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Commitment to Excellence

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Presentation on theme: "Commitment to Excellence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commitment to Excellence
Nursing Faculty Orientation Wanda Cloer, Service Excellence Coach Fall 2015

2 Agenda Commitment to Excellence Goal
Value Based Purchasing and Patient Experience Survey AIDET Hourly Rounding Bedside Shift Report (BSSR)

3 Commitment to Excellence Goal

4 C2E Objective To achieve excellence (i.e., at least top quartile performance) in employee satisfaction, quality, service, and operational performance.

5 Value Based Purchasing Patient Experience Survey

6 Value Based Purchasing
$2.6 million

7 Patient Experience Survey (HCAHPS)
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Comparing “Apples to Apples” 9 Composites and 31 Questions Frequency Survey

8 Perception of Care Correlates to Quality & Finance
Quality of care is directly correlated to patient’s satisfaction: Quality of care was significantly better in hospitals that performed better on HCAHPS Source: Jha AK, et al. NEJM 2008; 359: Patient’s favorable perception of experience is linked to improved clinical care, reduced medical error, and advanced performance outcomes Hospital financial performance is directly impacted by quality of care. As quality improves, key financial performance indicators improve


10 A I D E T AIDET Acknowledge Introduce Duration Explanation Thank You
Communication Tool A Acknowledge I Introduce D Duration E Explanation T Thank You

11 Increased Clinical Outcomes and Increased Patient Satisfaction
The AIDET Advantage Decreased anxiety with increased compliance Decreased Anxiety Improved Compliance Increased Clinical Outcomes and Increased Patient Satisfaction + =

12 Hourly Rounding

13 What If You Could….. Reduce call lights by 38%
Reduce patient falls by 50% Reduce skin breakdown by 14% Improve patient satisfaction by 12 points AND Gain back 166 hours per month back to nursing staff?

14 Hourly Rounding

15 8 Behaviors of Hourly Rounding
Key words/Introduction Perform scheduled tasks Address Pain, Potty, Position Address other comfort needs Conduct environmental rounds Use closing key words/actions Explain when you will return Document the round on log

16 Bedside Shift Report (BSSR)

17 What is BSSR? Nursing staff conducts shift change report at the patient’s bedside Report should take about minutes per patient

18 Purpose To engage the patient and family in hospital care
To share accurate and useful information between nurses, patients, and families To ensure safe hand-offs To improve quality care and optimal patient outcomes

19 Benefits of BSSR WINS for the Patient
Our patients will feel involved in their care Our patients will feel informed which increases trust and compliance with their plan of care Our patients will be more satisfied because they know what things will be done and monitored during the next shift Our patients will know who their nurse and other caregivers are at the beginning of the shift

20 Benefits of BSSR WINS for You:
More time! BSSR is proven to reduce time in report as you have to keep report focused on the patient and what is reported follows a standard approach Real-time shared assessments with another RN for critical patients care elements such as wounds, drains, central lines Accountability. BSSR means you don’t walk into a patient room after report and find an infiltrated IV side or a urine soaked bed Your patients are safer! If you have questions that off-going care provider is right there with you.


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