is my call worth suffering for? How badly do I want to transform this congregation? Almost always: only the pastor can move the church out of it –And most of the time, the pastor loses a job trying.

12 Feel Grace Think Law Confusion, Uncertainty, Conflict U n h e a l t h y C h u r c h

13 Some Doers become Dreamers The more Dreamers, the more confusion The more confusion, the more Controllers try to control Transformation Key: –Fan the discontent –Spend time with the Dreamers

14 Feel Grace Think Law Permission, Decentralized, Bottom Up Invite,Grow, & send H e a l t h y C h u r c h MVVMVV

15 Growth (especially numerical) is normal and often explosive Confusion is normal in the early stages Transformation key –Develop leaders and systems

16 Feel Grace Think Law Balance Regroup Breather Improve H e a l t h y C h u r c h MVVMVV

17 Congregations go into Sphere Four when –Leaders become tired –Leaders are hard to find –Growth outstrips the ability to grow enough leaders –Rapid growth is degrading the quality of life Warning: if a church goes into sphere 4 to rest from sphere 3 and stays too long … they subtly go into sphere 1! –Often during and after a building project

18 Grace Think Feel Law M V V Permission- Giving,Trust, Decentralized, Passion, Mission, Order, Common Sense, Balance


20 Anything that destabilizes the status quo to where: –The systems story is destabilized –The leaders do something radically new Nine unfreezing moves –Five foundational, then final four supplemental


22 Find the appropriate unfreezing move Focus on it long enough to destabilize system Align everything and everyone around the unfreezing move


24 Spiritual leadership –Sooner or later everything depends on this –Career-oriented professionals or martyrs? –Preaching, teaching, conversations, teaching Functions around trust No major on-going conflict –You should not proceed is this is present Desire to connect with the world –This is the primary goal

25 Unfreezing move #3: –a clear Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) –Purpose –core values V.A.B.E.’s


27 4. Indigenous Worship 5. Mobilized Congregation 6. Missional Opportunities

28 Unfreezing move #3: Indigenous … not “contemporary!” Definition: in language, technology, and culture of the people Safe, relevant place to have an authentic experience with God Easiest way to grow a church and easiest way to get in trouble –Best: start a new service rather than change the existing church –Multiple tracks of worship are key When invested in, always becomes largest service in 2- 4 years Seeker/believer services aren’t needed on the road to mission

29 ModernHigh-Modern Bridge Postmodern Speaker: Speaker: Orator Communicator Sojourner Content: Reason Truth Experience Offer: Morals Advice Hope Moving toward indigenous worship in America:

30 Frozen Unfrozen Information Transformation DoctrineExperience HeritageCommunity ReverenceHope


32 Unfreezing move #4 requires: 1.Identifying those who are ready 2.Recruiting those who are willing 3.Discerning those who are open to coaching 4.Equipping those who commit the time 5.Deploying those who finish the race 6.Coaching them along in their ministry

33 1.“How can we assist you?” –Not, “What can you do for us?” 2.Unpaid Servants –Not volunteers 3.Called –Not nominated and electing 4.Matched to gift –Not coordinated or directed


35 Everyone training everyone Span of care: ten –Every 10 people have a pastor Key: the first fractal must represent the mission in macrocosm

36 Music Visuals The Arts Logistics

37 Writers I nstru- ments Singers ?

38 Drums Keyboard Piano Organist

39 Unfreezing Move #5 never gives people “service opportunities” without making sharing Christ the core –Habitat can build a house –The only thing we can do that no one else can: share Christ You need entry level service opportunities for new people

40 Missions CommitteeMissional Attitude Active/InvolvedDiscipled ProgramsReason for Being Service GroupRedemptive Movement Raising MoneySending People Sphere 1 & 2 Sphere 3 & 4


42 Institutional Road To Mission Don’t do Unfreeze #6 until the first 5 are well in place! #6

43 ` The pastor who spends 80% of time equipping people for ministry will almost never work more than 30 hours a week –Which will be spent on development of own spiritual life and how to communicate it #7

44 Team Leader Lay Mobil Worship Out Reach Admin

45 Sphere 1 & 2 = 1 to 100 in worship Sphere 3 & 4 = 1 to 200+ in worship

46 “Thou shalt not love thy buildings more than God” Place is to the 20 th century what relationships are to the 21 st century The coming use of space in the next 25 years: –Multiple sites, church-planting centers, and selling property –Soon, most innovative churches will have 2-3+ meeting places The 80% rule #8

47 The more the DNA is embedded, the more radical the giver –Leadership must role model radical generosity Trust of the leaders is essential Your mission must be relevant Involve people in hands-on mission #9



50 Unfreezing Leadership Bill Easum seminar

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